Computer Graphics and Visualization Education 99
July 3-5, Coimbra, Portugal
ISBN 978-3-03868-207-3

Computer Graphics Curricula in Computer Science
Bringing the Introductory Computer Graphics Course into the 21 st Century
Rosalee Wolfe
An Introductory Course on Visualization
Beatriz Sousa Santos
Restructuring Computer Graphics and Visualisation Curricula at IST
J. M. Brisson Lopes, M. R. Gomes, J. C. Bernardo, J. Jorge, and J. M. Pereira
Adapting Computer Graphics Curricula to Changes in Graphics Technology
Lewis E. Hitchner and Henry A. Sowizral
Computer Graphics in the Scope of Informatics Engineering education
Manuel Próspero dos Santos
The Development of a Digital Library to Support the Teaching of Computer Graphics and Visualization
G. Scott Owen, Raj Sunderraman, and Yanqing Zhang
Leaming 3D Visualisation with MALUDA
João A. Madeiras Pereira and Mário Rui Gomes
Strengthening Visual Skills by Recognising Rendering Algorithms
Rosalee Wolfe
MAVERIK: A Virtual Reality System for Research and Teaching
Toby Howard, Roger Hubbold, and Alan Murta
Computer Graphics Curricula in the Arts
Computer Graphics Curricula in the Visual Arts
Dena Elisabeth Eber
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Computer Animation to Artists and Computer Scientists
David S. Ebert and Dan Bailey
Combining Art and Mathematics in Computer Graphics Education
Mark Ollila
Online Education
Online Education
Anne Mumford
Three Collaborative Models for Computer Graphics Education
Colleen Case
Supporting Face to Face Teaching
Anne Mumford
Web Based Multi-User Interactive Graphics Worlds for Education
G. Scott Owen
Computer Graphics as a Tool for Teaching and Learning
Visualisation in teaching-leaming mathematics: the role of the computer
G. Chiappini and R. M. Bottino
Virtual Environment of Water Molecules for Learning and Teaching Science
Jorge F. Trindade, Carlos Fiolhais, Victor Gil, and José C. Teixeira
Scientific Visualization as a Tool for Power Engineering Education
Pavel Slavik and Frantisck Hrdlicka
Human-Computer Interaction
The Human-Computer Interfaces Course at IST
Mário Rui Gomes, Brisson Lopes, and Manuel João Fonseca
Modularity: The Key to Courseware Re-use
José Carlos Teixeira
Courseware Reuse or Courseware to Reuse?
José Carlos Teixeira, César Páris, Joaquim Madeira, and J. Brisson Lopes

Recent Submissions

  • Courseware Reuse or Courseware to Reuse? 

    Teixeira, José Carlos; Páris, César; Madeira, Joaquim; Lopes, J. Brisson (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
  • The Human-Computer Interfaces Course at IST 

    Gomes, Mário Rui; Lopes, Brisson; Fonseca, Manuel João (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper presents the main and most relevant aspects of the Human-Computer Interfaces course lectured for the 4th academic years (and fifth year as an optional course) of the undergraduate program in lnformatics and ...
  • Modularity: The Key to Courseware Re-use 

    Teixeira, José Carlos (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    By courseware modularity we mean the possibility to build complete courses from many small course modules fitting together. ln contrast to puzzle pieces, course modules should be designed to fit into many different situations, ...
  • Virtual Environment of Water Molecules for Learning and Teaching Science 

    Trindade, Jorge F.; Fiolhais, Carlos; Gil, Victor; Teixeira, José C. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Virtual reality is an emerging computer visualization. technology which allows educators to place their students into instructional environments heretofore difficult or impossible to achieve. ln arder to take full advantage ...
  • Visualisation in teaching-leaming mathematics: the role of the computer 

    Chiappini, G.; Bottino, R. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper is centred on the study of the role that information visualisation can have in mathematics learning. A theoretical analysis is worked out in order to give account of the complex phenomena that take place in the ...
  • Supporting Face to Face Teaching 

