Now showing items 41-60 of 378

    • Polycube Simplification for Coarse Layouts of Surfaces and Volumes 

      Cherchi, Gianmarco; Livesu, Marco; Scateni, Riccardo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Representing digital objects with structured meshes that embed a coarse block decomposition is a relevant problem in applications like computer animation, physically-based simulation and Computer Aided Design (CAD). One ...
    • Iterative Closest Conformal Maps between Planar Domains 

      Segall, Aviv; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Conformal maps between planar domains are an important tool in geometry processing, used for shape deformation and image warping. The Riemann mapping theorem guarantees that there exists a conformal map between any two ...
    • Scale-Invariant Directional Alignment of Surface Parametrizations 

      Campen, Marcel; Ibing, Moritz; Ebke, Hans-Christian; Zorin, Denis; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      Various applications of global surface parametrization benefit from the alignment of parametrization isolines with principal curvature directions. This is particularly true for recent parametrization-based meshing approaches, ...
    • SGP 2016: Frontmatter 

      Maks Ovsjanikov; Daniele Panozzo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
    • A One-dimensional Homologically Persistent Skeleton of an Unstructured Point Cloud in any Metric Space 

      Kurlin, Vitaliy (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Real data are often given as a noisy unstructured point cloud, which is hard to visualize. The important problem is to represent topological structures hidden in a cloud by using skeletons with cycles. All past skeletonization ...
    • Homotopic Morphing of Planar Curves 

      Dym, Nadav; Shtengel, Anna; Lipman, Yaron (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      This paper presents an algorithm for morphing between closed, planar piecewise-C1 curves. The morph is guaranteed to be a regular homotopy, meaning that pinching will not occur in the intermediate curves. The algorithm is ...
    • Can Bi-cubic Surfaces be Class A? 

      Karciauskas, Kestutis; Peters, Jörg (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Class A surface' is a term in the automotive design industry, describing spline surfaces with aesthetic, non- oscillating highlight lines. Tensor-product B-splines of degree bi-3 (bicubic) are routinely used to generate ...
    • Perfect Matching Quad Layouts for Manifold Meshes 

      Razafindrazaka, Faniry H.; Reitebuch, Ulrich; Polthier, Konrad (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      This paper introduces a new approach to automatically generate pure quadrilateral patch layouts on manifold meshes. The algorithm is based on a careful construction of a singularity graph of a given input frame field or a ...
    • Perfect Laplacians for Polygon Meshes 

      Herholz, Philipp; Kyprianidis, Jan Eric; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      A discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator is called perfect if it possesses all the important properties of its smooth counterpart. It is known which triangle meshes admit perfect Laplace operators and how to fix any other mesh ...
    • Unconditionally Stable Shock Filters for Image and Geometry Processing 

      Prada, Fabian; Kazhdan, Misha (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      This work revisits the Shock Filters of Osher and Rudin [OR90] and shows how the proposed filtering process can be interpreted as the advection of image values along flow-lines. Using this interpretation, we obtain an ...
    • An Image Degradation Model for Depth-augmented Image Editing 

      Hennessey, James W.; Mitra, Niloy J. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Images remain the most popular medium to capture our surroundings. Although significant advances have been made in developing image editing tools, the key challenge is to intelligently account for missing depth information. ...
    • Dynamic SfM: Detecting Scene Changes from Image Pairs 

      Wang, Tuanfeng Y.; Kohli, Pushmeet; Mitra, Niloy J. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Detecting changes in scenes is important in many scene understanding tasks. In this paper, we pursue this goal simply from a pair of image recordings. Specifically, our goal is to infer what the objects are, how they are ...
    • Quaternion Julia Set Shape Optimization 

      Kim, Theodore (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present the first 3D algorithm capable of answering the question: what would a Mandelbrot-like set in the shape of a bunny look like? More concretely, can we find an iterated quaternion rational map whose potential field ...
    • Fast and Exact (Poisson) Solvers on Symmetric Geometries 

      Kazhdan, Misha (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      In computer graphics, numerous geometry processing applications reduce to the solution of a Poisson equation. When considering geometries with symmetry, a natural question to consider is whether and how the symmetry can ...
    • LeSSS: Learned Shared Semantic Spaces for Relating Multi-Modal Representations of 3D Shapes 

      Herzog, Robert; Mewes, Daniel; Wand, Michael; Guibas, Leonidas; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      In this paper, we propose a new method for structuring multi-modal representations of shapes according to semantic relations. We learn a metric that links semantically similar objects represented in different modalities. ...
    • Continuous Matching via Vector Field Flow 

      Corman, Etienne; Ovsjanikov, Maks; Chambolle, Antonin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present a new method for non-rigid shape matching designed to enforce continuity of the resulting correspondence. Our method is based on the recently proposed functional map representation, which allows efficient ...
    • Tight Relaxation of Quadratic Matching 

      Kezurer, Itay; Kovalsky, Shahar Z.; Basri, Ronen; Lipman, Yaron (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Establishing point correspondences between shapes is extremely challenging as it involves both finding sets of semantically persistent feature points, as well as their combinatorial matching.We focus on the latter and ...
    • Robust Articulated-ICP for Real-Time Hand Tracking 

      Tagliasacchi, Andrea; Schröder, Matthias; Tkach, Anastasia; Bouaziz, Sofien; Botsch, Mario; Pauly, Mark (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present a robust method for capturing articulated hand motions in realtime using a single depth camera. Our system is based on a realtime registration process that accurately reconstructs hand poses by fitting a 3D ...
    • Sparse Non-rigid Registration of 3D Shapes 

      Yang, Jingyu; Li, Ke; Li, Kun; Lai, Yu-Kun (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Non-rigid registration of 3D shapes is an essential task of increasing importance as commodity depth sensors become more widely available for scanning dynamic scenes. Non-rigid registration is much more challenging than ...
    • Hierarchical Multiview Rigid Registration 

      Tang, Yizhi; Feng, Jieqing (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Registration is a key step in the 3D reconstruction of real-world objects. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical method for the rigid registration of multiple views. The multiview registration problem is solved via ...