Now showing items 1-20 of 102

    • 12th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments 

      Hubbold, Roger; Jorge, Joaquim; Lin, Ming (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
    • 28th EUROGRAPHICS General Assembly 

      Unknown author (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
    • 2nd EG workshop on Natural Phenomena September 5th, 2007 Vienna (Austria) 

      Chiba, Norishige; Galin, Eric (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
    • 3D Lip-Synch Generation with Data-Faithful Machine Learning 

      Kim, Ig-Jae; Ko, Hyeong-Seok (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      This paper proposes a new technique for generating three-dimensional speech animation. The proposed technique takes advantage of both data-driven and machine learning approaches. It seeks to utilize the most relevant part ...
    • 3D Video Billboard Clouds 

      Waschbuesch, Michael; Wuermlin, Stephan; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      3D video billboard clouds reconstruct and represent a dynamic three-dimensional scene using displacement-mapped billboards. They consist of geometric proxy planes augmented with detailed displacement maps and combine the ...
    • Accelerating Refractive Rendering of Transparent Objects 

      Hui, K. C.; Lee, A. H. C.; Lai, Y. H. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      In this paper, a technique is proposed for the rendering of transparent objects interactively using the method of refractive rendering. In the proposed technique, the refractive rendering algorithm is performed in two ...
    • Accurate Depth of Field Simulation in Real Time 

      Zhou, Tianshu; Chen, Jim X.; Pullen, Mark (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      We present a new post processing method of simulating depth of field based on accurate calculations of circles of confusion. Compared to previous work, our method derives actual scene depth information directly from the ...
    • Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells 

      Botsch, Mario; Pauly, Mark; Wicke, Martin; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      We propose a new adaptive space deformation method for interactive shape modeling. A novel energy formulation based on elastically coupled volumetric cells yields intuitive detail preservation even under large deformations. ...
    • Automatic Light Source Placement for Maximum Visual Information Recovery 

      Vazquez, P.-P. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      The automatic selection of good viewing parameters is a very complex problem. In most cases, the notion of good strongly depends on the concrete application. Moreover, when an intuitive definition of good view is available, ...
    • A Bidirectional Light Field - Hologram Transform 

      Ziegler, Remo; Bucheli, Simon; Ahrenberg, Lukas; Magnor, Marcus; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      In this paper, we propose a novel framework to represent visual information. Extending the notion of conventional image-based rendering, our framework makes joint use of both light fields and holograms as complementary ...
    • Bitmask Soft Shadows 

      Schwarz, Michael; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      Recently, several real-time soft shadow algorithms have been introduced which all compute a single shadow map and use its texels to obtain a discrete scene representation. The resulting micropatches are backprojected onto ...
    • Boundary Constrained Swept Surfaces for Modelling and Animation 

      You, L. H.; Yang, X. S.; Pachulski, M.; Zhang, Jian J. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      Due to their simplicity and intuitiveness, swept surfaces are widely used in many surface modelling applications. In this paper, we present a versatile swept surface technique called the boundary constrained swept surfaces. ...
    • CGF Reviewers 

      Unknown author (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
    • CGForum 2007 Cover Image Trillion Triangle Terrain by Andreas Dietrich, Gerd Marmitt and Philipp Slusallek 

      Unknown author (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
    • Consistent Viewing and Interaction for Multiple Users in Projection-Based VR Systems 

      De Haan, Gerwin; Molenaar, Rene; Koutek, Michal; Post, Frits H. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      In projection-based Virtual Reality (VR) systems, typically only one headtracked user views stereo images rendered from the correct view position. For other users, who are presented a distorted image, moving with the first ...
    • Context-Aware Skeletal Shape Deformation 

      Weber, Ofir; Sorkine, Olga; Lipman, Yaron; Gotsman, Craig (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      We describe a system for the animation of a skeleton-controlled articulated object that preserves the fine geometric details of the object skin and conforms to the characteristic shapes of the object specified through a ...
    • Contrast Restoration by Adaptive Countershading 

      Krawczyk, Grzegorz; Myszkowski, Karol; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      The ABSTRACT is to be in fully-justified italicized text, between two horizontal lines, in one-column format, below the author and affiliation information. Use the word Abstract as the title, in 9-point Times, boldface ...
    • Crowds by Example 

      Lerner, Alon; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos; Lischinski, Dani (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      We present an example-based crowd simulation technique. Most crowd simulation techniques assume that the behavior exhibited by each person in the crowd can be defined by a restricted set of rules. This assumption limits ...
    • Data-driven Tetrahedral Mesh Subdivision 

      Rodriguez, L.; Navazo, I.; Vinacua, A. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      Given a tetrahedral mesh immersed in a voxel model, we present a method to refine the mesh to reduce the discrepancy between interpolated values based on either scheme at arbitrary locations. An advantage of the method ...
    • Defocus Magnification 

      Bae, Soonmin; Durand, Fredo (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007)
      A blurry background due to shallow depth of field is often desired for photographs such as portraits, but, unfortunately, small point-and-shoot cameras do not permit enough defocus because of the small diameter of their ...