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    Straßer, Wolfgang (Eurographics Association, 1995-08-28)
    Preface and Table of Contents
  • Towards a Scalable Architecture for Real-Time Volume Rendering 

    Pfister, Hanspeter; Kaufman, Arie; Wessels, Frank (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    In this paper we present our research efforts towards a scalable volume rendering architecture for the real-time visualization of dynamically changing high-resolution datasets. Using a linearly skewed memory interleav­ ing ...
  • Design of a Fast Voxel Processor for Parallel Volume Visualization 

    Lichtennann, Jan (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    The basics of a parallel real-time volume visualization architecture are introduced. Volume data is divided into subcubes that are dis­ tributed among multiple image processors and stored in their pri­ vate voxel memories. ...
  • An array based design for Real-Time Volume Rendering 

    Doggett, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    This paper describes a new algorithm and hardware design for the generation of two dimensional images from volume data using the ray casting technique. The algorithm is part of an image generation system that is broken ...
  • Super Resolution Volume Rendering Hardware 

    Bosma, Marco; Smit, Jaap; Scheltinga, Jeroen Terwisscha van (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    The resolution obtained in volume rendering is greatly increased over known methods through the introduction of super resolution techniques which make it possible to enlarge the view o f the dataset without the introduction ...
  • Hardware Architecture for Voxelization-based Volume Rendering of Unstructured Grids 

    Prakash, C. E.; Manohar, S. (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Interactive volume visualization of unstructured grid data is a much sought after, but as yet elusive, goal in many scientifie visualization applications. We present an architecture that ean possibly bring this goal within ...
  • Hardware Supported Bump Mapping: A Step towards Ingber Quality Real-Time Rendering 

    Emst, I.; Jackel, D.; Riisseler, H.; Wittig, O. (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Today's high-end Gouraud renderers produce nicely textured scenes by mapping two-dimensional images onto modeled objects in real· time. We present a renderer which textures surfaces in the normal sense of the word using ...
  • A pel-based Volume Rendering Accelerator 

    Knittel, Günter (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    We discuss the underlying algorithms, design principles and implementation issues of an extremely compact and cost-efficient volume rendering accelerator for PCI-based systems. It operates on classified and shaded data ...
  • An Architecture For Rapid Stereoscopic Image Generation 

    MCCann, Shaun; Lister, Paul (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    A cost effective architecture for the rasterisation of stereo­ imagery based on image derivation is presented. The architecture is a simple and scaleable augmentation ofa classic monocular graphics pipeline and integrates ...
  • Design of an On-Chip Reflectance Map 

    Scheltinga, Jeroen Terwisscha van; Smit, Jaap; Bosma, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    A reflectance map design is described which uses a minimal amount of memory for the table, in order to be applicable as an on-chip shader. The shader is designed for use with the volumetric super resolution hardware, which ...
  • Hardware for Superior Texture Performance 

    Knittel, G.; Schilling, A.; Kugler, A.; Straßer, W. (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Mapping textures onto suIfaces of computer-gener­ ated objects is a technique which greatly improves the realism of their appearance. Unfortunately, this imposes high computational demands and, even worse, tremendous memory ...
  • Approximation Techniques for High Performance Texture Mapping 

    Demirer, Mehmet; Grimsdale, Richard L. (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Accurate perspective mapping in real-time requires costly division operations per pixel and therefore ap­ proximation techniques are often employed. These per­ mit the mapping to be performed by interpolation, but generally ...
  • Reducing Latency on PixelFlow 

    Lastra, Anselmo A. (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Performance, as measured by the number of primitives rendered per second, has been the most important rendering system design consideration while latency, the amount of time it takes to render an image, has largely been ...
  • Single Chip Hardware Support for Rasterization and Texture Mapping 

    Ackermann, Hans-Josef (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Today's interactive 3D-applications on Pes demand efficient hardware support for functionality, e.g. shading and texture mapping. In this paper, I present an ASIC that integrates most of the 3D-reIated functionality defined ...
  • The PixelFlow Texture and Image Subsystem 

    Molnar, Steven (The Eurographics Association, 1995)
    Texturing and imaging have become essential tasks for high­ speed, high-quality rendering systems. They make possible effects such as photo-textures, environment maps, decals, modulated transparency, shadows, environment ...