Now showing items 101-120 of 238

    • Deployment of Volume Rendering Interactive Visualizations in Web Platforms With Intersected 3D Geometry 

      Arbelaiz, Ander; Moreno, Aitor; Kabongo, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      Volume rendering is a visualization technique focused in volumetric datasets, which requires a great amount of computational power and memory resources. This situation is even more severe when HTML5 and WebGL implementations ...
    • 3DCurator: A 3D Viewer for CTs of Polychromed Wood Sculptures 

      Bolívar, Francisco Javier; Melero, Francisco Javier (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      We present in this work a new software designed for the 3D documentation of wood sculptures from computer tomography (CT) datasets. The system provides rendering presets and tools that allow the experts to examine the ...
    • Ordering Triangles in Triangulated Terrains Over Regular Grids 

      Alonso, Jesús; Joan-Arinyo, Robert (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      In this work we report on a set of rules to visit triangles in triangulated height fields defined over regular grids in a back-to- front order with respect to an arbitrary viewpoint. With the viewpoint, we associate an ...
    • Spatial Opacity Maps for Direct Volume Rendering of Regions of Interest 

      Rodríguez-Aguilera, Alejandro; León, Alejandro (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      Despite the mature state of the volume rendering field, its adoption in medical applications is hindered by its complex parametrization and control, and 2D slice based tools are still preferred for clinical workflows. In ...
    • A Web 3D-Scene Editor of Virtual Reality Exhibitions and 360-degree Videos 

      Martínez, Vicente; Ríos, Alba M.; Melero, Francisco Javier (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      This work consists in the development of a Web-based system which allows museum managers to generate their own virtual 3D exhibitions, using a two-dimensional graphical user interface. These virtual 3D exhibitions can be ...
    • Bidirectional Rendering of Polarized Light Transport 

      Jarabo, Adrian; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      On the foundations of many rendering algorithm is the symmetry between the path traversed by light and its adjoint from the camera. However, several effects, including polarization or fluorescence, break that symmetry and ...
    • Crossmodal Perception in Immersive Environments 

      Allue, Marcos; Serrano, Ana; Bedia, Manuel G.; Masia, Belen (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
      With the proliferation of low-cost, consumer level, head-mounted displays (HMDs) such as Oculus VR or Sony's Morpheus, we are witnessing a reappearance of virtual reality. However, there are still important stumbling blocks ...
    • CEIG 2016: Frontmatter 

      Alejandro García-Alonso; Belen Masia (Eurographics Association, 2016)
    • NeuroScheme: Efficient Multiscale Representations for the Visual Exploration of Morphological Data in the Human Brain Neocortex 

      Pastor, Luis; Mata, Susana; Toharia, Pablo; Bayona, Sofia; Brito, Juan Pedro; Garcia-Cantero, Juan Jose (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      The analysis of data sets from such a complex domain as neuroscience is severely hampered by the brain complexity and by the huge amount of data originated in current experiments and simulations. The complexity of the brain ...
    • A 3DWeb Application for Weather Forecast Based on WebGL 

      Graciano, Alejandro; Rueda, Antonio J.; Feito, Francisco R.; Martínez, Francisco (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Management, interpretation and visualization of geoscientific and atmospherical information is a major problem for the geoscientist and for a correct diffusion, due to its high volume, complexity, spatiotemporal dimension ...
    • Simulation of the Commercial Market Evolution in a City 

      Soriano, Carlos; Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Simulating the evolution of urban landscapes is a challenging objective with a large impact not only for Computer Graphics (for its applications in the filming and gaming industries), but also for urban planning, economical ...
    • Industrial Facility Modeling Using Procedural Methods 

      Bishop, M. Scott; Max, Nelson (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      We present an end-to-end system for procedurally modeling an industrial facility. The system is a collection of utilities that work together to assemble, lay out, and model a typical industrial facility (e.g. a wastewater ...
    • A New Approach for Perceptually-based Fitting Strokes into Straight Segments 

      Plumed, Raquel; Company, Pedro; Varley, Peter A. C. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Fitting the strokes of a sketch into geometrical primitives is still an open problem, even for sketches which depict bare line-drawings without annotations. Such sketches comprise only discrete strokes, sequences of points ...
    • Easy Going Vector Graphics as Textures on the GPU 

      Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      One common problem of raster images when used as textures is its resolution dependence, which could produce artifacts such as blurring. On the contrary, vector graphics are resolution independent, and their direct use for ...
    • Efficient and Robust Position-Based Fluids for VFX 

      Alduán, Iván; Tena, Angel; Otaduy, Miguel A. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Designing a fluid simulator with VFX production pipelines in mind is a difficult task where goals like efficiency, robustness and scalability compromise each other. Many impressive fluid simulation methods have been presented ...
    • Surfel Octrees: A New Scheme for Interactive Inspection of Anatomy Atlases in Client-Server Applications 

      Surinyac, Jordi; Brunet, Pere (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Nowadays, an increasing interest on tele-medicine and tele-diagnostic solutions can be observed, with client/server architectures for remote inspection of volume image-based medical data which are becoming more and more ...
    • Low Cost Decomposition of Direct and Global Illumination in Real Scenes 

      Garces, Elena; Martin, Fernando; Gutierrez, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Recent advances in the field of computational light transport have made it possible to solve previously unsolvable problems thanks to incorporating new devices and techniques. One of these problems is the decomposition of ...
    • Compressive High Speed Video Acquisition 

      Serrano, Ana; Gutierrez, Diego; Masia, Belen (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Traditional video capture is limited by the trade-off between spatial and temporal resolution. When capturing videos of high temporal resolution, the spatial resolutions decreases due to bandwidth limitations in the capture ...
    • Stereoscopic visualization systems: Comparison between a Large Passive Display and a Head Mounted Display 

      Rodríguez-Andrés, David; Cárdenas, Sonia; Juan, M. Carmen; Pérez-Hernández, E.; Méndez-López, Magda; Lluch, Javier (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      In this paper, we present an application that uses two visualization systems. The first one has a large passive display. In the second system, we use a virtual reality head mounted display (Oculus Rift). We report the ...
    • An Interactive Algorithm for Virtual Patient Positioning 

      Casafranca, Juan José; Sújar, Aaron; García, Marcos (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      In the last years, Virtual Reality medical simulators are gaining importance, training new physicians in a safe environment. In order to improve the trainees' skills, these applications let them perform a specific medical ...