Mocap and Authoring Virtual Humans
A CRITS Foray Into Cultural Heritage: Background Characters For The SHELeadersVR Project
Jean-Benoit Culié, Bojan Mijatovic, David Panzoli, Davud Nesimovic, Stéphane Sanchez, and Selma Rizvic
Overcoming Challenges of Cycling Motion Capturing and Building a Comprehensive Dataset
Panayiotis Kyriakou, Marios Kyriakou, and Yiorgos Chrysanthou
Capture and Automatic Production of Digital Humans in Real Motion with a Temporal 3D Scanner
Eduardo Parrilla, Alfredo Ballester, Jordi Uriel, Ana V. Ruescas-Nicolau, and Sandra Alemany
LexiCrowd: A Learning Paradigm towards Text to Behaviour Parameters for Crowds
Marilena Lemonari, Nefeli Andreou, Nuria Pelechano, Panayiotis Charalambous, and Yiorgos Chrysanthou
Embodied Augmented Reality for Lower Limb Rehabilitation
Froso Sarri, Panagiotis Kasnesis, Spyridon Symeonidis, Ioannis Th. Paraskevopoulos, Sotiris Diplaris, Federico Posteraro, George Georgoudis, and Katerina Mania
Interacting with a Virtual Cyclist in Mixed Reality Affects Pedestrian Walking
Vinu Kamalasanan, Melanie Krüger, and Monika Sester

Recent Submissions

  • LexiCrowd: A Learning Paradigm towards Text to Behaviour Parameters for Crowds 

    Lemonari, Marilena; Andreou, Nefeli; Pelechano, Nuria; Charalambous, Panayiotis; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    Creating believable virtual crowds, controllable by high-level prompts, is essential to creators for trading-off authoring freedom and simulation quality. The flexibility and familiarity of natural language in particular, ...
  • Embodied Augmented Reality for Lower Limb Rehabilitation 

    Sarri, Froso; Kasnesis, Panagiotis; Symeonidis, Spyridon; Paraskevopoulos, Ioannis Th.; Diplaris, Sotiris; Posteraro, Federico; Georgoudis, George; Mania, Katerina (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    Immersive platforms have emerged as valuable tools in rehabilitation, with potential to enhance patient engagement and recovery outcomes. Addressing the limitations of traditional Virtual Reality (VR) setups that restrict ...
  • Interacting with a Virtual Cyclist in Mixed Reality Affects Pedestrian Walking 

    Kamalasanan, Vinu; Krüger, Melanie; Sester, Monika (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    When walking in shared traffic spaces, the nearby presence and movement of other pedestrians and cyclists can prompt individuals to make speed and path adjustments to avoid potential collisions. The study of such collision ...
  • A CRITS Foray Into Cultural Heritage: Background Characters For The SHELeadersVR Project 

    Culié, Jean-Benoit; Mijatovic, Bojan; Panzoli, David; Nesimovic, Davud; Sanchez, Stéphane; Rizvic, Selma (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    This article presents CRITS, a software framework designed to enhance virtual environments, particularly in the context of cultural heritage and immersive learning simulations. CRITS enables the easy integration of autonomous, ...
  • Overcoming Challenges of Cycling Motion Capturing and Building a Comprehensive Dataset 

    Kyriakou, Panayiotis; Kyriakou, Marios; Chrysanthou, Yiorgos (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    This article describes a methodology for capturing cyclist motion using motion capture (mocap) hardware. It also details the creation of a comprehensive dataset that will be publicly available. The methodology involves a ...
  • Capture and Automatic Production of Digital Humans in Real Motion with a Temporal 3D Scanner 

    Parrilla, Eduardo; Ballester, Alfredo; Uriel, Jordi; Ruescas-Nicolau, Ana V.; Alemany, Sandra (The Eurographics Association, 2024)
    The demand for virtual human characters in Extended Realities (XR) is growing across industries from entertainment to healthcare. Achieving natural behaviour in virtual environments requires digitizing real-world actions, ...
  • CLIPE 2024: Frontmatter 

    Pelechano, Nuria; Pettré, Julien (The Eurographics Association, 2024)