Now showing items 1-20 of 27

    • A New 3D Spring for Deformable Object Animation 

      Jeong, Il-Kwon; Lee, Inho (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      A new3D spring for deformable object animation is proposed. Currently mass-spring system is most widely used in a deformable object animation as well as cloth animation. In order to perform a realistic cloth animation using ...
    • Image-based Extraction of Material Reflectance Properties of a 3D Rigid Object 

      Erdem, M. Erkut; Erdem, I. Aykut; Atalay, Volkan (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this study, we concentrate on the extraction of reflectance properties of a 3D rigid object from its 2D images and the other aim of this work is rendering the object in real-time with photorealistic quality in varying ...
    • VR Game Interfaces for Interaction onto 3D Display 

      Choi, Jeong-Dan; Jang, Byung-Tae; Hwang, Chi-Jeong (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes the VR game interfaces for interaction onto 3D display. The challenge we are interested in is how to build and use a low cost 3D display that satisfies semi-immersive requirements and how to coordinate ...
    • Real time positioning system based on active stereo and facial features identification 

      Frosio, Iuri; Lanzarotti, Raffaella; Campadelli, Paola; Ferrigno, Giancarlo; Borghese, N. Alberto (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We propose a new system for patient’s head positioning for radiology and radiotherapy. The system is constituted of two low-cost digital cameras and a digital projector. As a first step a bright pattern is projected onto ...
    • Fast Marching farthest point sampling 

      Moenning, Carsten; Dodgson, Neil A. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We introduce the Fast Marching farthest point sampling (FastFPS) approach for the progressive sampling of planar domains and curved manifolds in triangulated, point cloud or implicit form. By using Fast Marching methods2, ...
    • Interactive demo: OpenGLfly, version Euskadi 

      Gómez de Segura, José Daniel; Fernández, Borja; Peral, Rosa; López, Susana; Ibáñez, Eduardo (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes the demo associated to one of our projects, which is currently under development. The version presented can be considered as a large terrain simulation over the Basque Country area (North of Spain), ...
    • Large XML Document Manager and Visualizer 

      Merienne, J. P.; Jacquemin, C. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This work presents an interactive Graphical User Interface used to display and manipulate collection of large XML documents. It relies on a geometrical model that combines hierarchical and sequential representations. In ...
    • Resampling structured grids into regular ones 

      Dimitrov, Leonid I.; Kolcun, Aleksej; Sramek, Milos (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Structured grids and some of their applications in natural sciences are discussed. The problem of their visualization and quantitative evaluation is considered and possible ways for its solution sketched. Resampling a ...
    • Polygon-Polygon Collision Detection in 2D 

      Jiménez Delgado, Juan J.; Segura Sánchez, Rafael J.; Feito Higueruela, Francisco R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Collision detection between moving objects is an open question which raises major problems concerning its algorithmic complexity. In this paper we present a polygon collision detection algorithm which uses polygon decomposition ...
    • Certosa virtual museum: a dynamic multilevel desktop VR application 

      Calori, L.; Diamanti, T.; Guidazzoli, A.; Liguori, M. C.; Mauri, M. A.; Valentini, L. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Starting from the exigencies of restoration, safeguard and promotion set by Bologna City Council for its Museum of the Certosa Cemetery, a multilevel application has been developed. Its main features are dynamic generation ...
    • GreenArt: A Tool for Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Plants and Trees 

      Campos, C.; Quirós, R.; Huerta, J.; Camahort, E.; Lluch, J.; Vivo, R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Plant and tree rendering is critical to many computer graphics applications, like interactive walkthroughs, architectural presentations, entertaintment and computer games. Current research focuses on realistic modeling and ...
    • Parametric Foveation for Progressive Texture and Model Transmission 

      Cheng, Irene; Basu, Anup; Pan, Yixin (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Spatially varying sensing (foveation) has been used in many different areas of Computer Vision, such as image compression and video teleconferencing and in perceptually driven Level of Detail (LOD) representations in ...
    • Predictive fixed-frame rate tessellation of NURBS surfaces 

      Sanchez, H.; Moreno, A.; Garcia-Alonso, A. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this work we propose a predictive fixed-frame rate scheme that shows how to control the visualization frame rate using uniform dynamic tessellation. Similar to previous works5; 6, tessellation quality criteria is based ...
    • A Spatial Representation for Ray-Scene Intersection Test Improvement in Complex Scenes 

      Revelles, J.; Aguilera, N.; Aguado, J.; Lastra, M.; Garcia, R.; Montes, R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a spatial representation based on a hierarchical structure using the well-known spatial indexing structure called octree. There are very useful spatial representations for scenes whose objects can be distributed ...
    • Multi-resolution modelling of terrains by using non restricted quadtree triangulation 

      Aguilera, A.; Torres, J. C.; Feito, F. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      The interactive visualization of terrains requires the processing of a high amount of data in real time, usually it is not possible to work with all of them on main in memory. In this work we present, a method which solves ...
    • Ashli – Advanced Shading Language Interface 

      Preetham, Arcot J.; Bleiweiss, Avi (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      The support for IEEE floating point computation and the exposure of shading functionality in a standardize API form have made graphics hardware a viable workflow solution to an artist involved in digital content creation ...
    • Persepolis: Recovering history with a handheld camera 

      Sainz, M.; Susin, A.; Cervantes, A.; Bagherzadeh, N. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this paper we present new improvements to our novel pipeline for image based modeling of objects using a camcorder. Our system takes an uncalibrated sequence of images recorded around a scene, it automatically recovers ...
    • Virtual Modelling 

      Kiss, Szilárd; Nijholt, Anton; Zwiers, Job (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We concentrate our efforts on building virtual modelling environments where the content creator uses controls (widgets) as an interactive adjustment modality for the properties of the edited objects. Besides the advantage ...
    • Point in Solid Tests for Triangle Meshes. Comparative Study 

      Ogayar, Carlos J.; Segura, Rafael J.; Feito, Francisco R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This document presents a comparative study of several point inclusion tests for triangle meshes. We also discuss some issues about the usefulness of each method depending on the situation, taking into account memory and ...
    • 3D Model Search Engine Based on Lightfield Descriptors 

      Shen, Yu-Te; Chen, Ding-Yun; Tian, Xiao-Pei; Ouhyoung, Ming (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      With the development of modern 3D modelling and digitizing tools, more and more models have been created recently, which leads to the necessity of the technique of 3D model retrieval system. Our 3D model search engine has ...