Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A Multigrid Solver for Boundary Value Problems Using Programmable Graphics Hardware 

      Goodnight, Nolan; Woolley, Cliff; Lewin, Gregory; Luebke, David; Humphreys, Greg (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a case study in the application of graphics hardware to general-purpose numeric computing. Specifi- cally, we describe a system, built on programmable graphics hardware, able to solve a variety of partial ...
    • VoxelCache: A Cache-Based Memory Architecture for Volume Graphics 

      Kanus, U.; Wetekam, G.; Hirche, J. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper presents a cache-based memory architecture for volume graphics. We describe the memory organization and cache logic to implement a voxel cache based on 43 voxel blocks. We show an efficient prefetching scheme ...