Now showing items 1-13 of 13

    • Evaluation of a Real-Time Direct Volume Rendering System 

      Boer, M. de; Hesser, J.; Gropl, A.; Gunther, T.; Poliwoda, C.; Reinhart, C.; Manner, R. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      VIRIM, a real-time direct volume rendering system is evaluated for medical applications. Experiences concerning the hardware architecture are discussed. The issues are the flexibility of VIRIM, the restriction to two ...
    • Graphics Algorithms on Field Programmable Function Arrays 

      Smit, Jaap; Bosma, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      The amount of energy consumed in basic CMOS building blocks, like external RAM, external bus-structures, multipliers, local (cache) memory and on chip bus-structures, is analyzed thoroughly to find ways for substantial ...
    • The Setup for Triangle Rasterization 

      Kugler, Anders (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      Integrating the slope and setup calculationsfor triangles to the rasterizer offloads the host processor from intensive calculations and can significantly increase 3D system performance. The processing on the host is greatly ...
    • Optimal Static 2-Dimensional Screen Subdivision for Parallel Rasterization Architectures 

      McManus, Donald; Beckmann, Carl (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      Designers of computer graphics hardware have used increasing device counts available from IC manufacturers to increase parallelism using techniques such as putting a longer pipeline of data path elements on integrated ...
    • Latency- and Hazard-Free Volume Memory Ar­ chitecture for Direct Volume Rendering 

      Boer, M. de; Gropl, A.; Hesser, J.; Männer, R. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      The computational power required for direct volume rendering like ray-casting or volume ray-tracing can be provided by high­ speed rendering architectures. However the increasing proces­ sor speed makes a performance ...
    • Cube-4 Implementations on the Teramac Custom Computing Machine 

      Kanus, Urs; Meißner, Michael; Straßer, Wolfgang; Pfister, Hanspeter; Kaufman, Arie; Amerson, Rick; Carter, Richard J.; Culbertson, Bruce; Kuekes, Phil; Snider, Greg (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      We present two implementations of the Cube-4 volume rendering architecture on the Teramac custom computing machine. Cube-4 uses a slice­ parallel ray-casting algorithm that allows for a paral­ lel and pipelined implementation ...
    • On the energy complexity of Algorithms realized in CMOS, a Graphics Example 

      Smit, J.; Bosma, M. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      A theory about the energy consumption of algorithms realized in CMOS, presented in related work, makes it possible to calculate the minimal amount of energy dissipated for the execution of an algorithm. The rendering of a ...
    • The ImageSwitcher: A Proposed System Architecture Designed to Reduce VR Lag 

      Banks, David C. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      Latency contributes to image error and to motion sickness in head­ tracked graphics displays. We attack the problem of latency by exploiting parallel scene generation, using multiple graphics engines to render images ...
    • TAYRA - A 3D Graphics Raster Processor 

      Waller, Marcus; Dunnett, Graham; Bassett, Mike; MCCann, Shaun; Makris, Alex; White, Martin; Lister, Paul (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      This paper describes the Junctionality oj a 3D Graphics Raster Processor called TAYRA. TAYRA consists in the most part oj Graphics Raster Pipeline with five major external interfaces: PCI Master/Target, Depth, Texture, ...
    • New advances in Neuro -Visual Simulation and Symbolic extraction for Real World Computing, 3D Image Analysis and 3D object Digitization 

      Leray, P. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      3D image analysis and automatic modelling using Neurofocalisation and attractiveness with hardwarefilters. Towards a new kind of filter-based data structures instead of splines/polygons.
    • An Architecture for High-Performance 2-D Image Display 

      Jordan, Stephen D.; Jensen, Philip E.; Lichtenbelt, Barthold B. A. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      Image processing operations can be divided into two classes, those pre-processing operations that are market- and application-specific, and those widely-used operations that are useful in any application that requires the ...
    • An Advanced 3D Frame Buffer Memory Controller 

      Makris, "Alex; White, Martin; Lister", Paul (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      This paper details the design o f an advanced 32 bit 3D frame buffer memory controller for a 3D Graphics Raster Processor called TAYRA [1]. This memory controller is designed to provide a performance o f 33 MPixelsls for ...
    • Design Principles of Hardware-based Phong Shading and Bump Mapping 

      Bennebroek, K.; Ernst, I.; Rüsseler, H.; Wittig, O. (The Eurographics Association, 1996)
      The VISA+ hardware architecture is the first of a new generation of graphics accelerators designed primarily to render bump-, texture-, environment- and environment-bump-mapped polygons. This paper presents examples of the ...