Now showing items 121-140 of 378

    • Connectivity Editing for Quad-Dominant Meshes 

      Peng, Chi-Han; Wonka, Peter (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We propose a connectivity editing framework for quad-dominant meshes. In our framework, the user can edit the mesh connectivity to control the location, type, and number of irregular vertices (with more or fewer than four ...
    • Weak Convex Decomposition by Lines-of-sight 

      Asafi, Shmuel; Goren, Avi; Cohen-Or, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We define the convexity rank of a set of points to be the portion of mutually visible pairs of points out of the total number of pairs. Based on this definition of weak convexity, we introduce a spectral method that ...
    • Semantizing Complex 3D Scenes using Constrained Attribute Grammars 

      Boulch, Alexandre; Houllier, Simon; Marlet, Renaud; Tournaire, Olivier (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We propose a new approach to automatically semantize complex objects in a 3D scene. For this, we define an expressive formalism combining the power of both attribute grammars and constraint. It offers a practical conceptual ...
    • PHOG: Photometric and Geometric Functions for Textured Shape Retrieval 

      Biasotti, Silvia; Cerri, Andrea; Giorgi, Daniela; Spagnuolo, Michaela (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      In this paper we target the problem of textured 3D object retrieval. As a first contribution, we show how to include photometric information in the persistence homology setting, also proposing a novel theoretical result ...
    • Shape Matching via Quotient Spaces 

      Ovsjanikov, Maks; Mérigot, Quentin; Patraucean, Viorica; Guibas, Leonidas (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We introduce a novel method for non-rigid shape matching, designed to address the symmetric ambiguity problem present when matching shapes with intrinsic symmetries. Unlike the majority of existing methods which try to ...
    • Preface and Table of Contents 

      Yaron Lipman and Hao Zhang (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
    • Feature-Preserving Reconstruction of Singular Surfaces 

      Dey, Tamal K.; Ge, Xiaoyin; Que, Qichao; Safa, Issam; Wang, Lei; Wang, Yusu (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      Reconstructing a surface mesh from a set of discrete point samples is a fundamental problem in geometric modeling. It becomes challenging in presence of 'singularities' such as boundaries, sharp features, and non-manifolds. ...
    • Parallel Blue-noise Sampling by Constrained Farthest Point Optimization 

      Chen, Renjie; Gotsman, Craig (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      We describe a fast sampling algorithm for generating uniformly-distributed point patterns with good blue noise characteristics. The method, based on constrained farthest point optimization, is provably optimal and may be ...
    • Fast and Robust Normal Estimation for Point Clouds with Sharp Features 

      Boulch, Alexandre; Marlet, Renaud (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      This paper presents a new method for estimating normals on unorganized point clouds that preserves sharp features. It is based on a robust version of the Randomized Hough Transform (RHT). We consider the filled Hough ...
    • Time-Discrete Geodesics in the Space of Shells 

      Heeren, Behrend; Rumpf, Martin; Wardetzky, Max; Wirth, Benedikt (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      Building on concepts from continuum mechanics, we offer a computational model for geodesics in the space of thin shells, with a metric that reflects viscous dissipation required to physically deform a thin shell. Different ...
    • Can Mean-Curvature Flow be Modified to be Non-singular? 

      Kazhdan, Michael; Solomon, Jake; Ben-Chen, Mirela (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      This work considers the question of whether mean-curvature flow can be modified to avoid the formation of singularities. We analyze the finite-elements discretization and demonstrate why the original flow can result in ...
    • Mean Curvature Skeletons 

      Tagliasacchi, Andrea; Alhashim, Ibraheem; Olson, Matt; Zhang, Hao (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      Inspired by recent developments in contraction-based curve skeleton extraction, we formulate the skeletonization problem via mean curvature flow (MCF). While the classical application of MCF is surface fairing, we take ...
    • Stream Surface Parametrization by Flow-Orthogonal Front Lines 

      Schulze, Maik; Germer, Tobias; Rössl, Christian; Theisel, Holger (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      The generation of discrete stream surfaces is an important and challenging task in scientific visualization, which can be considered a particular instance of geometric modeling. The quality of numerically integrated stream ...
    • Dihedral Angle Mesh Error: a Fast Perception Correlated Distortion Measure for Fixed Connectivity Triangle Meshes 

      Vása, Libor; Rus, Jan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      In computer graphics, triangle meshes are ubiquitous as a representation of surface models. Processing of this kind of data, such as compression or watermarking, often involves an unwanted distortion of the surface geometry. ...
    • Co-Segmentation of 3D Shapes via Subspace Clustering 

      Hu, Ruizhen; Fan, Lubin; Liu, Ligang (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      We present a novel algorithm for automatically co-segmenting a set of shapes from a common family into consistent parts. Starting from over-segmentations of shapes, our approach generates the segmentations by grouping the ...
    • Computing Extremal Quasiconformal Maps 

      Weber, Ofir; Myles, Ashish; Zorin, Denis (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      Conformal maps are widely used in geometry processing applications. They are smooth, preserve angles, and are locally injective by construction. However, conformal maps do not allow for boundary positions to be prescribed. ...
    • Growing Least Squares for the Analysis of Manifolds in Scale-Space 

      Mellado, Nicolas; Guennebaud, Gaël; Barla, Pascal; Reuter, Patrick; Schlick, Christophe (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      We present a novel approach to the multi-scale analysis of point-sampled manifolds of co-dimension 1. It is based on a variant of Moving Least Squares, whereby the evolution of a geometric descriptor at increasing scales ...
    • Radial Symmetry Detection and Shape Characterization with the Multiscale Area Projection Transform 

      Giachetti, Andrea; Lovato, Christian (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      We present a novel method to characterize 3D surfaces through the computation of a function called (multiscale) area projection transform, measuring the likelihood of points in the 3D space to be center of radial symmetry ...
    • Shape-Up: Shaping Discrete Geometry with Projections 

      Bouaziz, Sofien; Deuss, Mario; Schwartzburg, Yuliy; Weise, Thibaut; Pauly, Mark (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      We introduce a unified optimization framework for geometry processing based on shape constraints. These constraints preserve or prescribe the shape of subsets of the points of a geometric data set, such as polygons, one-ring ...
    • From A Medial Surface To A Mesh 

      Delamé, Thomas; Roudet, Céline; Faudot, Dominique (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      Medial surfaces are well-known and interesting surface skeletons. As such, they can describe the topology and the geometry of a 3D closed object. The link between an object and its medial surface is also intuitively ...