Now showing items 161-180 of 378

    • An Optimization Approach to Improving Collections of Shape Maps 

      Nguyen, Andy; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Welnicka, Katarzyna; Ye, Yinyu; Guibas, Leonidas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Finding an informative, structure-preserving map between two shapes has been a long-standing problem in geometry processing, involving a variety of solution approaches and applications. However, in many cases, we are given ...
    • A Condition Number for Non-Rigid Shape Matching 

      Ovsjanikov, Maks; Huang, Qi-Xing; Guibas, Leonidas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Despite the large amount of work devoted in recent years to the problem of non-rigid shape matching, practical methods that can successfully be used for arbitrary pairs of shapes remain elusive. In this paper, we study the ...
    • Coarse-to-Fine Combinatorial Matching for Dense Isometric Shape Correspondence 

      Sahillioglu, Yusuf; Yemez, Yucel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      We present a dense correspondence method for isometric shapes, which is accurate yet computationally efficient. We minimize the isometric distortion directly in the 3D Euclidean space, i.e., in the domain where isometry ...
    • A Hierarchical Grid Based Framework for Fast Collision Detection 

      Fan, Wenshan; Wang, Bin; Paul, Jean-Claude; Sun, Jiaguang (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      We present a novel hierarchical grid based method for fast collision detection (CD) for deformable models on GPU architecture. A two-level grid is employed to accommodate the non-uniform distribution of practical scene ...
    • A Multiscale Metric for 3D Mesh Visual Quality Assessment 

      Lavoué, Guillaume (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Many processing operations are nowadays applied on 3D meshes like compression, watermarking, remeshing and so forth; these processes are mostly driven and/or evaluated using simple distortion measures like the Hausdorff ...
    • Optimising Perceived Distortion in Lossy Encoding of Dynamic Meshes 

      Vá a, L.; Petrík, O. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Development of geometry data compression techniques in the past years has been limited by the lack of a metric with proven correlation with human perception of mesh distortion. Many algorithms have been proposed, but usually ...
    • Localized Delaunay Refinement for Volumes 

      Dey, Tamal K.; Slatton, Andrew G. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Delaunay refinement, recognized as a versatile tool for meshing a variety of geometries, has the deficiency that it does not scale well with increasing mesh size. The bottleneck can be traced down to the memory usage of ...
    • All-Hex Mesh Generation via Volumetric PolyCube Deformation 

      Gregson, James; Sheffer, Alla; Zhang, Eugene (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      While hexahedral mesh elements are preferred by a variety of simulation techniques, constructing quality all-hex meshes of general shapes remains a challenge. An attractive hex-meshing approach, often referred to as ...
    • Rational Bi-cubic G2 Splines for Design with Basic Shapes 

      Karciauskas, Kestutis; Peters, Jörg (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      The paper develops a rational bi-cubic G<sup>2</sup> (curvature continuous) analogue of the non-uniform polynomial C<sup>2</sup> cubic B-spline paradigm. These rational splines can exactly reproduce ...
    • CubeCover - Parameterization of 3D Volumes 

      Nieser, Matthias; Reitebuch, Ulrich; Polthier, Konrad (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Despite the success of quad-based 2D surface parameterization methods, effective parameterization algorithms for 3D volumes with cubes, i.e. hexahedral elements, are still missing. CUBECOVER is a first approach for generating ...
    • Surface Patches from Unorganized Space Curves 

      Abbasinejad, Fatemeh; Joshi, Pushkar; Amenta, Nina (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Recent 3D sketch tools produce networks of three-space curves that suggest the contours of shapes. The shapes may be non-manifold, closed three-dimensional, open two-dimensional, or mixed. We describe a system that ...
    • Functional Webs for Freeform Architecture 

      Deng, B.; Pottmann, Helmut; Wallner, Johannes (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
      Rationalization and construction-aware design dominate the issue of realizability of freeform architecture. The former means the decomposition of an intended shape into parts which are sufficiently simple and efficient to ...
    • Preface and Table of Contents 

      Mario Botsch and Scott Schaefer (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2011)
    • Signing the Unsigned: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Raw Pointsets 

      Patrick Mullen; Fernando de Goes; Mathieu Desbrun; David Cohen-Steiner; Pierre Alliez (2010)
      We propose a modular framework for robust 3D reconstruction from unorganized, unoriented, noisy, and outlierridden geometric data. We gain robustness and scalability over previous methods through an unsigned distance ...
    • Multi-scale Geometric Modeling of Ambiguous Shapes with Toleranced Balls and Compoundly Weighted a-shapes 

      Frederic Cazals; Tom Dreyfus (2010)
      Dealing with ambiguous data is a challenge in Science in general and geometry processing in particular. One route of choice to extract information from such data consists of replacing the ambiguous input by a continuum, ...
    • Localized Delaunay Refinement for Sampling and Meshing 

      Tamal K. Dey; Joshua A. Levine; Andrew Slatton (2010)
      The technique of Delaunay renement has been recognized as a versatile tool to generate Delaunay meshes of a variety of geometries. Despite its usefulness, it suffers from one lacuna that limits its application. It does not ...
    • Moebius Transformations For Global Intrinsic Symmetry Analysis 

      Vladimir G. Kim; Yaron Lipman; Xiaobai Chen; Thomas Funkhouser (2010)
      The goal of our work is to develop an algorithm for automatic and robust detection of global intrinsic symmetries in 3D surface meshes. Our approach is based on two core observations. First, symmetry invariant point sets ...
    • On Discrete Killing Vector Fields and Patterns on Surfaces 

      Mirela Ben-Chen; Adrian Butscher; Justin Solomon; Leonidas Guibas (2010)
      Symmetry is one of the most important properties of a shape, unifying form and function. It encodes semantic information on one hand, and affects the shape's aesthetic value on the other. Symmetry comes in many flavors, ...
    • Closed-form Blending of Local Symmetries 

      Deboshmita Ghosh; Nina Amenta; Michael Kazhdan (2010)
      We present a closed-form solution for the symmetrization problem, solving for the optimal deformation that reconciles a set of local bilateral symmetries. Given as input a set of point-pairs which should be symmetric, we ...
    • Designing Quad-dominant Meshes with Planar Faces 

      Mirko Zadravec; Alexander Schiftner; Johannes Wallner (2010)
      We study the combined problem of approximating a surface by a quad mesh (or quad-dominant mesh) which on the one hand has planar faces, and which on the other hand is aesthetically pleasing and has evenly spaced vertices. ...