Now showing items 61-80 of 378

    • Texture Mapping Real-World Objects with Hydrographics 

      Panozzo, Daniele; Diamanti, Olga; Paris, Sylvain; Tarini, Marco; Sorkine, Evgeni; Sorkine-Hornung, Olga (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      In the digital world, assigning arbitrary colors to an object is a simple operation thanks to texture mapping. However, in the real world, the same basic function of applying colors onto an object is far from trivial. One ...
    • Reforming Shapes for Material-aware Fabrication 

      Yang, Yong-Liang; Wang, Jun; Mitra, Niloy J. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      As humans, we regularly associate shape of an object with its built material. In the context of geometric modeling, however, this inter-relation between form and material is rarely explored. In this work, we propose a novel ...
    • Example Based Repetitive Structure Synthesis 

      Roveri, Riccardo; Öztireli, A. Cengiz; Martin, Sebastian; Solenthaler, Barbara; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present an example based geometry synthesis approach for generating general repetitive structures. Our model is based on a meshless representation, unifying and extending previous synthesis methods. Structures in the ...
    • Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Shape Families via Deep-learned Generative Models of Surfaces 

      Huang, Haibin; Kalogerakis, Evangelos; Marlin, Benjamin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present a method for joint analysis and synthesis of geometrically diverse 3D shape families. Our method first learns part-based templates such that an optimal set of fuzzy point and part correspondences is computed ...
    • Learning Class-specific Descriptors for Deformable Shapes Using Localized Spectral Convolutional Networks 

      Boscaini, Davide; Masci, Jonathan; Melzi, Simone; Bronstein, Michael M.; Castellani, Umberto; Vandergheynst, Pierre (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      In this paper, we propose a generalization of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to non-Euclidean domains for the analysis of deformable shapes. Our construction is based on localized frequency analysis (a generalization ...
    • Stable Topological Signatures for Points on 3D Shapes 

      Carrière, Mathieu; Oudot, Steve Y.; Ovsjanikov, Maks (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      Comparing points on 3D shapes is among the fundamental operations in shape analysis. To facilitate this task, a great number of local point signatures or descriptors have been proposed in the past decades. However, the ...
    • Frontmatter: Symposium on Geometry Processing 2015 

      Mirela Ben-Chen; Ligang Liu (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
    • Learning Geometric Primitives in Point Clouds 

      M. Caputo; K. Denker; M. Franz; P. Laube; G. Umlauf (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Primitive recognition in 3D point clouds is an important aspect in reverse engineering. We propose a method for primitive recognition based on machine learning approaches. The machine learning approaches used for ...
    • Statistical Mesh Shape Analysis with Nonlandmark Nonrigid Registration 

      Jan Dupej; Vaclav Krajicek; Jana Veleminska; Josef Pelikan (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      The analysis of shape represented as surface meshes is an important tool in anthropology and biomedicine for the study of aging, post-treatment development or sexual dimorphism. Most approaches rely on nonrigid registration using ...
    • Construction of G3 Conic Spline Interpolation 

      Long Ma; Caiming Zhang (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In this paper, a new method to interpolate a sequence of ordered points with conic splines is presented. The degree of continuity at joints of the resulting splines can reach G3 while the number of curvature extrema is ...
    • Depth-layer Architecture Reconstruction From Image Collections 

      Yong Hu; Bei Chu; Yue Qi (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      An image-based modeling method is presented to generate a textured 3D model of architecture with a structure of multiple floors and depth layers. In the domain of image-based architecture modeling, it is still a ...
    • Irregular Model Synthesis via Boundary Consistency Analysis 

      Mofei Song; Zhengxing Sun; Feiqian Zhang (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      The detailed 3D environment becomes an essential way for offering the richest user experience in the digital entertainment or virtual reality application. Model synthesis [Mer07,MM08,MM09,MM11] is one of the effective ...
    • Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams with Polyline Generators 

      Chunxu Xu; Yong-Jin Liu; Qian Sun; Jinyan Li; Ying He (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      Geodesic Voronoi diagrams (GVDs) defined on triangle meshes with polyline generators are studied in this paper. We introduce a new concept, called local Voronoi diagram, or LVD, which is a weighted Euclidean Voronoi ...
    • Cross-Collection Map Inference by Intrinsic Alignment of Shape Spaces 

      Shapira, Nitzan; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      Inferring maps between shapes is a long standing problem in geometry processing. The less similar the shapes are, the harder it is to compute a map, or even define criteria to evaluate it. In many cases, shapes appear as ...
    • Remeshing-assisted Optimization for Locally Injective Mappings 

      Jin, Yao; Huang, Jin; Tong, Ruofeng (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      Constructing locally injective mappings for 2D triangular meshes is vital in applications such as deformations. In such a highly constrained optimization, the prescribed tessellation may impose strong restriction on the ...
    • As-Conformal-As-Possible Surface Registration 

      Yoshiyasu, Yusuke; Ma, Wan-Chun; Yoshida, Eiichi; Kanehiro, Fumio (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      We present a non-rigid surface registration technique that can align surfaces with sizes and shapes that are different from each other, while avoiding mesh distortions during deformation. The registration is constrained ...
    • Exploring the Geometry of the Space of Shells 

      Heeren, Behrend; Rumpf, Martin; Schröder, Peter; Wardetzky, Max; Wirth, Benedikt (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      We prove both in the smooth and discrete setting that the Hessian of an elastic deformation energy results in a proper Riemannian metric on the space of shells (modulo rigid body motions). Based on this foundation we develop ...
    • Functional Fluids on Surfaces 

      Azencot, Omri; Weißmann, Steffen; Ovsjanikov, Maks; Wardetzky, Max; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      Fluid simulation plays a key role in various domains of science including computer graphics. While most existing work addresses fluids on bounded Euclidean domains, we consider the problem of simulating the behavior of an ...
    • Pseudo-Spline Subdivision Surfaces 

      Deng, Chongyang; Hormann, Kai (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      Pseudo-splines provide a rich family of subdivision schemes with a wide range of choices that meet various demands for balancing the approximation power, the length of the support, and the regularity of the limit functions. ...
    • Semi-sharp Creases on Subdivision Curves and Surfaces 

      Kosinka, Jiri; Sabin, Malcolm A.; Dodgson, Neil A. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      We explore a method for generalising Pixar semi-sharp creases from the univariate cubic case to arbitrary degree subdivision curves. Our approach is based on solving simple matrix equations. The resulting schemes allow for ...