Real-time Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Objects using Voxel Number Map
Keisuke Mochida, Midori Okamoto, Hiroyuki Kubo, and Shigeo Morishima
Real-Time Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Materials with Dynamic Programming
Tadahiro Ozawa, Midori Okamoto, Hiroyuki Kubo, and Shigeo Morishima
Rig-Space Motion Retargeting
Lin-Chuan Hu, Ming-Hsu Chang, and Yung-Yu Chuang
Efficient Point based Global Illumination on Intel MIC Architecture
Xiang Xu, Pei Wang, Beibei Wang, Lu Wang, Changhe Tu, Xiangxu Meng, and Tamy Boubekeur
Efficient Voxel Marking for Hierarchical Volumetric Fusion
László Szirmay-Kalos, Balázs Tóth, and Tamás Umenhoffer
Interactive Additive Diffraction Synthesis
Sangmin Lee and Sungkil Lee
Acceptable System Latency for Gaze-Dependent Level of Detail Rendering
Michał Chwesiuk and Radoslaw Mantiuk
A Practical GPU-accelerated Method for the Simulation of Naval Objects on Irregular Waves
Alexey Bezgodov and Andrey Karsakov
Physically-based Rendering of Highly Scattering Fluorescent Solutions using Path Tracing
Marwan Abdellah, Ahmet Bilgili, Stefan Eilemann, Henry Markram, and Felix Schürmann
Tonal Art Maps with Image Space Strokes
László Szécsi, Marcell Szirányi, and Ágota Kacsó
3D Modelling Framework: an Incremental Approach
Luis Almeida, Paulo Menezes, and Jorge Dias
Interactive Monte-Carlo Ray-Tracing Upsampling
Malik Boughida, Thibault Groueix, and Tamy Boubekeur
Terracotta Reassembly from Fragments Based on Surface Ornamentation Adjacency Constraints
Yuhe Zhang, Guohua Geng, Xiaoran Wei, and Shunli Zhang
Real-Time Video Texture Synthesis for Multi-Frame Capsule Endoscopy Visualization
Ady Ecker
Transferring and Animating a non T-pose Model to a T-pose Model
Nasim Hajari, Irene Cheng, and Anup Basu
Augmenting Physical Maps: an AR Platform for Geographical Information Visualization
Rui Nóbrega, João Jacob, Rui Rodrigues, António Coelho, and A. Augusto de Sousa
Conversion of CAD Models to Loop Subdivision Surfaces
Jingjing Shen and Jiˇrí Kosinka
A 3D Morphable Model of the Eye Region
Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Louis-Philippe Morency, Peter Robinson, and Andreas Bulling
Skyglow: Towards a Night-time Illumination Model for Urban Environments
Tom Minor, Robert R. Poncelet, and Eike Falk Anderson
Tiled Depth of Field Splatting
Kai Selgrad, Linus Franke, and Marc Stamminger
No-infill 3D Printing
Xiaoran Wei, Guohua Geng, and Yuhe Zhang

Recent Submissions

  • A 3D Morphable Model of the Eye Region 

    Wood, Erroll; Baltrušaitis, Tadas; Morency, Louis-Philippe; Robinson, Peter; Bulling, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We present the first 3D morphable model that includes the eyes, enabling gaze estimation and gaze re-targetting from a single image. Morphable face models are a powerful tool and are used for a range of tasks including ...
  • No-infill 3D Printing 

    Wei, Xiaoran; Geng, Guohua; Zhang, Yuhe (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper introduces a partition method for printing hollow objects without infill via Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which is one of the most widely used 3D-printing technology. We linked the partition problem to the ...
  • Skyglow: Towards a Night-time Illumination Model for Urban Environments 

    Minor, Tom; Poncelet, Robert R.; Anderson, Eike Falk (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    For night-time scenes in computer graphics there exist few consistent models or implementations for sky illumination, and those that do exist lack the feature of light pollution from artificial light sources. We present ...
  • Conversion of CAD Models to Loop Subdivision Surfaces 

    Shen, Jingjing; Kosinka, Jirí (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We propose a general framework for converting a CAD model, which is a collection of trimmed NURBS surfaces, to a single Loop subdivision surface. We first apply a Delaunay-based meshing method to generate a template mesh ...
  • Tiled Depth of Field Splatting 

    Selgrad, Kai; Franke, Linus; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We present a method to compute post-processing depth of field (DOF) that produces more accurate results than previous approaches. Our method is based on existing approaches, namely DOF rendering by splatting and fast, ...
  • Transferring and Animating a non T-pose Model to a T-pose Model 

    Hajari, Nasim; Cheng, Irene; Basu, Anup (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Non T-pose animation is a technique that attempts to generate natural transformations between any non T-pose skeletons to the neutral T-pose skeleton. It is not always easy to extract or embed a T-pose animation skeleton ...
  • Augmenting Physical Maps: an AR Platform for Geographical Information Visualization 

