Polygon Laplacian Made Robust by Dennis R. Bukenberger

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • DivaTrack: Diverse Bodies and Motions from Acceleration-Enhanced 3-Point Trackers 

    Yang, Dongseok; Kang, Jiho; Ma, Lingni; Greer, Joseph; Ye, Yuting; Lee, Sung-Hee (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Full-body avatar presence is important for immersive social and environmental interactions in digital reality. However, current devices only provide three six degrees of freedom (DOF) poses from the headset and two controllers ...
  • OptFlowCam: A 3D-Image-Flow-Based Metric in Camera Space for Camera Paths in Scenes with Extreme Scale Variations 

    Piotrowski, Lisa; Motejat, Michael; Rössl, Christian; Theisel, Holger (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Interpolation between camera positions is a standard problem in computer graphics and can be considered the foundation of camera path planning. As the basis for a new interpolation method, we introduce a new Riemannian ...
  • Cinematographic Camera Diffusion Model 

    Jiang, Hongda; Wang, Xi; Christie, Marc; Liu, Libin; Chen, Baoquan (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Designing effective camera trajectories in virtual 3D environments is a challenging task even for experienced animators. Despite an elaborate film grammar, forged through years of experience, that enables the specification ...
  • Stylized Face Sketch Extraction via Generative Prior with Limited Data 

    Yun, Kwan; Seo, Kwanggyoon; Seo, Chang Wook; Yoon, Soyeon; Kim, Seongcheol; Ji, Soohyun; Ashtari, Amirsaman; Noh, Junyong (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Facial sketches are both a concise way of showing the identity of a person and a means to express artistic intention. While a few techniques have recently emerged that allow sketches to be extracted in different styles, ...
  • GANtlitz: Ultra High Resolution Generative Model for Multi-Modal Face Textures 

    Gruber, Aurel; Collins, Edo; Meka, Abhimitra; Mueller, Franziska; Sarkar, Kripasindhu; Orts-Escolano, Sergio; Prasso, Luca; Busch, Jay; Gross, Markus; Beeler, Thabo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    High-resolution texture maps are essential to render photoreal digital humans for visual effects or to generate data for machine learning. The acquisition of high resolution assets at scale is cumbersome, it involves ...
  • Surface-aware Mesh Texture Synthesis with Pre-trained 2D CNNs 

    Kovács, Áron Samuel; Hermosilla, Pedro; Raidou, Renata Georgia (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Mesh texture synthesis is a key component in the automatic generation of 3D content. Existing learning-based methods have drawbacks-either by disregarding the shape manifold during texture generation or by requiring a large ...
  • FontCLIP: A Semantic Typography Visual-Language Model for Multilingual Font Applications 

    Tatsukawa, Yuki; Shen, I-Chao; Qi, Anran; Koyama, Yuki; Igarashi, Takeo; Shamir, Ariel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Acquiring the desired font for various design tasks can be challenging and requires professional typographic knowledge. While previous font retrieval or generation works have alleviated some of these difficulties, they ...
  • Sketch Video Synthesis 

    Zheng, Yudian; Cun, Xiaodong; Xia, Menghan; Pun, Chi-Man (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Understanding semantic intricacies and high-level concepts is essential in image sketch generation, and this challenge becomes even more formidable when applied to the domain of videos. To address this, we propose a novel ...
  • Region-Aware Simplification and Stylization of 3D Line Drawings 

    Nguyen, Vivien; Fisher, Matthew; Hertzmann, Aaron; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Shape-conveying line drawings generated from 3D models normally create closed regions in image space. These lines and regions can be stylized to mimic various artistic styles, but for complex objects, the extracted topology ...
  • ShellNeRF: Learning a Controllable High-resolution Model of the Eye and Periocular Region 

    Li, Gengyan; Sarkar, Kripasindhu; Meka, Abhimitra; Buehler, Marcel; Mueller, Franziska; Gotardo, Paulo; Hilliges, Otmar; Beeler, Thabo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Eye gaze and expressions are crucial non-verbal signals in face-to-face communication. Visual effects and telepresence demand significant improvements in personalized tracking, animation, and synthesis of the eye region ...
  • 3D Reconstruction and Semantic Modeling of Eyelashes 

