Vision, Video, and Graphics (2005) 2005
Table of Contents and Preface
Terzopoulos, Demetri
Visual Modeling: Unifying Graphics and Vision
Ong, Eng-Jon; Hilton, Adrian
Learnt Inverse Kinematics for Animation Synthesis
Collins, G.; Hilton, A.
A Rigid Transform Basis for Animation Compression and Level of Detail
Woodland, Alan; Labrosse, Frédéric
On the Separation of Luminance from Colour in Images
Anantrasirichai, N.; Canagarajah, C. Nishan; Bull, David R.
Multi-View Image Coding with Wavelet Lifting Scheme
Shen, P.; Willis, P.
Texture Mapping Volume Objects
Atsalakis, A.; Papamarkos, N.
Color Reduction by Using a new Self-Growing and Self-Organized Neural Network
Moeslund, T. B.; Madsen, C. B.; Aagaard, M.; Lerche, D.
Modeling Falling and Accumulating Snow
Spagnolo, P.; D'Orazio, T.; Leo, M.; Distante, A.
Advances in Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms
Al-khalifah, A.; McCrindle, R.; Alexandrov, V.
Different Medical Modelling Strategies in a Single Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment
Theobalt, Christian; Magnor, Marcus A.; Seidel, Hans-Peter
3D Image Analysis and Synthesis at MPI Informatik
Trujillo, M.; Izquierdo, E.
Sensitivity Analysis in Image Synthesis
Farenzena, Michela; Fusiello, Andrea
Rigorous Computing in Computer Vision
Collomosse, J. P.; Hall, P. M.
Motion Analysis in Video: Dolls, Dynamic Cues and Modern Art
Xu, Ruifeng; Pattanaik, Sumanta N.
Monte Carlo Noise Reduction Using Bayesian Method in Wavelet domain
Delponte, Elisabetta; Isgrò, Francesco; Odone, Francesca; Verri, Alessandro
SVD-Matching using SIFT Features
Bahmutov, Gleb; Popescu, Voicu; Mudure, Mihai; Sacks, Elisha
Depth Enhanced Panoramas
Ihrke, Ivo; Magnor, Marcus
Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography
Anderson, Tom; Trucco, Emanuele; Razeto, Marco
Correspondenceless Stereo for 3-D Iris Location
Ostermann, Jörn; Weissenfeld, Axel; Liu, Kang
Talking Faces - Technologies and Applications
Song, Y. Z.; Town, C. P.
Visual Recognition of Man-made Materials and Structures in an Office Environment
Cerri, A.; Ferri, M.; Giorgi, D.
A New Framework for Trademark Retrieval Based on Size Functions
Lan, Yuxuan; Harvey, Richard
Image classification using compression distance
Tweed, David
Bitvectors for Robust Hierarchical Template Matching
Bai, Li; Song, Yi
Merging Graphics and Vision for 3D Face Recognition
Wu, Yunsong; Megson, Graham; Nie, Zhengang; Liu, Xuan
Linear Hashtable Method and Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Moments Invariant
Olmos, A.; Kingdom, F. A. A.
Automatic Non-Photorealistic Rendering through Soft-Shading Removal: A Colour-Vision Approach
Gagalowicz, André
Use of Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics Collaboration for 3D Rotoscopy
Hillman, Peter M.; Hannah, John M.
Natural Image Matting
Rodgman, David; Chen, Min
Regularised Anisotropic Nonlinear Diffusion for Rendering Refraction in Volume Graphics
Jung, Yvonne; Rettig, Alexander; Klar, Oliver; Lehr, Timo
Realistic Real-Time Hair Simulation and Rendering
Madsen, Claus B.; Laursen, Rune
A Model-Based Approach to Image Relighting with a Potential for Real-Time Implementation