Now showing items 1-20 of 30

    • Perceptual evaluation of footskate cleanup 

      Pra ák, Martin; Hoyet, Ludovic; O'Sullivan, Carol (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      When animating virtual humans for real-time applications such as games and virtual reality, animation systems often have to edit motions in order to be responsive. In many cases, contacts between the feet and the ground ...
    • Spacetime Vertex Constraints for Dynamically-based Adaptation of Motion-Captured Animation 

      O'Brien, C.; Dingliana, J.; Collins, S. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present a novel technique for editing motion captured animation. Our iterative solver produces physicallyplausible adaptated animations that satisfy alterations in foot and hand contact placement with the animated ...
    • Biomechanically-Inspired Motion Path Editing 

      Lockwood, Noah; Singh, Karan (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present a system for interactive kinematic editing of motion paths and timing that employs various biomechanical observations to augment and restrict the edited motion. Realistic path manipulations are enforced by ...
    • Element-Wise Mixed Implicit-Explicit Integration for Stable Dynamic Simulation of Deformable Objects 

      Fierz, B.; Spillmann, J.; Harders, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      In order to evolve a deformable object in time, the underlying equations of motion have to be numerically integrated. This is commonly done by employing either an explicit or an implicit integration scheme. While explicit ...
    • Asynchronous Integration with Phantom Meshes 

      Harmony, David; Zhou, Qingnan; Zorin, Denis (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Asynchronous variational integration of layered contact models provides a framework for robust collision handling, correct physical behavior, and guaranteed eventual resolution of even the most difficult contact problems. ...
    • Robust Real-Time Deformation of Incompressible Surface Meshes 

      Diziol, R.; Bender, J.; Bayer, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We introduce an efficient technique for robustly simulating incompressible objects with thousands of elements in real-time. Instead of considering a tetrahedral model, commonly used to simulate volumetric bodies, we simply ...
    • Optimization for Sag-Free Simulations 

      Twigg, Christopher D.; Kacic-Alesic, Zoran (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      A common problem during the first few seconds of a cloth, hair, or flesh simulation is that the mesh sags under gravity, which can undo the work of hours of careful modeling. The typical response of increasing the stiffness ...
    • Real-time Facial Animation from Live Video Tracking 

      Rhee, Taehyun; Hwang, Youngkyoo; Kim, James Dokyoon; Kim, Changyeong (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      This paper describes a complete pipe-line of a practical system for producing real-time facial expressions of a 3D virtual avatar controlled by an actor's live performances. The system handles practical challenges arising ...
    • Facial Cartography: Interactive Scan Correspondence 

      Wilson, Cyrus A.; Alexander, Oleg; Tunwattanapong, Borom; Ghosh, Pieter PeersAbhijeet; Busch, Jay; Hartholt, Arno; Debevec, Paul (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present a semi-automatic technique for computing surface correspondences between 3D facial scans in different expressions, such that scan data can be mapped into a common domain for facial animation. The technique can ...
    • Content Retargeting Using Parameter-Parallel Facial Layers 

      Kholgade, Natasha; Matthews, Iain; Sheikh, Yaser (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Facial motion retargeting approaches often transfer expressions by establishing correspondences between shared units of motion, such as action units, or spatial correspondences of landmarks between the source actor and ...
    • Graph-based Fire Synthesis 

      Zhang, Yubo; Correa, Carlos D.; Ma, Kwan-Liu (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present a novel graph-based data-driven technique for cost-effective fire modeling. This technique allows composing long animation sequences using a small number of short simulations. While traditional techniques such ...
    • Preview-based Sampling for Controlling Gaseous Simulations 

      Huangy, Ruoguan; Melekz, Zeki; Keyser, John (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      In this work, we describe an automated method for directing the control of a high resolution gaseous fluid simulation based on the results of a lower resolution preview simulation. Small variations in accuracy between low ...
    • Procedural Fluid Modeling of Explosion PhenomenaBased on Physical Properties 

      Kawada, Genichi; Kanai, Takashi (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We propose a method to procedurally model the fluid flows of explosion phenomena by taking physical properties into account. Explosion flows are always quite difficult to control, because they easily disturb each other and ...
    • A Puppet Interface for Retrieval of Motion Capture Data 

      Numaguchi, Naoki; Nakazawa, Atsushi; Shiratori, Takaaki; Hodgins, Jessica K. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Intuitive and efficient retrieval of motion capture data is essential for effective use of motion capture databases. In this paper, we describe a system that allows the user to retrieve a particular sequence by performing ...
    • Real-Time Classification of Dance Gesturesfrom Skeleton Animation 

      Raptis, Michalis; Kirovski, Darko; Hoppe, Hugues (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present a real-time gesture classification system for skeletal wireframe motion. Its key components include an angular representation of the skeleton designed for recognition robustness under noisy input, a cascaded ...
    • Practical Color-Based Motion Capture 

      Wang, Robert; Paris, Sylvain; Popovi, Jovan (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Motion capture systems have been widely used for high quality content creation and virtual reality but are rarely used in consumer applications due to their price and setup cost. In this paper, we propose a motion capture ...
    • Human Motion Reconstruction from Force Sensors 

      Ha, Sehoon; Bai, Yunfei; Liu, C. Karen (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Consumer-grade, real-time motion capture devices are becoming commonplace in every household, thanks to the recent development in depth-camera technologies. We introduce a new approach to capturing and reconstructing ...
    • A Data-driven Appearance Model for Human Fatigue 

      Jr., Joseph T. Kider; Pollock, Kaitlin; Safonova, Alla (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Humans become visibly tired during physical activity. After a set of squats, jumping jacks or walking up a flight of stairs, individuals start to pant, sweat, loose their balance, and flush. Simulating these physiological ...
    • A Simple Finite Volume Method for Adaptive Viscous Liquids 

      Batty, Christopher; Houston, Ben (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present the first spatially adaptive Eulerian fluid animation method to support challenging viscous liquid effects such as folding, coiling, and variable viscosity. We propose a tetrahedral node-based embedded finite ...
    • Mathematical Foundation of the Optimization-based Fluid Animation Method 

      Erleben, Kenny; Misztal, Marek Krzysztof; Bæren, J. Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We present the mathematical foundation of a fluid animation method for unstructured meshes. Key contributions not previously treated are the extension to include diffusion forces and higher order terms of non-linear force ...