    Kerbiriou, Glenn; Avril, Quentin; Marchal, Maud (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    High-fidelity digital human modeling has become crucial in various applications, including gaming, visual effects and virtual reality. Despite the significant impact of eyelashes on facial aesthetics, their reconstruction ...
  • Learning to Stabilize Faces 

    Bednarik, Jan; Wood, Erroll; Choutas, Vassilis; Bolkart, Timo; Wang, Daoye; Wu, Chenglei; Beeler, Thabo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Nowadays, it is possible to scan faces and automatically register them with high quality. However, the resulting face meshes often need further processing: we need to stabilize them to remove unwanted head movement. ...
  • Neural Denoising for Deep-Z Monte Carlo Renderings 

    Zhang, Xianyao; Röthlin, Gerhard; Zhu, Shilin; Aydin, Tunç Ozan; Salehi, Farnood; Gross, Markus; Papas, Marios (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    We present a kernel-predicting neural denoising method for path-traced deep-Z images that facilitates their usage in animation and visual effects production. Deep-Z images provide enhanced flexibility during compositing ...
  • Enhancing Spatiotemporal Resampling with a Novel MIS Weight 

    Pan, Xingyue; Zhang, Jiaxuan; Huang, Jiancong; Liu, Ligang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    In real-time rendering, optimizing the sampling of large-scale candidates is crucial. The spatiotemporal reservoir resampling (ReSTIR) method provides an effective approach for handling large candidate samples, while the ...
  • Enhancing Image Quality Prediction with Self-supervised Visual Masking 

    Çogalan, Ugur; Bemana, Mojtaba; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Myszkowski, Karol (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Full-reference image quality metrics (FR-IQMs) aim to measure the visual differences between a pair of reference and distorted images, with the goal of accurately predicting human judgments. However, existing FR-IQMs, ...
  • Stylize My Wrinkles: Bridging the Gap from Simulation to Reality 

    Weiss, Sebastian; Stanhope, Jackson; Chandran, Prashanth; Zoss, Gaspard; Bradley, Derek (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Modeling realistic human skin with pores and wrinkles down to the milli- and micrometer resolution is a challenging task. Prior work showed that such micro geometry can be efficiently generated through simulation methods, ...
  • CharacterMixer: Rig-Aware Interpolation of 3D Characters 

    Zhan, Xiao; Fu, Rao; Ritchie, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    We present CharacterMixer, a system for blending two rigged 3D characters with different mesh and skeleton topologies while maintaining a rig throughout interpolation. CharacterMixer also enables interpolation during motion ...
  • TailorMe: Self-Supervised Learning of an Anatomically Constrained Volumetric Human Shape Model 

    Wenninger, Stephan; Kemper, Fabian; Schwanecke, Ulrich; Botsch, Mario (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Human shape spaces have been extensively studied, as they are a core element of human shape and pose inference tasks. Classic methods for creating a human shape model register a surface template mesh to a database of 3D ...
  • Predicting Perceived Gloss: Do Weak Labels Suffice? 

    Guerrero-Viu, Julia; Subias, Jose Daniel; Serrano, Ana; Storrs, Katherine R.; Fleming, Roland W.; Masia, Belen; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Estimating perceptual attributes of materials directly from images is a challenging task due to their complex, not fullyunderstood interactions with external factors, such as geometry and lighting. Supervised deep learning ...
  • Perceptual Quality Assessment of NeRF and Neural View Synthesis Methods for Front-Facing Views 

    Liang, Hanxue; Wu, Tianhao; Hanji, Param; Banterle, Francesco; Gao, Hongyun; Mantiuk, Rafal; Öztireli, Cengiz (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
    Neural view synthesis (NVS) is one of the most successful techniques for synthesizing free viewpoint videos, capable of achieving high fidelity from only a sparse set of captured images. This success has led to many variants ...

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