Keynote 1
Visual Modeling: Unifying Graphics and Vision
Demetri Terzopoulos
Learnt Inverse Kinematics for Animation Synthesis
Eng-Jon Ong,Adrian Hilton
A Rigid Transform Basis for Animation Compression and Level of Detail
G. Collins,A. Hilton
Poster Session 1
On the Separation of Luminance from Colour in Images
Alan Woodland,Frédéric Labrosse
Multi-View Image Coding with Wavelet Lifting Scheme
N. Anantrasirichai,C. Nishan Canagarajah,David R. Bull
Texture Mapping Volume Objects
P. Shen,P. Willis
Color Reduction by Using a new Self-Growing and Self-Organized Neural Network
A. Atsalakis,N. Papamarkos
Modeling Falling and Accumulating Snow
T. B. Moeslund,C. B. Madsen,M. Aagaard,D. Lerche
Advances in Shadow Removing for Motion Detection Algorithms
P. Spagnolo,T. D'Orazio,M. Leo,A. Distante
Different Medical Modelling Strategies in a Single Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment
A. Al-khalifah,R. McCrindle,V. Alexandrov
Keynote 2
3D Image Analysis and Synthesis at MPI Informatik
Christian Theobalt,Marcus A. Magnor,Hans-Peter Seidel
Motion, Synthesis and Computational Methods
Sensitivity Analysis in Image Synthesis
M. Trujillo,E. Izquierdo
Rigorous Computing in Computer Vision
Michela Farenzena,Andrea Fusiello
Motion Analysis in Video: Dolls, Dynamic Cues and Modern Art
J. P. Collomosse,P. M. Hall
Monte Carlo Noise Reduction Using Bayesian Method in Wavelet domain
Ruifeng Xu,Sumanta N. Pattanaik
Multiple Views and 3-D
SVD-Matching using SIFT Features
Elisabetta Delponte,Francesco Isgrò,Francesca Odone,Alessandro Verri
Depth Enhanced Panoramas
Gleb Bahmutov,Voicu Popescu,Mihai Mudure,Elisha Sacks
Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography
Ivo Ihrke,Marcus Magnor
Correspondenceless Stereo for 3-D Iris Location
Tom Anderson,Emanuele Trucco,Marco Razeto
Keynote 3
Talking Faces - Technologies and Applications
Jörn Ostermann,Axel Weissenfeld,Kang Liu
Image Matching, Recognition, and Retrieval
Visual Recognition of Man-made Materials and Structures in an Office Environment
Y. Z. Song,C. P. Town
A New Framework for Trademark Retrieval Based on Size Functions
A. Cerri,M. Ferri,D. Giorgi
Image classification using compression distance
Yuxuan Lan,Richard Harvey
Poster Session 2
Bitvectors for Robust Hierarchical Template Matching
David Tweed
Merging Graphics and Vision for 3D Face Recognition
Li Bai,Yi Song
Linear Hashtable Method and Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Moments Invariant
Yunsong Wu,Graham Megson,Zhengang Nie,Xuan Liu
Automatic Non-Photorealistic Rendering through Soft-Shading Removal: A Colour-Vision Approach
A. Olmos,F. A. A. Kingdom
Keynote 4
Use of Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics Collaboration for 3D Rotoscopy
André Gagalowicz
Natural Image Matting
Peter M. Hillman,John M. Hannah
Regularised Anisotropic Nonlinear Diffusion for Rendering Refraction in Volume Graphics
David Rodgman,Min Chen
Realistic Real-Time Hair Simulation and Rendering
Yvonne Jung,Alexander Rettig,Oliver Klar,Timo Lehr
A Model-Based Approach to Image Relighting with a Potential for Real-Time Implementation
Claus B. Madsen,Rune Laursen

Recent Submissions

  • Use of Computer Vision/ Computer Graphics Collaboration for 3D Rotoscopy 

    Gagalowicz, André (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This talk introduces 3D rotoscopy and its role in post-production applications, and the computer vision/computer graphics strategies used. The case of rigid objects is presented first, for which well-established approaches ...
  • Bitvectors for Robust Hierarchical Template Matching 

    Tweed, David (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Many target detection problems involve objects where the primary variability in appearance is due to changes amongst characteristic configurations (as opposed to the systematic variability of object rotation or illumination ...
  • A Model-Based Approach to Image Relighting with a Potential for Real-Time Implementation 

    Madsen, Claus B.; Laursen, Rune (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Image relighting is a very unique special visual effect which promises to have many important practical applications. Image relighting is essentially the process of, given one or more images of some scene, computing what ...
  • Realistic Real-Time Hair Simulation and Rendering 

    Jung, Yvonne; Rettig, Alexander; Klar, Oliver; Lehr, Timo (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    We present a method for realistic rendering and simulation of human hair in real-time, which is suitable for the use in complex virtual reality applications. Neighbouring hairs are combined into wisps and animated with our ...
  • Image classification using compression distance 