    Mumford, Anne (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The needs of Graphics and Visualization Education (GVE) are often more demanding of teaching facilities than are other subject areas. ln the UK there is political pressure to improve the student experience through assessment ...
  • Three Collaborative Models for Computer Graphics Education 

    Case, Colleen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Visual communication is an area that acts as an integrator to other disciplines, business work projects and institutions. The collaborative models and innovative delivery systems described in this document provide "real ...
  • Online Education 

    Mumford, Anne (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    New technologies for distance Jearning through the Web, vídeo conferencing, collaborative working toais have the potential to enhance and extend learning. This requires a large leap for many institutions, teachers and ...
  • Scientific Visualization as a Tool for Power Engineering Education 

    Slavik, Pavel; Hrdlicka, Frantisck (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper deals with the application of scientific visualization methods in the field of power engineering education. Behavior of various parts of a power plant is simulated and the results of these simulations are ...
  • Web Based Multi-User Interactive Graphics Worlds for Education 

    Owen, G. Scott (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Several technologies are curremly being developed that will have a huge impact on the future of education. Advances in computational power and graphics capability will give the future home PC the capabilities of very ...
  • Computer Graphics Curricula in the Visual Arts 

    Eber, Dena Elisabeth (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Computers have recently emerged as commonplace on the scene in a record number of uiversity art departments. This rapid change has created the need for n ew curriculum in the computer art discipline. ln designing these ...
  • An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Computer Animation to Artists and Computer Scientists 

    Ebert, David S.; Bailey, Dan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Animation has always required a close collaboration between artists and scientists, poets and engineers. Current trends in computer animation have made successful and effective teamwork a necessity. To address these issues, ...
  • Combining Art and Mathematics in Computer Graphics Education 

    Ollila, Mark (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper presents an innovative education program ai the University of Cavie, Sweden. The program, Creative Programming, combines traditional methods of teaching compuler graphics, with other cross- disciplinary areas ...
  • MAVERIK: A Virtual Reality System for Research and Teaching 

    Howard, Toby; Hubbold, Roger; Murta, Alan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper describes some experiences with the use of the MAVERIK system for supporting undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and research. MAVERIK is a high-level system for creating and managing interactive virtual ...
  • Leaming 3D Visualisation with MALUDA 

    Pereira, João A. Madeiras; Gomes, Mário Rui (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper describes MALUDA system, which constitutes an important tool for teaching 3D- visualisation pipeline at the laboratory classes of the Computcr Craphics course at Instituto Superior Técnico.
  • The Development of a Digital Library to Support the Teaching of Computer Graphics and Visualization 

    Owen, G. Scott; Sunderraman, Raj; Zhang, Yanqing (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee web site is being evolved into a Digital Library that will be a worldwide resource for Grapltics and Visualization Education. We discuss the history of the website, including a long-standing ...
  • Strengthening Visual Skills by Recognising Rendering Algorithms 

    Wolfe, Rosalee (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Computer science students contemplating a career in graphics need to develop a visual sense, but traditional course topies do not meet this need. Visual analysis is a teaching technique developed for computer science ...
  • An Introductory Course on Visualization 

    Sousa Santos, Beatriz (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    A Visualization course offered twice (1997/98 and 98/99) as an elective in the MSc degree on Electronics and Telecommunications at the University of Aveiro is presented. lts contents, bibliography and teaching methods are ...
  • Restructuring Computer Graphics and Visualisation Curricula at IST 

    Lopes, J. M. Brisson; Gomes, M. R.; Bernardo, J. C.; Jorge, J.; Pereira, J. M. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper addresses the restructuring of the undergraduate and graduate programs in Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Multimedia that was recently carried out at Instituto Superior Técnico. The paper details th e ...
  • Computer Graphics in the Scope of Informatics Engineering education 

    Santos, Manuel Próspero dos (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    At the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon, the education in lnformatics Engineering has been supportcd by a B.Sc. course and a M.Sc. course. Both of them include Computer Graphics lectures; ...

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