Now showing items 121-140 of 238

    • Bidirectional Clustering for Scalable VPL-based Global Illumination 

      Jarabo, Adrian; Buisan, Raul; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Virtual Point Lights (VPL) methods approximate global illumination (GI) in a scene by using a large number of virtual lights modeling the reflected radiance of a surface. These methods are efficient, and allow computing ...
    • PREFR: A Flexible Particle Rendering Framework 

      Galindo, Sergio E.; Toharia, Pablo; Lopez-Moreno, Jorge; Robles, Oscar D.; Pastor, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      We present PREFR (Particle REndering FRamework): a first approach to a general-purpose particle rendering framework on the standard OpenGL architecture, designed with the goal of being easily configured by the user without ...
    • Real-time Inextensible Hair with Volume and Shape 

      Sánchez-Banderas, Rosa María; Barreiro, Héctor; García-Fernández, Ignacio; Pérez, Mariano (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Hair simulation is a common topic extensively studied in computer graphics. One of the many challenges in this field is simulating realistic hair in a real-time environment. In this paper, we propose a unified simulation ...
    • Frontmatter: XXV Spanish Computer Graphics Conference 

      Mateu Sbert; Miguel Chover (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    • GPU Visualization and Voxelization of Yarn-Level Cloth 

      Lopez-Moreno, Jorge; Cirio, Gabriel; Miraut, David; Otaduy, Miguel Angel (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Most popular methods in cloth rendering rely on volumetric data in order to model complex optical phenomena such as sub-surface scattering. Previous work represents yarns as a sequence of identical but rotated crosssections. ...
    • A System Proposal for Interactive Deformation of Large Medical Volumes 

      Aguilera, Alejandro Rodríguez; Leon, Alejandro; Escudero, Luis López; Sánchez, Manuel García (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In the field of volume deformation, an open research topic is the interactive and physically plausible deformation and rendering of large medical volumes. Many approaches to deform volumetric models have been proposed, ...
    • Improving Depth Estimation Using Superpixels 

      Cambra, Ana B.; Muñoz, Adolfo; Murillo, Ana C.; Guerrero, José J.; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      This work is focused on assigning a depth label to each pixel in the image. We consider off-the-shelf algorithms that provide depth information from multiple views or depth information directly obtained from RGB-d sensors. ...
    • Low Cost Recovery of Spectral Power Distributions 

      Alvarez, Sara; Presa, Lara; Kunkel, Timo; Masia, Belen (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Measuring the spectral power distribution of a light source, that is, the emission as a function of wavelength, typically requires the use of spectrophotometers or multispectral cameras. Here, we propose a low-cost system ...
    • CLIKSA - An Application for Physics Education in Secondary School 

      Marín-Lora, Carlos; García-Fernández, Ignacio (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In this paper we present an application for teaching Physics courses in secondary education. It is a web application, based on HTML5 and on JavaScript. We rely on the graphical capabilities of this technology, including ...
    • Depth from a Single Image Through User Interaction 

      Lopez, Angeles; Garces, Elena; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In this paper we present a method to obtain a depth map from a single image of a scene by exploiting both image content and user interaction. Assuming that regions with low gradients will have similar depth values, we ...
    • Image-Based Flow Transfer 

      Bosch, Carles; Patow, Gustavo A. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Weathering phenomena are ubiquitous to urban environments. In particular, fluid flow becomes a specially representative but difficult phenomenon to reproduce. In order to produce realistic flow effects, it is possible to ...
    • CAVAST: The Crows Animation, Visualization, and Simulation Testbed 

      Beacco, Alejandro; Pelechano, Nuria (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Simulation, animation and rendering of crowds has become an important part of real-time applications such as videogames. Virtual environments achieve higher realism when being populated by virtual crowds as opposed to ...
    • Screen Space Obscurances 

      Sunyer, Nicolau; Gumbau, Jesús; Chover, Miguel; Sbert, Mateu (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      La simulación de la iluminación indirecta en una escena suele ser muy costosa por lo que normalmente ésta se usa de forma precalculada para escenas estáticas. En este artículo proponemos un algoritmo que aproxima el cálculo ...
    • Grupo Colaborativo Transportando Objetos 

      Cerro, Angel Rodríguez; Durá, Rafael J. Martinez (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      En computación gráfica, muchos investigadores han estudiado el problema de la navegación en entornos virtuales, pero ha sido en las últimas décadas cuando la formación de grupos de agentes ha tomado cierta relevancia. Se ...
    • Pantalla multitáctil portátil de bajo coste 

      Re, Armando de la; Abad, Francisco; Camahort, Emilio; Lluch, Javier (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      La tecnología multitáctil ha comenzado a introducirse en nuestra vida cotidiana, impulsada principalmente por los smartphones. Algunas compañías han lanzado al mercado pantallas de ordenador multitáctiles, presentando ...
    • BIOMIMO, Estudio Ergonómico Aumentado Utilizando un Sistema de Captura de Movimiento Infrarrojo de Alta Precisión y Realidad Aumentada 

      Gimeno, Jesús; Gorosabel, Maite; Sanchez, Fernando Manuel; Pujana-Arrese, Aron; Fernandez, Marcos; Landaluze, Joseba (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      En este artículo se describe la realización de un estudio ergonómico del miembro superior derecho aplicando técnicas de Realidad Aumentada y captura de movimiento de alta precisión. Utilizando el Software desarrollado, ...
    • Simulación de Lluvia sobre Escenas Dinámicas 

      Sunyer, Nicolau; Puig-Centelles, Anna; Ripolles, Oscar; Chover, Miguel; Sbert, Mateu (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      La lluvia es un fenómeno complejo y su simulación suele ser muy costosa. En este artículo se propone un sistema de simulación de lluvia mediante sistemas de partículas que funciona únicamente en la tarjeta gráfica (GPU). ...
    • Digitalización, Voxelización, Relleno y Esqueletonización 3D de Órganos Pares Duros de Cabra Montesa 

      Miras, Juan Ruiz de; Santos, Alberto; Pérez, Jesús M.; Sarasa, Mathieu; Esteban, Francisco J. (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      En este trabajo se describe el proceso para la representación computacional de órganos pares duros (cuernos) de cabra montesa (Capra pyrenaica) mediante la voxelización de su superficie, el relleno del interior y su ...
    • Realtime Dense Stereo Matching with Dynamic Programming in CUDA 

      Congote, John; Barandiaran, Javier; Barandiaran, Iñigo; Ruiz, Oscar (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      Real-time depth extraction from stereo images is an important process in computer vision. This paper proposes a new implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm to calculate dense depth maps using the CUDA architecture ...
    • Mosaicos Virtuales 

      Denia, Alberto; Ribelles, José; López, Ángeles (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
      Las productoras de TV que realizan retransmisiones deportivas utilizan con bastante frecuencia tecnología que les permite añadir elementos generados por ordenador. En este artículo se presenta una técnica para crear mosaicos ...