Now showing items 421-440 of 440

    • Reducing Memory Requirements for Interactive Radiosity Using Movement Prediction 

      Schöffel, Frank; Pomi, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The line-space hierarchy is a very powerful approach for the efficient update of radiosity solutions according to geometry changes. However, it suffers from its enormous memory consumption when storing shafts for the entire ...
    • Approximating the Location of Integrand Discontinuities for Penumbral Illumination with Area Light Sources 

      Ouellette, Marc J.; Fiume, Eugene (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The problem of computing soft shadows with area light sources has received considerable attention in computer graphics. In part, this is a difficult problem because the integral that defines the radiance at a point must ...
    • Shadow Penumbras for Complex Objects by Depth-Dependent Filtering of Multi-Layer Depth Images 

      Keating, Brett; Max, Nelson (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      This paper presents an efficient algorithm for filtering multi-layer depth images (MDIs) in order to produce approximate penumbras. The filtering is performed on a MDI that represents the view from the light source. The ...
    • Light Field Techniques for Reflections and Refractions 

      Heidrich, Wolfgang; Lensch, Hendrik; Cohen, Michael F.; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Reflections and refractions are important visual effects that have long been considered too costly for interactive applications. Although most contemporary graphics hardware supports reflections off curved surfaces in the ...
    • Efficient Displacement Mapping by Image Warping 

      Schaufler, Gernot; Priglinger, Markus (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      While displacement maps can provide a rich set of visual detail on otherwise simple surfaces, they have always been very expensive to render. Rendering has been done using ray-tracing and by introducing a great number of ...
    • Computing Visibility for Triangulated Panoramas 

      Fu, Chi-Wing; Wong, Tien-Tsin; Heng, Pheng-Ann (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      A visibility algorithm for triangulated panoramas is proposed. The algorithm can correctly resolve the visibility without making use of any depth information. It is especially useful when depth information is not available, ...
    • Multiple Textures Stitching and Blending on 3D Objects 

      Rocchini, C.; Cignoni, P.; Montani, C.; Scopigno, R. (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      In this paper we propose a new approach for mapping and blending textures on 3D geometries. The system starts from a 3D mesh which represents a real object and improves this model with pictorial detail. Texture detail is ...
    • Real-Time Rendering of Real World Environments 

      McAllister, David K.; Nyland, Lars; Popescu, Voicu; Lastra, Anselmo; McCue, Chris (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      One of the most important goals of interactive computer graphics is to allow a user to freely walk around a virtual recreation of a real environment that looks as real as the world around us. But hand-modeling such a virtual ...
    • Image-Based BRDF Measurement Including Human Skin 

      Marschner, Stephen R.; Westin, Stephen H.; Lafortune, Eric P. F.; Torrance, Kenneth E.; Greenberg, Donald P. (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      We present a new image-based process for measuring the bidirectional reflectance of homogeneous surfaces rapidly, completely, and accurately. For simple sample shapes (spheres and cylinders) the method requires only a ...
    • Geospecific rendering of alpine terrain 

      Premoze, Simon; Thompson, William B.; Shirley, Peter (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Realistic rendering of outdoor terrain requires both that the geometry of the environment be modeled accurately and that appropriate texturing be laid down on top of that geometry. While elevation data is widely available ...
    • Information Theory Tools for Scene Discretization 

      Feixas, Miquel; Acebo, Esteve del; Bekaert, Philippe; Sbert, Mateu (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Finding an optimal discretization of a scene is an important but difficult problem in radiosity. The efficiency of hierarchical radiosity for instance, depends entirely on the subdivision criterion and strategy that is ...
    • Gathering for Free in RandomWalk Radiosity 

      Sbert, Mateu; Brusi, Alex; Bekaert, Philippe (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      We present a simple technique that improves the efficiency of random walk algorithms for radiosity. Each generated random walk is used to simultaneously sample two distinct radiosity estimators. The first estimator is the ...
    • Towards Interactive Photorealistic Rendering of Indoor Scenes: A Hybrid Approach 

      Udeshi, Tushar; Hansen, Charles D. (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Photorealistic rendering methods produce accurate solutions to the rendering equation but are computationally expensive and typically noninteractive. Some researchers have used graphics hardware to obtain photorealistic ...
    • Group Accelerated Shooting Methods for Radiosity 

      Rousselle, Francois; Renaud, Christophe (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The introduction of the Progressive Refinement method was the starting point of interactivity in the radiosity illumination process. Overshooting methods brought an important acceleration to the convergence particularly ...
    • Hierarchical Image-Based Rendering using Texture Mapping Hardware 

      Max, Nelson; Deussen, Oliver; Keating, Brett (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Multi-layered depth images containing color and normal information for subobjects in a hierarchical scene model are precomputed with standard zbuffer hardware for six orthogonal views. These are adaptively selected according ...
    • Decoupling Polygon Rendering from Geometry using Rasterization Hardware 

      Westermann, Rüdiger; Sommer, Ove; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The dramatically increasing size of polygonal models resulting from 3D scanning devices and advanced modeling techniques requires new approaches to reduce the load of geometry transfer and processing. In order to supplement ...
    • Interactive Rendering using the Render Cache 

      Walter, Bruce; Drettakis, George; Parker, Steven (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      Interactive rendering requires rapid visual feedback. The render cache is a new method for achieving this when using high-quality pixel-oriented renderers such as ray tracing that are usually considered too slow for ...
    • Interactive Ray-Traced Scene Editing Using Ray Segment Trees 

      Bala, Kavita; Dorsey, Julie; Teller, Seth (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      This paper presents a ray tracer that facilitates near-interactive scene editing with incremental rendering; the user can edit the scene both by manipulating objects and by changing the viewpoint. Our system uses object-space ...
    • Perceptually-informed accelerated rendering of high quality walkthrough sequences 

      Myszkowski, Karol; Rokita, Przemyslaw; Tawara, Takehiro (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      In this paper, we consider accelerated rendering of walkthrough animation sequences using combination of ray tracing and Image-Based Rendering (IBR) techniques. Our goal is to derive as many pixels as possible using ...
    • Disruptive Technologies in Computer Graphics: Past, Present, and Future 

      Greenberg, Donald P. (The Eurographics Association, 1999)
      The history and famous landmarks of computer graphics hardware are well known. Starting with Ivan Sutherland s Sketchpad system in the early 1960 s, the first generation of computer graphics hardware consisted of calligraphic ...