Now showing items 1-20 of 69

    • 3D Visualization for 2D GIS: an Analysis of the Users Needs and a Review of Techniques* 

      Giertsen, Christopher; Lucas, Anne (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Most of the existing geographical information systems (GIS) make limited use of algorithms for advanced computer graphics and visualization. One explanation is that few attempts are made to identify the visualization needs ...
    • Adaptive mesh generation for progressive radiosity: A ray-tracing based algorithm. 

      PAULIN, Mathias; JESSEL, Jean-Pierre (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      The radiosity method is one of the most popular rendering algorithms. It allows to simulate interreflections of light accurately between surfaces as energy transfers are well designed. However, this algorithm and its ...
    • AGRELs and BIPs: Metamorphosis as a Bezier curve in the space of polyhedra 

      Rossignac, Jarek; Kaul, Anil (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      The metamorphosis between two user-specified objects offers an intuitive metaphor for designing animations of deforming shapes. We present a new technique for interactively editing such deformations and for animating them ...
    • An All-integer Algorithm for Drawing Anti-aliased Straight Lines 

      Kui, Liu Yong (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      An algorithm for drawing anti-aliased straight lines based on Bresenharn sline algorithm is presented in this paper. Only integer calculations are required. Multiplications or divisions are not needed (only simple ...
    • Animation using NURBS 

      Preston, M.; Hewitt, W. T. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      All animation, whether generated by pen or processor, is concerned with the changing behaviour of synthetic actors through time. Computer animation has allowed an animator to regard different actors as functionally equivalent ...
    • Animations to Represent Multivariate Data 

      Palamidese, P.; Crise, A. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Building animations is a current practice to study problems in the computational and experimental sciences. There are several classes of applications which generate descriptions of complex phenomena, based on a large variety ...
    • Beyond WYSIWYG: Display of Hidden Information in Graphics Editors 

      Schleich, R.; Durst, M.J. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Graphics editors such as computer aided design systems are complex and difficult to use. We attribute this to the fact that only a small part of the information is visible and therefore accessible and understandable. Only ...
    • Chebyshev Polynomials for Boxing and Intersections of Parametric Curves and Surfaces 

      Fournier, Alain; Buchanan, John (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Parametric curves and surfaces are powerful and popular modelling tools in Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design. Ray-tracing is a versatile and popular rendering technique. There is therefore a strong incentive in ...
    • Classification of Ray-Generators in Uniform Subdivisions and Octrees for Ray Tracing 

      Endl, Robert; Sommer, Manfred (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Spatial subdivisions cause an enormous acceleration of ray tracing due to the reduction of ray-object intersections. For this purpose it is necessary to generate the sequence of ray-cells (all cells met consecutively by a ...
    • Computation of Offset Curves by the Huygens Principle 

      Mikheev, A.; Nozik, M.; Rubinstein, J. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      A new algorithm for computing offset curves is proposed. The algorithm is based on the Huygens principle for propagating wave-fronts. It automatically avoids the topological singularities that appear in conventional methods. ...
    • Computer Generated Copper Plates 

      Leister, Wolfgang (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Making computer generated copper plates with image generation algorithms is presented. The method uses a kind of volume texturing in connection with image processing algorithms, and is suitable for implementation in a ray ...

      Graf, K.Ch.; Suter, M.; Hagger, J.; Nuesch, D. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      This paper presents efforts undertaken in the field of photo-realistic visualization of natural landscapes using digital elevation models (DEM) and images generated by remote sensing techniques. The remote sensing systems ...
    • Computer Graphics System for Reproducing Three- Dimensional Shape from Idea Sketch 

      Akeo, Makoto; Hashimoto, Hiroshi; Kobayashi, Taisuke; Shibusawa, Tetsuo (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      This paper describes the technical features and method of implementation of our designer support system which enables reproducing a three-dimensional shape from an idea sketch speedily and modifying the reproduced shape ...
    • Constant-Time Filtering by Singular Value Decomposition? 

      Gotsman, Craig (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      We present a technique implementing space-variant filtering of an image, with kernels belonging to a given family, in time independent of the size and shape of the filter kernel support. The essence of our method is efficient ...
    • A Constraint-Based Reasoning Framework for Behavioural Animation 

      Mah, Sang; Calvert, Thomas W.; Havens, William (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Behaviour is a reflection of a reasoning process that must deal with constraints imposed by an external environment, internal knowledge and physical structure. This paper proposes a framework for behavioural animation that ...
    • Contextual Animation of Gestural Commands 

      Kurtenbach, G.; Moran, T. P.; Buxton, W. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      Drawing a mark can be an efficient command input technique when using a pen-based computer. However, marks are not intrinsically self-explanatory as are other interactive techniques such as buttons and menus. We present ...
    • Controllable Locality in C2 Interpolating Curves by B2-splines / S-splines 

      Kuroda, Mitsuru; Furukawa, Susumu; Kimura, Fumihiko (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      This paper presents a systematic scheme for controlling the local behaviour of C2 interpolating curves, based on the cubic B2-splines and the quartic S-splines. Both splines have an additional control point obtained by ...
    • Cross Scan Buffer and its Applications 

      Tanaka, Toshimitsu; Takahashi, Tokiichiro (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      We propose the Cross Scanline Buffer which preserves the result of hidden surface removal as performed by the Cross Scanline Algorithm. The Cross Scan Buffer reduces image re-generation time and eliminates aliasing artifacts ...
    • A Data Structure for Artificial Terrain Generation 

      Dixon, A. R.; Kirby, G. H.; Wills, D. P. M. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      This paper addresses the problems of maintaining the consistency of spatial data under recursive subdivision algorithms for artificial terrain generation. Fractal modelling techniques are outlined, with particular reference ...
    • Deriving Spectral, Reflectance Functions of Computer-Simulated Object Colours 

      Schettini, R. (Blackwell Science Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1994)
      A method is presented which, given the RGB values of a colour stimulus displayed on a given cathode ray tube (to which a CIE XYZ triple corresponds), makes it possible to find a spectral reflectance function characterizing ...