Human Object Interaction
IMoS: Intent-Driven Full-Body Motion Synthesis for Human-Object Interactions
Anindita Ghosh, Rishabh Dabral, Vladislav Golyanik, Christian Theobalt, and Philipp Slusallek
Online Avatar Motion Adaptation to Morphologically-similar Spaces
Soojin Choi, Seokpyo Hong, Kyungmin Cho, Chaelin Kim, and Junyong Noh
Learning to Transfer In-Hand Manipulations Using a Greedy Shape Curriculum
Yunbo Zhang, Alexander Clegg, Sehoon Ha, Greg Turk, and Yuting Ye
Logos and Clip-Art
Img2Logo: Generating Golden Ratio Logos from Images
Kai-Wen Hsiao, Yong-Liang Yang, Yung-Chih Chiu, Min-Chun Hu, Chih-Yuan Yao, and Hung-Kuo Chu
Interactive Depixelization of Pixel Art through Spring Simulation
Marko Matusovic, Amal Dev Parakkat, and Elmar Eisemann
Subpixel Deblurring of Anti-Aliased Raster Clip-Art
Jinfan Yang, Nicholas Vining, Shakiba Kheradmand, Nathan Carr, Leonid Sigal, and Alla Sheffer
Shape Correspondance
Unsupervised Template Warp Consistency for Implicit Surface Correspondences
Mengya Liu, Ajad Chhatkuli, Janis Postels, Luc Van Gool, and Federico Tombari
Scalable and Efficient Functional Map Computations on Dense Meshes
Robin Magnet and Maks Ovsjanikov
Surface Maps via Adaptive Triangulations
Patrick Schmidt, Dörte Pieper, and Leif Kobbelt
Image and Video Processinng
Video Frame Interpolation for High Dynamic Range Sequences Captured with Dual-exposure Sensors
Ugur Cogalan, Mojtaba Bemana, Hans-Peter Seidel, and Karol Myszkowski
Simulating Analogue Film Damage to Analyse and Improve Artefact Restoration on High-resolution Scans
Daniela Ivanova, John Williamson, and Paul Henderson
Learning Deformations and Fluids
How Will It Drape Like? Capturing Fabric Mechanics from Depth Images
Carlos Rodriguez-Pardo, Melania Prieto-Martín, Dan Casas, and Elena Garces
Physics-Informed Neural Corrector for Deformation-based Fluid Control
Jingwei Tang, Byungsoo Kim, Vinicius C. Azevedo, and Barbara Solenthaler
Reconstruction and Remeshing
Robust Pointset Denoising of Piecewise-Smooth Surfaces through Line Processes
Jiayi Wei, Jiong Chen, Damien Rohmer, Pooran Memari, and Mathieu Desbrun
One Step Further Beyond Trilinear Interpolation and Central Differences: Triquadratic Reconstruction and its Analytic Derivatives at the Cost of One Additional Texture Fetch
Balázs Csébfalvi
BRDFs and Environment Maps
Learning to Learn and Sample BRDFs
Chen Liu, Michael Fischer, and Tobias Ritschel
CubeGAN: Omnidirectional Image Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Christopher May and Daniel Aliaga
Simulation: Material Interactions
An Optimization-based SPH Solver for Simulation of Hyperelastic Solids
Min Hyung Kee, Kiwon Um, HyunMo Kang, and JungHyun Han
3D Representation and Acceleration Structures
Editing Compressed High-resolution Voxel Scenes with Attributes
Mathijs Molenaar and Elmar Eisemann
Parallel Transformation of Bounding Volume Hierarchies into Oriented Bounding Box Trees
Nick Vitsas, Iordanis Evangelou, Georgios Papaioannou, and Anastasios Gkaravelis
Stochastic Subsets for BVH Construction
Lorenzo Tessari, Addis Dittebrandt, Michael J. Doyle, and Carsten Benthin
Face Editing Using Part-Based Optimization of the Latent Space
Mohammad Amin Aliari, Andre Beauchamp, Tiberiu Popa, and Eric Paquette
What's in a Decade? Transforming Faces Through Time
Eric Chen, Jin Sun, Apoorv Khandelwal, Dani Lischinski, Noah Snavely, and Hadar Averbuch-Elor
Makeup Extraction of 3D Representation via Illumination-Aware Image Decomposition
Xingchao Yang, Takafumi Taketomi, and Yoshihiro Kanamori
Topological and Geometric Shape Understanding
A Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and Reeb Graph Construction on Surfaces
Alexander Weinrauch, Daniel Mlakar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Markus Steinberger, and Rhaleb Zayer
Evolving Guide Subdivision
Kestutis Karciauskas and Jorg Peters
Materials and Textures
In-the-wild Material Appearance Editing using Perceptual Attributes
José Daniel Subías and Manuel Lagunas
Preserving the Autocovariance of Texture Tilings Using Importance Sampling
Nicolas Lutz, Basile Sauvage, and Jean-Michel Dischler
Capturing Human Pose and Appearance
Variational Pose Prediction with Dynamic Sample Selection from Sparse Tracking Signals
Nicholas Milef, Shinjiro Sueda, and Nima Khademi Kalantari
Scene-Aware 3D Multi-Human Motion Capture from a Single Camera
Diogo C. Luvizon, Marc Habermann, Vladislav Golyanik, Adam Kortylewski, and Christian Theobalt
Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks
Sihun Cha, Kwanggyoon Seo, Amirsaman Ashtari, and Junyong Noh
Garment Design
Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns
Liu Zhenyuan, Michal Piovarci, Christian Hafner, Raphaël Charrondière, and Bernd Bickel
2D Animation and Interaction
Non-linear Rough 2D Animation using Transient Embeddings
Melvin Even, Pierre Bénard, and Pascal Barla
Interactive Design of 2D Car Profiles with Aerodynamic Feedback
Nicolas Rosset, Guillaume Cordonnier, Régis Duvigneau, and Adrien Bousseau

