Lisbon, Portugal

Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Towards a Formal Specification of the GKS Output Primitives 

    Duce, D. A.; Fielding, E. V. C. (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
  • The Integrated Display Controller (IDC) for VLSI-Design Workstations 

    Strk, Jrgen (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A display controller to accelerate the updating of the frame buffer in raster displays is presented. The advantage of a frame buffer system is the ability to display pictures of any complexity, flicker free. The disadvantage ...
  • A Multiprocessor Architecture For High-Quality Interactive Displays 

    Sutherland, Robert J. (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A multiprocessor array coupled to a deep framebuffer is proposed as the basis for an interactive user environment of high quality. Several aspects of such an architecture are considered, improvements on previous approaches ...
  • An Introduction to the Graphics Systems Processor 

    Short, Graham (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    This paper describes the system applications of the Graphics System Processor (GSP) produced by Texas Instruments Inc. The paper discusses the general-purpose capabilities of the GSP which make it a flexible processor to ...
  • Mappings Between Product Data Definitions 

    Richter, Dieter (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    It can be observed that existing product data interfaces are constructed by a pragmatic manner. It is not seen any theoretical approach neither for describing nor for evaluating models. In this paper an algebraic approach ...
  • An Implementation of the GKS-3D/Phigs Viewing Pipeline 

    Singleton, Karen (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    Following the establishment of GKS as the first international standard for computer graphics, two new standards, GKS-3D and PHIGS, are emerging which cater for three dimensional graphics. In order to display a 3-D object, ...
  • Methods for Cross-Sectional Design of B-Spline Surfaces 

    Woodward, Charles D. (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    The complexity of free-form surface construction and interaction can often be reduced with methods of crosssectional design. A number of such methods, includin sweeps, skinning and surface interpolation are described in ...
  • A Portable Graphical Display System For The Partially Sighted 

    DUNLOP, G.R.; B.Sc.,; B.E.(Hons),; Ph.D.,; M.I.E.E.,; C.Elec.Eng., (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A portable reading aid based on a graphical display system has been developed for partially sighted persons. This graphical display system incorporates dual microprocessor control of a flat panel AC plasma display and a ...
  • CSI: A Processor for Image Synthesis 

    Charot, Francois; Rousee, Frank (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A high performance processor convenient for image synthesis is presented. The processor named CSI is programmable and can support either image synthesis by polygons or by ray casting. CSI consists of two 32- bits floating ...
  • Geometric Boundary Modelling without Topological Data Structures 

    Takala, Tapio (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    The Boundary Representation (BR) scheme for solid modelling is reconsidered and generalized in the paper. It is pointed out that the topological data, though usually represented separately, is derivable from the geometric ...
  • An Advanced Display System With Natural Interactivity 

    Kankaanp, Arto (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    This paper describes an experimental display system that allows easy interaction with the graphics display. The user uses a pen-like device to draw directly on the display surface. The system is based on an electroluminescent ...
  • A Statistical Method For Adaptive Stochastic Sampling 

    Purgathofer, Werner (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    Stochastic sampling is a good alternative to pure oversampling in terms of image quality. A method for adaptively controlling the number of required samples to the complexity of the picture is presented. The quality of the ...
  • A Visualisation Tool for (Landscape) Architects 

    Lankhorst, Mrs. J. Roos - Klein (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    In a small and crowded country such as the Netherlands both the government and the individual people are very concerned with what is happening in their environment. Apart from the ecological impacts, the visual effects of ...
  • Towards the Construction of Graphical Interfaces on the Basis of Geometric Models 

    Prospero, Manuel Joao; Messina, Luiz Ary (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    Dialogue control and dialogue object structures are the outlined concepts developed in this paper. Phases of a CAD-Process are presented to show an outstanding application for the concepts The use of logic programming ...
  • An Adaptive Graphics Interface for Effective Visual Representation 

    Holynski, Marek; Garneau, Robert; Lewis, Elaine (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    This paper presents a progression of experimental work aimed at incorporating principles of graphic presentation and preferences of users into a computer graphics system. These standard-s for effective visual representation ...
  • The Integration of Particle and Polygon Rendering using an A-buffer Algorithm 

    N.Magnenat-Thalmann,; D.Thalmann,; S.Beland, (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A particle system, as defined by Reeves, is a collection of particles that together represent a fuzzy object. Over a period of time, particles in the system are born, move, change and die. We have introduced interactive ...
  • Memory Organization for a Cubic Frame Buffer 

    Kaufman, Arie (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    A special memory organization of a cubic voxel-based frame buffer is presented. The memory of voxels is divided into n modules of voxels each. The k-th module groups together all the principal diagonal planes within the ...
  • A General Purpose User Interface With Hierarchical Data Structure Management 

    Janni, Alberto Di; Italiano, Margherita (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    This paper presents a general purpose User Interface Management System based upon a user driven menu handling and a hierarchical organization of graphic data structure. The package has mainly two purposes: one being to ...
  • A Version Management System for Design Environments 

    Heine, Thomas Riedel-; Köhler, Dagmar (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    Design environments for CAD/CAM require new techniques of version management. This work presents a concept of a largely data modelindependent version manager thus allowing easy integration into any existing database system. ...
  • A consistent algorithm to fill triangles and triangular patches 

    Overveld, C.W.A.M. van; Lierop, M.L.P van (The Eurographics Association, 1986)
    In this paper an algorithm is described for filling triangles in 3D. Since this algorithm uses integer arithmetic only, it is not hampered by inconsistencies that normally arise due to finite machine precision. Moreover, ...

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