Now showing items 21-40 of 124

    • Scalable Music: Automatic Music Retargeting and Synthesis 

      Wenner, Simon; Bazin, Jean-Charles; Sorkine-Hornung, Alexander; Kim, Changil; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      In this paper we propose a method for dynamic rescaling of music, inspired by recent works on image retargeting, video reshuffling and character animation in the computer graphics community. Given the desired target length ...
    • Measurement-Based Synthesis of Facial Microgeometry 

      Graham, Paul; Tunwattanapong, Borom; Busch, Jay; Yu, Xueming; Jones, Andrew; Debevec, Paul; Ghosh, Abhijeet (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a technique for generating microstructure-level facial geometry by augmenting a mesostructure-level facial scan with detail synthesized from a set of exemplar skin patches scanned at much higher resolution. ...
    • Interactive Exploration and Flattening of Deformed Historical Documents 

      Pal, Kazim; Terras, Melissa; Weyrich, Tim (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present an interactive application for browsing severely damaged documents and other cultural artefacts. Such documents often contain strong geometric distortions such as wrinkling, buckling, and shrinking and cannot ...
    • Fabrication-aware Design with Intersecting Planar Pieces 

      Schwartzburg, Yuliy; Pauly, Mark (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We propose a computational design approach to generate 3D models composed of interlocking planar pieces. We show how intricate 3D forms can be created by sliding the pieces into each other along straight slits, leading to ...
    • Computing and Fabricating Multiplanar Models 

      Chen, Desai; Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lan, Justin T.; Matusik, Wojciech (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a method for converting computer 3D models into physical equivalents. More specifically, we address the problem of approximating a 3D textured mesh using a small number of planar polygonal primitives that form ...
    • Fleshing: Spine-driven Bending with Local Volume Preservation 

      Zhuo, Wei; Rossignac, Jarek (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Several design and animation techniques use a one-dimensional proxyC (a spine curve in 3D) to control the deformation or behavior of a digital model of a 3D shape S. We propose a modification of these ''skinning'' techniques ...
    • Capture and Statistical Modeling of Arm-Muscle Deformations 

      Neumann, Thomas; Varanasi, Kiran; Hasler, Nils; Wacker, Markus; Magnor, Marcus; Theobalt, Christian (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a comprehensive data-driven statistical model for skin and muscle deformation of the human shoulderarm complex. Skin deformations arise from complex bio-physical effects such as non-linear elasticity of muscles, ...
    • Capturing Relightable Human Performances under General Uncontrolled Illumination 

      Li, Guannan; Wu, Chenglei; Stoll, Carsten; Liu, Yebin; Varanasi, Kiran; Dai, Qionghai; Theobalt, Christian (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a novel approach to create relightable free-viewpoint human performances from multi-view video recorded under general uncontrolled and uncalibated illumination.We first capture a multi-view sequence of an actor ...
    • Pose Space Image Based Rendering 

      Hilsmann, Anna; Fechteler, Philipp; Eisert, Peter (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      This paper introduces a new image-based rendering approach for articulated objects with complex pose-dependent appearance, such as clothes. Our approach combines body-pose-dependent appearance and geometry to synthesize ...
    • Stroke Parameterization 

      Schmidt, Ryan (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a novel algorithm for generating a planar parameterization of the region surrounding a curve embedded in a 3D surface, which we call a stroke parameterization. The technique, which extends the well-known Discrete ...
    • ArtiSketch: A System for Articulated Sketch Modeling 

      Levi, Zohar; Gotsman, Craig (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present ArtiSketch - a system which allows the conversion of a wealth of existing 2D content into 3D content by users who do not necessarily possess artistic skills. Using ArtiSketch, a novice user may describe a 3D ...
    • Surface Reconstruction through Point Set Structuring 

      Lafarge, Florent; Alliez, Pierre (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present a method for reconstructing surfaces from point sets. The main novelty lies in a structure-preserving approach where the input point set is first consolidated by structuring and resampling the planar components, ...
    • Geosemantic Snapping for Sketch-Based Modeling 

      Shtof, Alex; Agathos, Alexander; Gingold, Yotam; Shamir, Ariel; Cohen-Or, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Modeling 3D objects from sketches is a process that requires several challenging problems including segmentation, recognition and reconstruction. Some of these tasks are harder for humans and some are harder for the machine. ...
    • A Correlated Parts Model for Object Detection in Large 3D Scans 

      Sunkel, Martin; Jansen, Silke; Wand, Michael; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      This paper addresses the problem of detecting objects in 3D scans according to object classes learned from sparse user annotation. We model objects belonging to a class by a set of fully correlated parts, encoding dependencies ...
    • Interactive Facades - Analysis and Synthesis of Semi-Regular Facades 

      AlHalawani, Sawsan; Yang, Yong-Liang; Liu, Han; Mitra, Niloy J. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      Urban facades regularly contain interesting variations due to allowed deformations of repeated elements (e.g., windows in different open or close positions) posing challenges to state-of-the-art facade analysis algorithms. ...
    • Smart Variations: Functional Substructures for Part Compatibility 

      Zheng, Youyi; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Mitra, Niloy J. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      As collections of 3D models continue to grow, reusing model parts allows generation of novel model variations. Naïvely swapping parts across models, however, leads to implausible results, especially when mixing parts across ...
    • Material Editing in Complex Scenes by Surface Light Field Manipulation and Reflectance Optimization 

      Nguyen, Chuong H.; Scherzer, Daniel; Ritschel, Tobias; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      This work addresses the challenge of intuitive appearance editing in scenes with complex geometric layout and complex, spatially-varying indirect lighting. In contrast to previous work, that aimed to edit surface reflectance, ...
    • Freeform Shadow Boundary Editing 

      Mattausch, Oliver; Igarashi, Takeo; Wimmer, Michael (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      We present an algorithm for artistically modifying physically based shadows. With our tool, an artist can directly edit the shadow boundaries in the scene in an intuitive fashion similar to freeform curve editing. Our ...
    • Gaze-driven Object Tracking for Real Time Rendering 

      Mantiuk, Radoslaw; Bazyluk, Bartosz; Mantiuk, Rafal K. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      To efficiently deploy eye-tracking within 3D graphics applications, we present a new probabilistic method that predicts the patterns of user's eye fixations in animated 3D scenes from noisy eye-tracker data. The proposed ...
    • Animal Locomotion Controllers From Scratch 

      Wampler, Kevin; Popovic, Jovan; Popovic, Zoran (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2013)
      There exists a large body of research devoted to creating real time interactive locomotion controllers which are targeted at some specific class of character, most often humanoid bipeds. Relatively little work, however, ...