Recent Submissions

  • Interactive Design of 2D Car Profiles with Aerodynamic Feedback 

    Rosset, Nicolas; Cordonnier, Guillaume; Duvigneau, Régis; Bousseau, Adrien (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    The design of car shapes requires a delicate balance between aesthetic and performance. While fluid simulation provides the means to evaluate the aerodynamic performance of a given shape, its computational cost hinders its ...
  • Non-linear Rough 2D Animation using Transient Embeddings 

    Even, Melvin; Bénard, Pierre; Barla, Pascal (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Traditional 2D animation requires time and dedication since tens of thousands of frames need to be drawn by hand for a typical production. Many computer-assisted methods have been proposed to automatize the generation of ...
  • Directionality-Aware Design of Embroidery Patterns 

    Zhenyuan, Liu; Piovarci, Michal; Hafner, Christian; Charrondière, Raphaël; Bickel, Bernd (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Embroidery is a long-standing and high-quality approach to making logos and images on textiles. Nowadays, it can also be performed via automated machines that weave threads with high spatial accuracy. A characteristic ...
  • Generating Texture for 3D Human Avatar from a Single Image using Sampling and Refinement Networks 

    Cha, Sihun; Seo, Kwanggyoon; Ashtari, Amirsaman; Noh, Junyong (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    There has been significant progress in generating an animatable 3D human avatar from a single image. However, recovering texture for the 3D human avatar from a single image has been relatively less addressed. Because the ...
  • Scene-Aware 3D Multi-Human Motion Capture from a Single Camera 

    Luvizon, Diogo C.; Habermann, Marc; Golyanik, Vladislav; Kortylewski, Adam; Theobalt, Christian (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    In this work, we consider the problem of estimating the 3D position of multiple humans in a scene as well as their body shape and articulation from a single RGB video recorded with a static camera. In contrast to expensive ...
  • Variational Pose Prediction with Dynamic Sample Selection from Sparse Tracking Signals 

    Milef, Nicholas; Sueda, Shinjiro; Kalantari, Nima Khademi (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    We propose a learning-based approach for full-body pose reconstruction from extremely sparse upper body tracking data, obtained from a virtual reality (VR) device. We leverage a conditional variational autoencoder with ...
  • Preserving the Autocovariance of Texture Tilings Using Importance Sampling 

    Lutz, Nicolas; Sauvage, Basile; Dischler, Jean-Michel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    By-example aperiodic tilings are popular texture synthesis techniques that allow a fast, on-the-fly generation of unbounded and non-periodic textures with an appearance matching an arbitrary input sample called the ...
  • In-the-wild Material Appearance Editing using Perceptual Attributes 