    Lan, Yuxuan; Harvey, Richard (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    The normalised compression distance measures the mutual compressibility of two signals. We show that this distance can be used for classification on real images. Furthermore, the same compressor can also operate on derived ...
  • Natural Image Matting 

    Hillman, Peter M.; Hannah, John M. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Matte pulling - generating greyscale images which indicate segmentation of images into elements with subpixel accuracy and where blur causes pixels to be a mixture of elements - has received attention in recent years. Many ...
  • Linear Hashtable Method and Predicted Hexagonal Search Algorithm with Moments Invariant 

    Wu, Yunsong; Megson, Graham; Nie, Zhengang; Liu, Xuan (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents a novel Linear Hashtable Method Predicted Hexagonal Search (LHMPHS) method for block base motion compensation on the basis of research from previous algorithm. Hashtable is used in video compression. ...
  • Automatic Non-Photorealistic Rendering through Soft-Shading Removal: A Colour-Vision Approach 

    Olmos, A.; Kingdom, F. A. A. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents a non-photorealistic rendering algorithm that produces "stylised-style" images by removing the soft shading from the image and by giving objects extra definition through black outlines. The method of ...
  • Regularised Anisotropic Nonlinear Diffusion for Rendering Refraction in Volume Graphics 

    Rodgman, David; Chen, Min (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Rendering refraction in volume graphics requires smoothly distributed normals to synthesise good quality visual representations. Such refractive visualisation is more susceptible to noise in the data than visualisations ...
  • Merging Graphics and Vision for 3D Face Recognition 

    Bai, Li; Song, Yi (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents a new approach to automatic 3D face modelling from unstructured point cloud data. An efficient B-Spline surface-fitting algorithm is used to obtain an initial parametric surface for each face point cloud ...
  • Depth Enhanced Panoramas 

    Bahmutov, Gleb; Popescu, Voicu; Mudure, Mihai; Sacks, Elisha (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Depth enhanced panoramas are a practical solution to the difficult problem of inside-looking-out modeling. Depth enhanced panoramas extend color panoramas to support viewpoint translation, while retaining their speed, ...
  • A New Framework for Trademark Retrieval Based on Size Functions 

    Cerri, A.; Ferri, M.; Giorgi, D. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    We propose a new, effective system for Content Based trademark retrieval, which involves Size Functions. Three different classes of shape descriptors are combined, for a total amount of 25 measuring functions. The evaluation ...
  • Visual Recognition of Man-made Materials and Structures in an Office Environment 

    Song, Y. Z.; Town, C. P. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper demonstrates a new approach towards object recognition founded on the development of Neural Network classifiers and Bayesian Networks. The mapping from segmented image region descriptors to semantically meaningful ...
  • Sensitivity Analysis in Image Synthesis 

    Trujillo, M.; Izquierdo, E. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Intermediate virtual images are used in the evaluation of disparity estimations. The analysis is based on the effect of disparity inaccuracies in the relative quality of virtual images. The peak-signal-to-noise ratio and ...
  • Correspondenceless Stereo for 3-D Iris Location 

    Anderson, Tom; Trucco, Emanuele; Razeto, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    We present a correspondenceless stereo system locating the circular contour of an iris (limbus) in space, and therefore its 3-D plane. We avoid correspondence search completely by intersecting a bundle of conjugate epipolar ...
  • Adaptive Grid Optical Tomography 

    Ihrke, Ivo; Magnor, Marcus (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Image-based modeling of semi-transparent, dynamic phenomena is a challenging task. We present an optical tomography method that uses an adaptive grid for the reconstruction of a three-dimensional density function from its ...
  • Talking Faces - Technologies and Applications 

    Ostermann, Jörn; Weissenfeld, Axel; Liu, Kang (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Facial animation has been combined with text-to-speech synthesis to create innovative multimodal interfaces. In this lecture, we present the technology and architecture in order to use this multimodal interface in an ...
  • SVD-Matching using SIFT Features 

    Delponte, Elisabetta; Isgrò, Francesco; Odone, Francesca; Verri, Alessandro (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    The paper tackles the problem of feature points matching between pair of images of the same scene. This is a key problem in computer vision. Among the many possible applications of feature matching we are motivated for ...
  • Motion Analysis in Video: Dolls, Dynamic Cues and Modern Art 

    Collomosse, J. P.; Hall, P. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper addresses the problem of synthesising animations from video clips; in particular emphasising the motion of tracked objects. We introduce "dynamic cues" as a class of motion emphasis cue, encompassing traditional ...
  • Rigorous Computing in Computer Vision 

    Farenzena, Michela; Fusiello, Andrea (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    In this paper we discuss how Interval Analysis can be used to solve some problems in Computer Vision, namely autocalibration and triangulation. The crucial property of Interval Analysis is its ability to rigorously bound ...

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