Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The Alchemy Screen-Space Ambient Obscurance Algorithm 

      McGuire, Morgan; Osman, Brian; Bukowski, Michael; Hennessy, Padraic (ACM, 2011)
      Ambient obscurance (AO) produces perceptually important illumination effects such as darkened corners, cracks, and wrinkles; proximity darkening; and contact shadows. We present the AO algorithm from the Alchemy engine ...
    • Depth Buffer Compression for Stochastic Motion Blur Rasterization 

      Andersson, Magnus; Hasselgren, Jon; Akenine-Moeller, Tomas (ACM, 2011)
      Previous depth buffer compression schemes are tuned for compressing depths values generated when rasterizing static triangles. They provide generous bandwidth usage savings, and are of great importance to graphics processors. ...
    • Voxelized Shadow Volumes 

      Wyman, Chris (ACM, 2011)
      Efficient shadowing algorithms have been sought for decades, but most shadow research focuses on quickly identifying shadows on surfaces. This paper introduces a novel algorithm to efficiently sample light visibility at ...