    Subías, José Daniel; Lagunas, Manuel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Intuitively editing the appearance of materials from a single image is a challenging task given the complexity of the interactions between light and matter, and the ambivalence of human perception. This problem has been ...
  • Evolving Guide Subdivision 

    Karciauskas, Kestutis; Peters, Jorg (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    To overcome the well-known shape deficiencies of bi-cubic subdivision surfaces, Evolving Guide subdivision (EG subdivision) generalizes C2 bi-quartic (bi-4) splines that approximate a sequence of piecewise polynomial surface ...
  • A Variational Loop Shrinking Analogy for Handle and Tunnel Detection and Reeb Graph Construction on Surfaces 

    Weinrauch, Alexander; Mlakar, Daniel; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Steinberger, Markus; Zayer, Rhaleb (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    The humble loop shrinking property played a central role in the inception of modern topology but it has been eclipsed by more abstract algebraic formalisms. This is particularly true in the context of detecting relevant ...
  • What's in a Decade? Transforming Faces Through Time 

    Chen, Eric Ming; Sun, Jin; Khandelwal, Apoorv; Lischinski, Dani; Snavely, Noah; Averbuch-Elor, Hadar (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    How can one visually characterize photographs of people over time? In this work, we describe the Faces Through Time dataset, which contains over a thousand portrait images per decade from the 1880s to the present day. Using ...
  • Makeup Extraction of 3D Representation via Illumination-Aware Image Decomposition 

    Yang, Xingchao; Taketomi, Takafumi; Kanamori, Yoshihiro (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Facial makeup enriches the beauty of not only real humans but also virtual characters; therefore, makeup for 3D facial models is highly in demand in productions. However, painting directly on 3D faces and capturing real-world ...
  • Face Editing Using Part-Based Optimization of the Latent Space 

    Aliari, Mohammad Amin; Beauchamp, Andre; Popa, Tiberiu; Paquette, Eric (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    We propose an approach for interactive 3D face editing based on deep generative models. Most of the current face modeling methods rely on linear methods and cannot express complex and non-linear deformations. In contrast ...
  • Stochastic Subsets for BVH Construction 

    Tessari, Lorenzo; Dittebrandt, Addis; Doyle, Michael J.; Benthin, Carsten (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    BVH construction is a critical component of real-time and interactive ray-tracing systems. However, BVH construction can be both compute and bandwidth intensive, especially when a large degree of dynamic geometry is present. ...
  • Parallel Transformation of Bounding Volume Hierarchies into Oriented Bounding Box Trees 

    Vitsas, Nick; Evangelou, Iordanis; Papaioannou, Georgios; Gkaravelis, Anastasios (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Oriented bounding box (OBB) hierarchies can be used instead of hierarchies based on axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB), providing tighter fitting to the underlying geometric structures and resulting in improved interference ...
  • An Optimization-based SPH Solver for Simulation of Hyperelastic Solids 

    Kee, Min Hyung; Um, Kiwon; Kang, HyunMo; Han, JungHyun (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    This paper proposes a novel method for simulating hyperelastic solids with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). The proposed method extends the coverage of the state-of-the-art elastic SPH solid method to include different ...
  • Editing Compressed High-resolution Voxel Scenes with Attributes 

    Molenaar, Mathijs; Eisemann, Elmar (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Sparse Voxel Directed Acyclic Graphs (SVDAGs) are an efficient solution for storing high-resolution voxel geometry. Recently, algorithms for the interactive modification of SVDAGs have been proposed that maintain the ...
  • CubeGAN: Omnidirectional Image Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks 

    May, Christopher; Aliaga, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    We propose a framework to create projectively-correct and seam-free cube-map images using generative adversarial learning. Deep generation of cube-maps that contain the correct projection of the environment onto its faces ...
  • Learning to Learn and Sample BRDFs 

    Liu, Chen; Fischer, Michael; Ritschel, Tobias (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    We propose a method to accelerate the joint process of physically acquiring and learning neural Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) models. While BRDF learning alone can be accelerated by meta-learning, ...
  • One Step Further Beyond Trilinear Interpolation and Central Differences: Triquadratic Reconstruction and its Analytic Derivatives at the Cost of One Additional Texture Fetch 

    Csébfalvi, Balázs (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2023)
    Recently, it has been shown that the quality of GPU-based trilinear volume resampling can be significantly improved if the six additional trilinear samples evaluated for the gradient estimation also contribute to the ...

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