    Nóbrega, Rui; Jacob, João; Rodrigues, Rui; Coelho, António; Sousa, A. Augusto de (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Physical maps of a city or region are important pieces of geographical information for tourists and local citizens. Unfortunately the amount of information that can be presented on a piece of paper is limited. In order to ...
  • Real-Time Video Texture Synthesis for Multi-Frame Capsule Endoscopy Visualization 

    Ecker, Ady (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We present a real-world application of real-time video texture synthesis for capsule endoscopy
  • Tonal Art Maps with Image Space Strokes 

    Szécsi, László; Szirányi, Marcell; Kacsó, Ágota (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper presents a hybrid hatching solution that uses robust and fast texture space hatching to gather stroke fragments, but fits stylized brush strokes over those fragments in image space. Thus we obtain a real-time ...
  • 3D Modelling Framework: an Incremental Approach 

    Almeida, Luis; Menezes, Paulo; Dias, Jorge (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper presents a framework for on-line incremental 3D modeling useful for human computer interaction or telepresence applications. We aim a free viewpoint approach based on user's realistic representation to simulate ...
  • Terracotta Reassembly from Fragments Based on Surface Ornamentation Adjacency Constraints 

    Zhang, Yuhe; Geng, Guohua; Wei, Xiaoran; Zhang, Shunli (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper introduces a method that enables the reassembly of fragments with incompleteness in fracture surfaces and break-curves. The incompleteness of the fracture surfaces and break-curves, both contribute to the failure ...
  • Interactive Monte-Carlo Ray-Tracing Upsampling 

    Boughida, Malik; Groueix, Thibault; Boubekeur, Tamy (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We propose a practical method to approximate global illumination at interactive framerates for dynamic scenes. We address multi-bounce, visibility-aware indirect lighting, for diffuse to moderately glossy materials, relying ...
  • Acceptable System Latency for Gaze-Dependent Level of Detail Rendering 

    Chwesiuk, Michał; Mantiuk, Radoslaw (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Human visual system is unable to perceive all details in the entire field of view. High frequency features are noticeable only at a small angle of 1-2 degrees around the viewing direction. Therefore, it is a reasonable ...
  • A Practical GPU-accelerated Method for the Simulation of Naval Objects on Irregular Waves 

    Bezgodov, Alexey; Karsakov, Andrey (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper introduce a new method for real-time simulation of naval objects (such as vessels, ships, buoys and lifejackets) with six degrees of freedom on irregular waves. Thus method is based on hydrodynamic and hydrostatic ...
  • Interactive Additive Diffraction Synthesis 

    Lee, Sangmin; Lee, Sungkil (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Lens flare, comprising diffraction patterns of direct lights and ghosts of an aperture, is one of artistic artifacts in optical systems. The generation of far-field diffraction patterns has commonly used Fourier transform ...
  • Physically-based Rendering of Highly Scattering Fluorescent Solutions using Path Tracing 

    Abdellah, Marwan; Bilgili, Ahmet; Eilemann, Stefan; Markram, Henry; Schürmann, Felix (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We introduce a physically-plausible Monte Carlo rendering technique that is capable of treating highly scattering participating media in the presence of fluorescent mixtures. Our model accounts for the actual intrinsic ...
  • Real-Time Rendering of Heterogeneous Translucent Materials with Dynamic Programming 

    Ozawa, Tadahiro; Okamoto, Midori; Kubo, Hiroyuki; Morishima, Shigeo (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Subsurface scattering is important to express translucent materials such as skin, marble and so on realistically. However, rendering translucent materials in real-time is challenging, since calculating subsurface light ...
  • Efficient Point based Global Illumination on Intel MIC Architecture 

    Xu, Xiang; Wang, Pei; Wang, Beibei; Wang, Lu; Tu, Changhe; Meng, Xiangxu; Boubekeur, Tamy (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Point-Based Global Illumination (PBGI) is a popular rendering method in special effects and motion picture productions. The tree-cut computation is in general the most time consuming part of this algorithm, but it can be ...
  • Efficient Voxel Marking for Hierarchical Volumetric Fusion 

    Szirmay-Kalos, László; Tóth, Balázs; Umenhoffer, Tamás (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    When fusing depth images into a 3D volumetric model, a crucial task is to mark macro-cells as empty or as intersected by the noisy surface represented by the depth image. This paper proposes a simple marking algorithm for ...
  • Rig-Space Motion Retargeting 

    Hu, Lin-Chuan; Chang, Ming-Hsu; Chuang, Yung-Yu (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    This paper presents a framework for transferring rig parameters from a source animation to a target model, allowing artists to further refine and adjust the animation. Most previous methods only transfer animations to ...

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