Now showing items 21-33 of 33

    • Monte Carlo Noise Reduction Using Bayesian Method in Wavelet domain 

      Xu, Ruifeng; Pattanaik, Sumanta N. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      A novel post-processing approach for removing Monte Carlo noises in synthetic images is presented in this paper. This paper first presents our findings on the statistical characteristics of the Monte Carlo noise, and then ...
    • Modeling Falling and Accumulating Snow 

      Moeslund, T. B.; Madsen, C. B.; Aagaard, M.; Lerche, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      The use of computer graphics to produce special effects is currently being applied with great results in especially the entertainment and game industry. One area where computer graphics is not quite ready to replace all ...
    • Different Medical Modelling Strategies in a Single Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment 

      Al-khalifah, A.; McCrindle, R.; Alexandrov, V. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Visualisation and simulation systems are becoming increasingly popular nowadays in medical planning and training. These tools are built using various technologies, such as computer graphics, Virtual Reality, and three ...
    • Color Reduction by Using a new Self-Growing and Self-Organized Neural Network 

      Atsalakis, A.; Papamarkos, N. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      A new method for the reduction of the number of colors in a digital image is proposed. The new method is based on the developed of a new neural network classifier that combines the advantages of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) ...
    • Texture Mapping Volume Objects 

      Shen, P.; Willis, P. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      We present a combination of image-based texture mapping and projective space (pseudo-solid) texture. This imagebased texture mapping is useful for objects defined from volume datasets. The paper makes three main contributions. ...
    • Multi-View Image Coding with Wavelet Lifting Scheme 

      Anantrasirichai, N.; Canagarajah, C. Nishan; Bull, David R. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      In this paper, we present a novel multi-view image codec based on a wavelet lifting scheme. The proposed algorithm applies the disparity estimation and compensation with the lifting scheme. It is very efficient in terms ...
    • 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis at MPI Informatik 

      Theobalt, Christian; Magnor, Marcus A.; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      In the talk, we give a brief overview of the research done in the Computer Graphics Group and the Graphics- Optics-Vision Group of the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in the area of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis. In ...
    • On the Separation of Luminance from Colour in Images 

      Woodland, Alan; Labrosse, Frédéric (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Many computer vision and graphics related techniques rely upon illumination invariance of images to derive meaning from images of an object under varying lighting conditions. This is all the appearance-based methods. In ...
    • Advances in Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms 

      Spagnolo, P.; D'Orazio, T.; Leo, M.; Distante, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Detecting moving objects is very important in many application contexts such as people detection and recognition, visual surveillance, automatic generation of video effects, and so on. Motion detection algorithms are very ...
    • Visual Modeling: Unifying Graphics and Vision 

      Terzopoulos, Demetri (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      The computer vision and computer graphics fields have been developing largely independently since their genesis in the early 1960s. However, there is now a significant amount of exciting research at the intersection of ...
    • A Rigid Transform Basis for Animation Compression and Level of Detail 

      Collins, G.; Hilton, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      We present a scheme for achieving level of detail and compression for animation sequences with known constant connectivity. We suggest compression is useful to automatically create low levels of detail in animations which ...
    • Table of Contents and Preface 

      Mike Chantler (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    • Learnt Inverse Kinematics for Animation Synthesis 

      Ong, Eng-Jon; Hilton, Adrian (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Existing work on animation synthesis can be roughly split into two approaches, those that combine segments of motion capture data, and those that perform inverse kinematics. In this paper, we present a method for performing ...