Now showing items 21-35 of 35

    • Robust Pointset Denoising of Piecewise-Smooth Surfaces through Line Processes 

      Wei, Jiayi; Chen, Jiong; Rohmer, Damien; Memari, Pooran; Desbrun, Mathieu (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Denoising is a common, yet critical operation in geometry processing aiming at recovering high-fidelity models of piecewisesmooth objects from noise-corrupted pointsets. Despite a sizable literature on the topic, there is ...
    • Physics-Informed Neural Corrector for Deformation-based Fluid Control 

      Tang, Jingwei; Kim, Byungsoo; Azevedo, Vinicius C.; Solenthaler, Barbara (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Controlling fluid simulations is notoriously difficult due to its high computational cost and the fact that user control inputs can cause unphysical motion. We present an interactive method for deformation-based fluid ...
    • How Will It Drape Like? Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images 

      Rodriguez-Pardo, Carlos; Prieto-Martín, Melania; Casas, Dan; Garces, Elena (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      We propose a method to estimate the mechanical parameters of fabrics using a casual capture setup with a depth camera. Our approach enables to create mechanically-correct digital representations of real-world textile ...
    • Simulating Analogue Film Damage to Analyse and Improve Artefact Restoration on High-resolution Scans 

      Ivanova, Daniela; Williamson, John; Henderson, Paul (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Digital scans of analogue photographic film typically contain artefacts such as dust and scratches. Automated removal of these is an important part of preservation and dissemination of photographs of historical and cultural ...
    • Video Frame Interpolation for High Dynamic Range Sequences Captured with Dual-exposure Sensors 

      Cogalan, Ugur; Bemana, Mojtaba; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Myszkowski, Karol (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Video frame interpolation (VFI) enables many important applications such as slow motion playback and frame rate conversion. However, one major challenge in using VFI is accurately handling high dynamic range (HDR) scenes ...
    • Surface Maps via Adaptive Triangulations 

      Schmidt, Patrick; Pieper, Dörte; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      We present a new method to compute continuous and bijective maps (surface homeomorphisms) between two or more genus-0 triangle meshes. In contrast to previous approaches, we decouple the resolution at which a map is ...
    • Scalable and Efficient Functional Map Computations on Dense Meshes 

      Magnet, Robin; Ovsjanikov, Maks (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      We propose a new scalable version of the functional map pipeline that allows to efficiently compute correspondences between potentially very dense meshes. Unlike existing approaches that process dense meshes by relying on ...
    • Subpixel Deblurring of Anti-Aliased Raster Clip-Art 

      Yang, Jinfan; Vining, Nicholas; Kheradmand, Shakiba; Carr, Nathan; Sigal, Leonid; Sheffer, Alla (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Artist generated clip-art images typically consist of a small number of distinct, uniformly colored regions with clear boundaries. Legacy artist created images are often stored in low-resolution (100x100px or less) ...
    • Unsupervised Template Warp Consistency for Implicit Surface Correspondences 

      Liu, Mengya; Chhatkuli, Ajad; Postels, Janis; Gool, Luc Van; Tombari, Federico (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Unsupervised template discovery via implicit representation in a category of shapes has recently shown strong performance. At the core, such methods deform input shapes to a common template space which allows establishing ...
    • Interactive Depixelization of Pixel Art through Spring Simulation 

      Matusovic, Marko; Parakkat, Amal Dev; Eisemann, Elmar (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      We introduce an approach for converting pixel art into high-quality vector images. While much progress has been made on automatic conversion, there is an inherent ambiguity in pixel art, which can lead to a mismatch with ...
    • Img2Logo: Generating Golden Ratio Logos from Images 

      Hsiao, Kai-Wen; Yang, Yong-Liang; Chiu, Yung-Chih; Hu, Min-Chun; Yao, Chih-Yuan; Chu, Hung-Kuo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Logos are one of the most important graphic design forms that use an abstracted shape to clearly represent the spirit of a community. Among various styles of abstraction, a particular golden-ratio design is frequently ...
    • Learning to Transfer In-Hand Manipulations Using a Greedy Shape Curriculum 

      Zhang, Yunbo; Clegg, Alexander; Ha, Sehoon; Turk, Greg; Ye, Yuting (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      In-hand object manipulation is challenging to simulate due to complex contact dynamics, non-repetitive finger gaits, and the need to indirectly control unactuated objects. Further adapting a successful manipulation skill ...
    • Online Avatar Motion Adaptation to Morphologically-similar Spaces 

      Choi, Soojin; Hong, Seokpyo; Cho, Kyungmin; Kim, Chaelin; Noh, Junyong (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      In avatar-mediated telepresence systems, a similar environment is assumed for involved spaces, so that the avatar in a remote space can imitate the user's motion with proper semantic intention performed in a local space. ...
    • IMoS: Intent-Driven Full-Body Motion Synthesis for Human-Object Interactions 

      Ghosh, Anindita; Dabral, Rishabh; Golyanik, Vladislav; Theobalt, Christian; Slusallek, Philipp (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
      Can we make virtual characters in a scene interact with their surrounding objects through simple instructions? Is it possible to synthesize such motion plausibly with a diverse set of objects and instructions? Inspired by ...
    • EUROGRAPHICS 2023: CGF 42-2 Frontmatter 

      Myszkowski, Karol; Niessner, Matthias (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)