Recent Submissions

  • State of the Art in Artistic Editing of Appearance, Lighting, and Material 

    Schmidt, Thorsten-Walther; Pellacini, Fabio; Nowrouzezahrai, Derek; Jarosz, Wojciech; Dachsbacher, Carsten (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Mimicking the appearance of the real world is a longstanding goal of computer graphics, with several important applications in the feature-film, architecture and medical industries. Images with well-designed shading are ...
  • Practice and Theory of Blendshape Facial Models 

    Lewis, J. P.; Anjyo, Ken; Rhee, Taehyun; Zhang, Mengjie; Pighin, Fred; Deng, Zhigang (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    ''Blendshapes'', a simple linear model of facial expression, is the prevalent approach to realistic facial animation. It has driven animated characters in Hollywood films, and is a standard feature of commercial animation ...
  • State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 

    Berger, Matthew; Tagliasacchi, Andrea; Seversky, Lee M.; Alliez, Pierre; Levine, Joshua A.; Sharf, Andrei; Silva, Claudio T. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    The area of surface reconstruction has seen substantial progress in the past two decades. The traditional problem addressed by surface reconstruction is to recover the digital representation of a physical shape that has ...
  • Quantifying 3D Shape Similarity Using Maps: Recent Trends, Applications and Perspectives 

    Biasotti, S.; Cerri, A.; Bronstein, A.; Bronstein, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Shape similarity is an acute issue in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics that involves many aspects of human perception of the real world, including judged and perceived similarity concepts, deterministic and probabilistic ...
  • Look me in the Eyes: A Survey of Eye and Gaze Animation for Virtual Agents and Artificial Systems 

    Ruhland, K.; Andrist, S.; Badler, J. B.; Peters, C. E.; Badler, N. I.; Gleicher, M.; Mutlu, B.; McDonnell, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    A person's emotions and state of mind are apparent in their face and eyes. As a Latin proverb states: ''The face is the portrait of the mind; the eyes, its informers.''. This presents a huge challenge for computer graphics ...
  • State of the Art Report on Real-time Rendering with Hardware Tessellation 

    Schäfer, H.; Nießner, M.; Keinert, B.; Stamminger, M.; Loop, C. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    For a long time, GPUs have primarily been optimized to render more and more triangles with increasingly flexible shading. However, scene data itself has typically been generated on the CPU and then uploaded to GPU memory. ...
  • Data-Driven Video Completion 

    Ilan, Shachar; Shamir, Ariel (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Image completion techniques aim to complete selected regions of an image in a natural looking manner with little or no user interaction. Video Completion, the space-time equivalent of the image completion problem, inherits ...
  • A Survey of Color Mapping and its Applications 

    Faridul, H. S.; Pouli, T.; Chamaret, C.; Stauder, J.; Tremeau, A.; Reinhard, E. (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Color mapping or color transfer methods aim to recolor a given image or video by deriving a mapping between that image and another image serving as a reference. This class of methods has received considerable attention in ...
  • SPH Fluids in Computer Graphics 

    Ihmsen, Markus; Orthmann, Jens; Solenthaler, Barbara; Kolb, Andreas; Teschner, Matthias (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been established as one of the major concepts for fluid animation in computer graphics. While SPH initially gained popularity for interactive free-surface scenarios, it has emerged ...
  • Physically-based Simulation of Cuts in Deformable Bodies: A Survey 

    Wu, Jun; Westermann, Rüdiger; Dick, Christian (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
    Virtual cutting of deformable bodies has been an important and active research topic in physically-based simulation for more than a decade. A particular challenge in virtual cutting is the robust and efficient incorporation ...