Now showing items 21-31 of 31

    • Visualization of ERT Data for Archaeological Purposes 

      Bernardes, Paulo; Alves, Mafalda; Pereira, Bruno; Madeira, Joaquim; Martins, Manuela; Fontes, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      This work presents a visualization methodology for the correct comprehension and interpretation of ERT data by archaeologists. The authors developed a methodology based not only in colour mapping and slicing techniques but ...
    • 3D Annotation Transfer 

      Scalas, Andreas; Mortara, Michela; Spagnuolo, Michela (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      In the last few years, there has been an increase in digitalization efforts within the Cultural Heritage field, which boosted the interest for new strategies to improve documentation standards. While these concepts have ...
    • From Paper to Web: Automatic Generation of a Web-Accessible 3D Repository of Pottery Types 

      Dellepiane, Matteo; Callieri, Marco; Banterle, Francesco; Arenga, Domenico; Zallocco, Massimo; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      3D web repositories are a hot topic for the research community in general. In the Cultural Heritage (CH) context, 3D repositories pose a difficult challenge due to the complexity and variability of models and to the need ...
    • OpenREC: A Framework for 3D Reconstruction of Models from Photographs 

      Arroyo, Germán; Martín, Domingo (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      In this paper we introduce openREC to the scientific community, an extendable framework for reconstruction of 3D models from photographs. This system provides a framework designed for archaeologist, art restorers, architects, ...
    • Towards Semi-Automatic Scaling Detection on Flat Stones 

      Muñoz-Pandiella, Imanol; Akoglu, Kiraz; Bosch, Carles; Rushmeier, Holly (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      In Cultural Heritage projects, it is very important to identify and track weathering effects on monuments in order to design and test conservation strategies. Currently, this mapping is manual work performed by experts ...
    • Visual Computing for Archaeological Artifacts with Integral Invariant Filters in 3D 

      Mara, Hubert; Krömker, Susanne (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      3D-artifacts from ancient civilizations contain many different kinds of information in form of forensic trace evidence, e.g., tool marks from styli or fingerprints on wax sealings. These very fine structures are increasingly ...
    • Accurate Soil and Mudbrick BRDF Models for Archaeological Illumination Rendering with Application to Small Finds 

      Badler, Virginia; Jr., Joseph Kider; Moore, Megan; Walter, B.; Badler, Norman (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The prevalence of mudbrick structures in the ancient world presents an unexplored opportunity for the realistic portrayal of their appearance. 3D computer models are often constructed from architectural remains to study ...
    • Multispectral RTI Analysis of Heterogeneous Artworks 

      Giachetti, Andrea; Ciortan, Irina Mihaela; Daffara, Claudia; Pintus, Ruggero; Gobbetti, Enrico (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      We propose a novel multi-spectral reflectance transformation imaging (MS-RTI) framework for the acquisition and direct analysis of the reflectance behavior of heterogeneous artworks. Starting from free-form acquisitions, ...
    • Digitising Ivory Artefacts at the National History Museum in Brazil 

      Marroquim, Ricardo; Sá, Asla Medeiros e; Echavarria, Karina Rodriguez; Balbio, Vitor; Zamorano, Rafael (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      The advantages of digitisation technologies, such as 3D scanning, photogrammetry and 3D modelling, for the documentation and dissemination of cultural heritage artefacts is well understood by researchers. Nevertheless, ...
    • Animating With a Self-organizing Population the Reconstruction of Medieval Mértola 

      Antunes, Rui F.; Cláudio, Ana Paula; Carmo, Maria Beatriz; Correia, Luis (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      This paper provides a contribution to the field of historical simulations of the past. Throughout this document, we will describe a novel model to animate these simulations with autonomous characters exhibiting heterogeneous ...
    • Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) 2017: Frontmatter 

      Schreck, Tobias; Weyrich, Tim; Sablatnig, Robert; Štular, Benjamin (Eurographics Association, 2017)