Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Lossless Compression of Already Compressed Textures 

      Ström, Jacob; Wennersten, Per (ACM, 2011)
      Texture compression helps rendering by reducing the footprint in graphics memory, thus allowing for more textures, and by lowering the number of memory accesses between the graphics processor and memory, increasing performance ...
    • Primitive Processing and Advanced Shading Architecture for Embedded Space 

      Kazakov, Max; Ohbuchi, Eisaku (ACM, 2011)
      This paper presents a new graphics architecture enabling contentrich applications for the embedded space by extending hardware architecture in two main areas - geometry processing and configurable per-fragment shading. Our ...
    • Precision Selection for Energy-Effi cient Pixel Shaders 

      Pool, Jeff; Lastra, Anselmo; Singh, Montek (ACM, 2011)
      In this work, we seek to realize energy savings in modern pixel shaders by reducing the precision of their arithmetic. We explore three schemes for controlling this reduction. The first is a static analysis technique, which ...
    • Farthest-Point Optimized Point Sets with Maximized Minimum Distance 

      Schlömer, Thomas; Heck, Daniel; Deussen, Oliver (ACM, 2011)
      Efficient sampling often relies on irregular point sets that uniformly cover the sample space. We present a flexible and simple optimization strategy for such point sets. It is based on the idea of increasing the mutual ...
    • Rapid Simplifi cation of Multi-Attribute Meshes 

      Willmott, Andrew (ACM, 2011)
      We present a rapid simplification algorithm for meshes with multiple vertex attributes, targeted at rendering acceleration for realtime applications. Such meshes potentially feature normals, tangents, one or more texture ...
    • VoxelPipe: A Programmable Pipeline for 3D Voxelization 

      Pantaleoni, Jacopo (ACM, 2011)
      We present a highly exible and e cient software pipeline for programmable triangle voxelization. The pipeline, entirely written in CUDA, supports both fully conservative and thinvoxelizations, multiple boolean, oating ...
    • Hierarchical Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization 

      Munkberg, Jacob; Clarberg, Petrik; Hasselgren, Jon; Toth, Robert; Sugihara, Masamichi; Akenine-Moeller, Tomas (ACM, 2011)
      We present a hierarchical traversal algorithm for stochastic rasterization of motion blur, which efficiently reduces the number of inside tests needed to resolve spatio-temporal visibility. Our method is based on novel ...
    • Depth Buffer Compression for Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization 

      Andersson, Magnus; Hasselgren, Jon; Akenine-Moeller, Tomas (ACM, 2011)
      Previous depth buffer compression schemes are tuned for compressing depths values generated when rasterizing static triangles. They provide generous bandwidth usage savings, and are of great importance to graphics processors. ...
    • Adaptive Transparency 

      Salvi, Marco; Montgomery, Jefferson; Lefohn, Aaron (ACM, 2011)
      Adaptive transparency is a new solution to order-independent transparency that closely approximates the ground-truth results obtained with A-buffer compositing but, like a Z-buffer, operates in bounded memory and exhibits ...
    • An Inexpensive Bounding Representation for Offsets of Quadratic Curves 

      Ruf, Erik (ACM, 2011)
      We describe a simple mechanism for bounding the portion of the plane lying between a quadratic Beizer curve segment and its offset curve at distance d. Instead of comprising one or more partial bounding polygons, our ...
    • SAH KD-Tree Construction on GPU 

      Wu, Zhefeng; Zhao, Fukai; Liu, Xinguo (ACM, 2011)
      KD-tree is one of the most efficient acceleration data structures for ray tracing. In this paper, we present a kd-tree construction algorithm that is precisely SAH-optimized and runs entirely on GPU. We construct the tree ...
    • Simpler and Faster HLBVH with Work Queues 

      Garanzha, Kirill; Pantaleoni, Jacopo; McAllister, David (ACM, 2011)
      A recently developed algorithm called Hierachical Linear Bounding Volume Hierarchies (HLBVH) has demonstrated the feasibility of reconstructing the spatial index needed forray tracing in real-time, even in the presence of ...
    • High-Performance Software Rasterization on GPUs 

      Laine, Samuli; Karras, Tero (ACM, 2011)
      In this paper, we implement an efficient, completely software-based graphics pipeline on a GPU. Unlike previous approaches, we obey ordering constraints imposed by current graphics APIs, guarantee hole-free rasterization, ...
    • Active Thread Compaction for GPU Path Tracing 

      Wald, Ingo (ACM, 2011)
      Modern GPUs like NVidia s Fermi internally operate in a SIMD manner by ganging multiple (32) scalar threads together into SIMD warps; if a warp s threads diverge, the warp serially executes both branches, temporarily ...
    • Improving SIMD Efficiency for Parallel Monte Carlo Light Transport on the GPU 

      Antwerpen, Dietger van (ACM, 2011)
      Monte Carlo Light Transport algorithms such as Path Tracing (PT), Bi-Directional Path Tracing (BDPT) and Metropolis Light Transport (MLT) make use of random walks to sample light transport paths. When parallelizing these ...
    • Voxelized Shadow Volumes 

      Wyman, Chris (ACM, 2011)
      Efficient shadowing algorithms have been sought for decades, but most shadow research focuses on quickly identifying shadows on surfaces. This paper introduces a novel algorithm to efficiently sample light visibility at ...
    • MSBVH: An Efficient Acceleration Data Structure for Ray Traced Motion Blur 

      Gruenschloß, Leonhard; Stich, Martin; Nawaz, Sehera; Keller, Alexander (ACM, 2011)
      When a bounding volume hierarchy is used for accelerating the intersection of rays and scene geometry, one common way to incorporate motion blur is to interpolate node bounding volumes according to the time of the ray. ...
    • Randomized Selection on the GPU 

      Monroe, Laura; Wendelberger, Joanne; Michalak, Sarah (ACM, 2011)
      We implement here a fast and memory-sparing probabilistic top k selection algorithm on the GPU. The algorithm proceeds via an iterative probabilistic guess-and-check process on pivots for a three-way partition. When the ...
    • Preface and Table of Contents 

      Carsten Dachsbacher and William Mark and Jacopo Pantaleoni (ACM, 2011)
    • Real-Time Diffuse Global Illumination Using Radiance Hints 

      Papaioannou, Georgios (ACM, 2011)
      GPU-based interactive global illumination techniques are receiving an increasing interest from both the research and the industrial community as real-time graphics applications strive for vi-sually rich and realistic dynamic ...