Recent Submissions

  • A Distributed Frame Buffer within a Window-Oriented High Performance Graphics System 

    Haaker, Thomas; Selzer, Harald; Joseph, Hans (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Today's workstation users demand high computational performance combined with powerful graphics and a comfortable window system. Existing and forthcoming standards like OKS-3D, PHIOS/PHIGS+, X Window System, and PEX have ...
  • A Chinese-Character and Graphics Workstation 

    Jiaoying, Shi; Jian/eng, Huang; Liancai, Liu; Jingyi, Hu (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    This paper introduces the design approaches of a Chinese-character and graphics workstation OOS-80OO which has been developed at the Computer Graphics Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ...
  • The Graphics Unit of the INTEL 180860 

    Kursawe, Ulrich (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    The Intel 180860 is a very powerful RISe processor, designed for applications that require a large amount of floating point and integer calculations. Additionally it supports graphics applications with a Graphics hardware ...
  • Viewing and Rendering Processor for a Volume Visualization System 

    Kaufman, A.; Bakalash, R.; Cohen, D. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    The architecture and the hardware realization of the 3D Viewing and Rendering Pro­ cessor is presented. This processor is a component of the Cube architecture, developed primarily for volume visualiza.tion. The processor ...
  • A Virtual Memory System Organization for Bit-Mapped Graphics Displays 

    Barkans, Anthony C. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Described is a display sub-system, designed for support of a very high speed rendering engine. It provides high-performance graphics to an enVironment that consists of a hierarchy of resizable windows. The concept of virtual ...
  • Presentation of the Cubi9000: A Graphics System based on Inmos T800 Transputers 

    Glemot, France (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    The Cubi9000 family includes a range of products from the 3D graphics terminal up to the 3D graphics workstation. The Cubi9000 when configured as a 3D graphics terminal connects to a host computer via a parallel interface ...
  • A Real-Time Raster Scan Display for 3-D Graphics 

    D.Jackèl,; Günther, H.; Herwig, B.; Rüsseler, H. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    This paper describes the architecture of a raster scan display for real-time visualisation of shaded polygons. A performance of 15-106 Phong shaded pixels per second is a primary goal of a pipelined rendering processor. ...
  • Two-level Pipelining of Systolic Array Graphics Engines 

    Jayasinghe, J. A. K. S.; Herrmann, O. E. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    In a systolic array, the maximum operating speed is determined by the most complex operation performed. In a systolic army graphics engine, capable of generating high quality images, one has to perform complex operations ...
  • A Dedicated Graphics Processor SIGHT-2 

    Yoshida, Masaharu; Naruse, Tadashi; Takahashi, Tokiichiro (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    SIGHT-2 is a multiprocessor system that is intended to efficiently execute the ray tracing algorithm. To achieve high efficiency, three kinds of parallel execution mechanisms; (i) a multiprocessor configuration, (ii) a ...
  • A Generalised Parallel Architecture for Image Based Algorithms 

    Vaudin., G. J.; Nudd., G. R.; Atherton, T. J.; Clippingdale, S. C.; Francis., N. D.; Kerbyson., R.M. Howarth. D. J.; Packwood, R. A.; Walton, D. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Real time image generation and image understanding require levels of computing power, that are beyond that available from conventional sequential machines. Current commercially available systems aimed at this area make use ...
  • VLSI Architecture for Anti-Aliasing 

    Romanova, Claudia; Wagner, Ulrich (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Computer-synthesized images exhibit the typical artifacts of raster displays, called alias­ ing, rastering, staircasing or the "jaggies". Display of an image on a raster CRT requires the sampling the two dimensional image ...
  • PS: Polygon Streams A Distributed Architecture for Incremental Computation Applied to Graphics 

    Gupta, Rajiv (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Polygon Streams is a distributed system with multiple processors a.nd strictly local communication. A unique custom VLSI chip that constitutes an independent processing module forms a stage of the PS pipeline. The number ...
  • The HERO Algorithm for Ray-Tracing Octrees 

    Agate, Mark; Grimsdale, Richard L.; Lister, Paul F. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    An algorithm is presented for rapid traversal of octree data structures, in order to enhance the speed of ray tracing for scenes of high complexity. At each level of the octree, the algorithm generates the addresses of ...
  • Towards a Taxonomy for Display Processors 

    Schneider, Bengt-Olaf (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    Image generation for raster displays proceeds in two main steps: geometry processing and pixel processing. The snbsystem performing the pixel processing is called display processor.In the paper a model for the displa.y ...
  • A Hardware Algorithm for Fast Realistic Image Synthesis 

    Yilmaz, A. C.; Hagestein, S.; Deprettere, E.; Dewilde, P. (The Eurographics Association, 1989)
    A VLSI oriented algorithm, for the implementation of a generalized two-pass radiosity method is presented. The method allows any reflection behavior, varying from purely diffuse to perfect mirroring. Moreover, objects may ...