Now showing items 1-20 of 378

    • 3D Motion Completion in Crowded Scenes 

      Gafni, Niv; Sharf, Andrei (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      Crowded motions refer to multiple objects moving around and interacting such as crowds, pedestrians and etc. We capture crowded scenes using a depth scanner at video frame rates. Thus, our input is a set of depth frames ...
    • 3D Reconstruction Using Labeled Image Regions 

      Ziegler, Remo; Matusik, Wojciech; Pfister, Hanspeter; McMillan, Leonard (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this paper we present a novel algorithm for reconstructing 3D scenes from a set of images. The user defines a set of polygonal regions with corresponding labels in each image using familiar 2D photo-editing tools. Our ...
    • 3D Shape Segmentation and Labeling via Extreme Learning Machine 

      Xie, Zhige; Xu, Kai; Liu, Ligang; Xiong, Yueshan (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      We propose a fast method for 3D shape segmentation and labeling via Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Given a set of example shapes with labeled segmentation, we train an ELM classifier and use it to produce initial segmentation ...
    • Adaptive Block Coordinate Descent for Distortion Minimization 

      Naitsat, Alexander; Zeevi, Yehoshua Y. (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
      We present a new unified algorithm for optimizing geometric energies and computing positively oriented simplicial mappings. Its major improvements over the state-of-the-art are: adaptive partition of vertices into coordinate ...
    • An Adaptive MLS Surface for Reconstruction with Guarantees 

      Dey, Tamal K.; Sun, Jian (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Recent work have shown that moving least squares (MLS) surfaces can be used effectively to reconstruct surfaces from possibly noisy point cloud data. Several variants of MLS surfaces have been suggested, some of which have ...
    • Advection-Based Function Matching on Surfaces 

      Azencot, Omri; Vantzos, Orestis; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2016)
      A tangent vector field on a surface is the generator of a smooth family of maps from the surface to itself, known as the flow. Given a scalar function on the surface, it can be transported, or advected, by composing it ...
    • An Algorithm for Triangulating Multiple 3D Polygons 

      Zou, Ming; Ju, Tao; Carr, Nathan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present an algorithm for obtaining a triangulation of multiple, non-planar 3D polygons. The output minimizes additive weights, such as the total triangle areas or the total dihedral angles between adjacent triangles. ...
    • All-Hex Mesh Generation via Volumetric PolyCube Deformation 

      Gregson, James; Sheffer, Alla; Zhang, Eugene (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      While hexahedral mesh elements are preferred by a variety of simulation techniques, constructing quality all-hex meshes of general shapes remains a challenge. An attractive hex-meshing approach, often referred to as ...
    • Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Shape Families via Deep-learned Generative Models of Surfaces 

      Huang, Haibin; Kalogerakis, Evangelos; Marlin, Benjamin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2015)
      We present a method for joint analysis and synthesis of geometrically diverse 3D shape families. Our method first learns part-based templates such that an optimal set of fuzzy point and part correspondences is computed ...
    • Animation-Aware Quadrangulation 

      Marcias, Giorgio; Pietroni, Nico; Panozzo, Daniele; Puppo, Enrico; Sorkine-Hornung, Olga (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Geometric meshes that model animated characters must be designed while taking into account the deformations that the shape will undergo during animation. We analyze an input sequence of meshes with point-to-point correspondence, ...
    • Approximate Implicitization Via Curve Fitting 

      Wurm, E.; Jüttler, B. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We discuss methods for fitting implicitly defined (e.g. piecewise algebraic) curves to scattered data, which may contain problematic regions, such as edges, cusps or vertices. As the main idea, we construct a bivariate ...
    • Approximating and Intersecting Surfaces from Points 

      Adamson, Anders; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Point sets become an increasingly popular shape representation. Most shape processing and rendering tasks require the approximation of a continuous surface from the point data. We present a surface approximation that is ...
    • Approximating Functions on a Mesh with Restricted Voronoï Diagrams 

      Nivoliers, Vincent; Lévy, Bruno (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We propose a method that computes a piecewise constant approximation of a function defined on a mesh. The approximation is associated with the cells of a restricted Voronoï diagram. Our method optimizes an objective function ...
    • Approximating Gradients for Meshes and Point Clouds via Diffusion Metric 

      Luo, Chuanjiang; Safa, Issam; Wang, Yusu (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2009)
      The gradient of a function defined on a manifold is perhaps one of the most important differential objects in data analysis. Most often in practice, the input function is available only at discrete points sampled from the ...
    • As-Conformal-As-Possible Surface Registration 

      Yoshiyasu, Yusuke; Ma, Wan-Chun; Yoshida, Eiichi; Kanehiro, Fumio (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2014)
      We present a non-rigid surface registration technique that can align surfaces with sizes and shapes that are different from each other, while avoiding mesh distortions during deformation. The registration is constrained ...
    • As-Killing-As-Possible Vector Fields for Planar Deformation 

      Solomon, Justin; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Butscher, Adrian; Guibas, Leonidas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Cartoon animation, image warping, and several other tasks in two-dimensional computer graphics reduce to the formulation of a reasonable model for planar deformation. A deformation is a map from a given shape to a new one, ...
    • As-Rigid-As-Possible Surface Modeling 

      Sorkine, Olga; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2007)
      Modeling tasks, such as surface deformation and editing, can be analyzed by observing the local behavior of the surface. We argue that defining a modeling operation by asking for rigidity of the local transformations is ...
    • Atomic Volumes for Mesh Completion 

      Podolak, Joshua; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      The increased use of scanned geometry for applications in computer graphics and 3D hardcopy output has highlighted the need for general, robust algorithms for reconstruction of watertight 3D models given partial polygonal ...
    • Automatic and Interactive Mesh to T-Spline Conversion 

      Li, Wan-Chiu; Ray, Nicolas; Lévy, Bruno (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      In Geometry Processing, and more specifically in surface approximation, one of the most important issues is the automatic generation of a quad-dominant control mesh from an arbitrary shape (e.g. a scanned mesh). One of the ...
    • Automatic Registration for Articulated Shapes 

      Chang, Will; Zwicker, Matthias (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2008)
      We present an unsupervised algorithm for aligning a pair of shapes in the presence of significant articulated motion and missing data, while assuming no knowledge of a template, user-placed markers, segmentation, or the ...