Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 1989
Schneider, Bengt-Olaf
Towards a Taxonomy for Display Processors
Yilmaz, A. C.; Hagestein, S.; Deprettere, E.; Dewilde, P.
A Hardware Algorithm for Fast Realistic Image Synthesis
Agate, Mark; Grimsdale, Richard L.; Lister, Paul F.
The HERO Algorithm for Ray-Tracing Octrees
Romanova, Claudia; Wagner, Ulrich
VLSI Architecture for Anti-Aliasing
Gupta, Rajiv
PS: Polygon Streams A Distributed Architecture for Incremental Computation Applied to Graphics
Vaudin., G. J.; Nudd., G. R.; Atherton, T. J.; Clippingdale, S. C.; Francis., N. D.; Kerbyson., R.M. Howarth. D. J.; Packwood, R. A.; Walton, D.
A Generalised Parallel Architecture for Image Based Algorithms
Jayasinghe, J. A. K. S.; Herrmann, O. E.
Two-level Pipelining of Systolic Array Graphics Engines
Yoshida, Masaharu; Naruse, Tadashi; Takahashi, Tokiichiro
A Dedicated Graphics Processor SIGHT-2
Kaufman, A.; Bakalash, R.; Cohen, D.
Viewing and Rendering Processor for a Volume Visualization System
Glemot, France
Presentation of the Cubi9000: A Graphics System based on Inmos T800 Transputers
Barkans, Anthony C.
A Virtual Memory System Organization for Bit-Mapped Graphics Displays
D.Jackèl,; Günther, H.; Herwig, B.; Rüsseler, H.
A Real-Time Raster Scan Display for 3-D Graphics
Kursawe, Ulrich
The Graphics Unit of the INTEL 180860
Jiaoying, Shi; Jian/eng, Huang; Liancai, Liu; Jingyi, Hu
A Chinese-Character and Graphics Workstation
Haaker, Thomas; Selzer, Harald; Joseph, Hans
A Distributed Frame Buffer within a Window-Oriented High Performance Graphics System