Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • ActionPlot: A Visualization Tool for Contemporary Dance Analysis 

      Carlson, K.; Schiphorst, T.; Shaw, C. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      This paper illustrates a prototype for visualizing contemporary dance through a movement analysis tool, entitled ActionPlot. Contemporary dance is an experiential and time based art form with few available analysis techniques. ...
    • Aesthetic Agents: Swarm-based Non-photorealistic Rendering using Multiple Images 

      Love, J.; Pasquier, P.; Wyvill, B.; S.Gibson,; Tzanetakis, G. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      The creation of expressive styles for digital art is one of the primary goals in non-photorealistic rendering. In this paper, we introduce a swarm-based multi-agent system that is capable of producing expressive imagery ...
    • Artistic Canvases for Gestural and Non-linear Typography 

      Kirton, Travis (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      This paper presents an exploration of gestural and non-linear typography through the production of two software applications, TextDraw and TypeIs. Both were created through a media-art-research practice, wherein extended ...
    • Building The Plotter - an Aesthetic Exploration with Drawing Robots 

      Wanner, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      This paper presents the drawing robot The Plotter and an exploratory preliminary study with other drawing robots. Around notions of authorship, control and Eigensinn , the paper describes these artworks and situates ...
    • ColourVis: Exploring Colour Usage in Paintings Over Time 

      Haber, Jonathan; Lynch, Sean; Carpendale, Sheelagh (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      The colour palette of painters over history has been of interest to many, including: art historians, archeologists, and art lovers. Colour usage in art changes from culture to culture and season to season and is often ...
    • Double Meandering Algorithm: From Drawing Game to Automated Animation 

      Gao, Shelley; Pullen, Lucy; Gooch, Amy A. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We introduce artist Lucy Pullen's Double Meandering Algorithm, first in its original form as a pen-and-paper drawing algorithm and then as a procedurally generated animation. We utilize a chain of cubic Bézier curves to ...
    • EMVIZ: The Poetics of Movement Quality Visualization 

      Subyen, Pattarawut; Maranan, Diego; Schiphorst, Thecla; Pasquier, Philippe; Bartram, Lyn (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      This paper describes the design of an interactive visualization prototype, called EMVIZ, that generates abstract expressive visual representations of human movement quality. The system produces dynamic visual representations ...
    • gamutHeatMap: Visualizing the Colour Shift of Rendering Intent Transformations 

      Gat, Christopher; Zhang, Hanyu; German, Daniel M.; Tory, Melanie (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      When a photograph is printed, its original colours are converted to those of the output medium using a rendering intent transformation. This process takes into consideration the colour properties of the paper and the printer ...
    • Generating Op Art Lines 

      Inglis, Tiffany C.; Kaplan, Craig S. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      A common technique in Op Art is the use of parallel lines to depict simple shapes such as circles and squares. Some artists have attempted to create more complex images using this technique but faced the problem of producing ...
    • Images from Self-Occlusion 

      Alexa, Marc; Matusik, Wojciech (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We propose a complete system for designing, simulating, and fabricating surfaces with shading due to selfocclusion that induce desired input images. Our work is based on a simple observation. Consider a cylindrical hole ...
    • Interactive Modeling of Muqarnas 

      Hamekasi, N.; Samavati, F.F.; Nasri, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      Muqarnas is a mesmerizing 3D feature of Islamic architecture that exhibit intricate geometry. Such designs are composed of several basic structures combined in successive layers, producing complicated 3D surfaces. In this ...
    • Performing Animator Instrument for Live Media 

      Dulic, A.; Newby, K. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      In this paper we discuss the design of Performing Animator, an expressive instrument for live media, we developed in support of our situated interdisciplinary performance practice. The concept of a cinema of braided processes ...
    • Predicting Stereoscopic Viewing Comfort Using a Coherence-Based Computational Model 

      Richardt, Christian; Swirski, Lech; Davies, Ian P.; Dodgson, Neil A. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      We introduce a novel computational model for objectively assessing the visual comfort of stereoscopic 3D imagery. Our model integrates research in visual perception with tools from stereo computer vision to quantify the ...
    • Simple Motion Textures for Ambient Affect 

      Lockyer, M.; Bartram, L.; Riecke, B. E. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      The communication of emotion and the creation of affect are core to creating immersive and engaging experiences, such as those in performance, games and simulation. They often rely on atmospheric cues that influence how ...
    • Symmetry Hybrids 

      Cullen, B.; O'Sullivan, C. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      How we perceive the world is strongly governed by symmetry. Symmetry presents itself in both natural and manmade structures giving aesthetic appeal to the world. This paper presents an approach to form intuitive tree based ...
    • Sympathetic Guitar: Humans Respond Socially to Interactive Technology in an Abstract, Expressive Context 

      Vidyarthi, J.; Riecke, B.E.; Antle, A.N. (The Eurographics Association, 2011)
      There seems to be an inherent sociality of computers which is somehow related to their interactivity. However, existing research on this topic is limited to direct interaction, semantic information, clear goals and the ...