Now showing items 61-80 of 238

    • A Prototype of Virtual Reality System for the Visualization, Exploration and Modeling of Huge Point Clouds 

      Ortega-Donaire, José; Segura-Sánchez, Rafael Jesús; Ogáyar-Anguita, Carlos-Javier; Rueda-Ruiz, Antonio Jesús (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      The use of specific techniques for the management and visualization of huge point clouds is necessary to solve the drawbacks of inefficiency derived from the size of the dataset and the techniques used to visualize it. ...
    • A Usability Study for a Novel Approach to Virtual Reality Interaction 

      Negrillo, José; Jiménez, Juan Roberto; Feito, Francisco Ramón (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      The number of virtual reality-based systems have considerably increased in recent years due to many technical improvements and lower prices. Nowadays, the applications of this kind of systems go further than videogames. ...
    • A Physically-Based Spatio-Temporal Sky Model 

      Guimera, David; Gutierrez, Diego; Jarabo, Adrián (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      In this work we present a physically-based optical model of the atmosphere, that takes into account the seasonal and geographic variation of its composition. Based on data from the atmospheric science literature, we build ...
    • Toward Estimation of Yarn-Level Cloth Simulation Models 

      Martín-Garrido, Alberto; Miguel, Eder; Otaduy, Miguel Ángel (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Efficient and realistic cloth simulation is an unsolved problem, with yarn-level models emerging as a new alternative thanks to new hardware capabilities. Modeling yarns as flexible rods with persistent contacts enables a ...
    • A Prototype of a Scalable Multi-GPU Molecular Dynamics Simulator for Large Molecular Systems 

      Nicolas-Barreales, Gonzalo; Novalbos, Marcos; Otaduy, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez, Alberto (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Parallel architectures, in the form of multi-core or multiple computers, have produced a major impact in the field of information technology. GPU devices, as an extreme example of parallel architectures, have been adapted ...
    • Modelling the Fluid-Boundary Interaction in SPH 

      Perea, Juan J.; Cordero, Juan M. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a numerical method based on mutually interacting meshfree particles, and has been widely applied to fluid simulation in Computer Graphics. Originally SPH does not define the behaviour ...
    • Muscle Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics 

      Romeo, Marco; Monteagudo, Carlos; Sánchez-Quirós, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Recent research on muscle simulation for Visual Effects relies on numerical methods such as the Finite Element Method or Finite Volume Method. These approaches produce realistic results, but require high computational time ...
    • CEIG 2018: Frontmatter 

      García-Fernández, Ignacio; Ureña, Carlos (Eurographics Association, 2018)
    • Procedural Semantic Cities 

      Rogla, Otger; Pelechano, Nuria; Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Procedural modeling of virtual cities has achieved high levels of realism with little effort from the user. One can rapidly obtain a large city using off-the-shelf software based on procedural techniques, such as the use ...
    • Transient Photon Beams 

      Marco, Julio; Jarosz, Wojciech; Gutierrez, Diego; Jarabo, Adrian (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Recent advances on transient imaging and their applications have opened the necessity of forward models that allow precise generation and analysis of time-resolved light transport data. However, traditional steady-state ...
    • Procedural Generation of Natural Environments with Restrictions 

      Gasch, Cristina; Chover, Miguel; Remolar, Inmaculada (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Natural environments are a very important part of virtual worlds, both for video games and for simulators, but their manual creation can be a very expensive job. The procedural creation of these, allows to generate them ...
    • Tree Variations 

      Argudo, Oscar; Andújar, Carlos; Chica, Antoni (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The cost-effective generation of realistic vegetation is still a challenging topic in computer graphics. The simplest representation of a tree consists of a single texture-mapped billboard. Although a tree billboard does ...
    • Transfer Learning for Illustration Classification 

      Lagunas, Manuel; Garces, Elena (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The field of image classification has shown an outstanding success thanks to the development of deep learning techniques. Despite the great performance obtained, most of the work has focused on natural images ignoring other ...
    • An Interactive Tool for Modeling Ancient Masonry Buildings 

      Fita, Josep Lluis; Besuievsky, Gonzalo; Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      We present a new pipeline of an interactive tool that combines procedural modeling of ancient masonry buildings with structural simulation. The tool has been designed for taking an input geometry of an ancient building and ...
    • Fast Stippling based on Weighted Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams 

      Gómez, Eila; Méndez, Elías; Arroyo, Germán; Martín, Domingo (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Stippling is an artistic technique that has been used profusely in antiquity. One of the main problems is that it requires great skill and patience to achieve excellent results due to the large number of points that must ...
    • Improved Intuitive Appearance Editing based on Soft PCA 

      Malpica, Sandra; Barrio, Miguel; Gutierrez, Diego; Serrano, Ana; Masia, Belen (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      During the last few years, many different techniques for measuring material appearance have arisen. These advances have allowed the creation of large public datasets, and new methods for editing BRDFs of captured appearance ...
    • Direct Volume Rendering of Stack-Based Terrains 

      Graciano, Alejandro; Rueda, Antonio J.; Feito, Francisco R. (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Traditionally, the rendering of volumetric terrain data, as many other scientific 3D data, has been carried out performing direct volume rendering techniques on voxel-based representations. A main problem with this kind ...
    • Downsampling and Storage of Pre-Computed Gradients for Volume Rendering 

      Díaz-García, Jesús; Brunet, Pere; Navazo, Isabel; Vázquez, Pere-Pau (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The way in which gradients are computed in volume datasets influences both the quality of the shading and the performance obtained in rendering algorithms. In particular, the visualization of coarse datasets in multi-resolution ...
    • 3D GIS Based on WebGL for the Management of Underground Utilities 

      Jurado, Juan Manuel; Ortega, Lidia; Feito, Francisco R. (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      This work summarizes a web application related to a research project about underground infrastructures. The aim is to visualize, analyse and manage all underground layers inside 3D urban environments. This is possible using ...
    • A Curvature-based Method for Identifying the Contact Zone Between Bone Fragments: First Steps 

      Jiménez-Pérez, J. Roberto; Paulano-Godino, Félix; Jiménez-Delgado, Juan J. (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The use of computer-assisted procedures before or during surgery provides orthopaedic specialists additional information that help them to reduce surgery time and to improve the understanding of the fracture peculiarities. ...