Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    • Coverage Axis: Inner Point Selection for 3D Shape Skeletonization 

      Dou, Zhiyang; Lin, Cheng; Xu, Rui; Yang, Lei; Xin, Shiqing; Komura, Taku; Wang, Wenping (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      In this paper, we present a simple yet effective formulation called Coverage Axis for 3D shape skeletonization. Inspired by the set cover problem, our key idea is to cover all the surface points using as few inside medial ...
    • Neural Precomputed Radiance Transfer 

      Rainer, Gilles; Bousseau, Adrien; Ritschel, Tobias; Drettakis, George (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Recent advances in neural rendering indicate immense promise for architectures that learn light transport, allowing efficient rendering of global illumination effects once such methods are trained. The training phase of ...
    • Gradient Terrain Authoring 

      Guérin, Eric; Peytavie, Adrien; Masnou, Simon; Digne, Julie; Sauvage, Basile; Gain, James; Galin, Eric (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Digital terrains are a foundational element in the computer-generated depiction of natural scenes. Given the variety and complexity of real-world landforms, there is a need for authoring solutions that achieve perceptually ...
    • Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection 

      Wang, Bolun; Ferguson, Zachary; Jiang, Xin; Attene, Marco; Panozzo, Daniele; Schneider, Teseo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      We introduce the first exact root parity counter for continuous collision detection (CCD). That is, our algorithm computes the parity (even or odd) of the number of roots of the cubic polynomial arising from a CCD query. ...
    • Differentiable 3D CAD Programs for Bidirectional Editing 

      Cascaval, Dan; Shalah, Mira; Quinn, Phillip; Bodik, Rastislav; Agrawala, Maneesh; Schulz, Adriana (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Modern CAD tools represent 3D designs not only as geometry, but also as a program composed of geometric operations, each of which depends on a set of parameters. Program representations enable meaningful and controlled ...
    • Real-time Virtual-Try-On from a Single Example Image through Deep Inverse Graphics and Learned Differentiable Renderers 

      Kips, Robin; Jiang, Ruowei; Ba, Sileye; Duke, Brendan; Perrot, Matthieu; Gori, Pietro; Bloch, Isabelle (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Augmented reality applications have rapidly spread across online retail platforms and social media, allowing consumers to virtually try-on a large variety of products, such as makeup, hair dying, or shoes. However, ...
    • Interaction Fields: Intuitive Sketch-based Steering Behaviors for Crowd Simulation 

      Colas, Adèle; van Toll, Wouter; Zibrek, Katja; Hoyet, Ludovic; Olivier, Anne-Hélène; Pettré, Julien (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      The real-time simulation of human crowds has many applications. In a typical crowd simulation, each person ('agent') in the crowd moves towards a goal while adhering to local constraints. Many algorithms exist for specific ...
    • Learning from Shader Program Traces 

      Yang, Yuting; Barnes, Connelly; Finkelstein, Adam (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Deep learning for image processing typically treats input imagery as pixels in some color space. This paper proposes instead to learn from program traces of procedural fragment shaders - programs that generate images. At ...
    • CAST: Character labeling in Animation using Self-supervision by Tracking 

      Nir, Oron; Rapoport, Gal; Shamir, Ariel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Cartoons and animation domain videos have very different characteristics compared to real-life images and videos. In addition, this domain carries a large variability in styles. Current computer vision and deep-learning ...
    • Compact Facial Landmark Layouts for Performance Capture 

      Zell, Eduard; McDonnell, Rachel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      An abundance of older, as well as recent work exists at the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics on accurate estimation of dynamic facial landmarks with applications in facial animation, emotion recognition, ...
    • Dynamic Combination of Crowd Steering Policies Based on Context 

      Cabrero-Daniel, Beatriz; Marques, Ricardo; Hoyet, Ludovic; Pettré, Julien; Blat, Josep (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Simulating crowds requires controlling a very large number of trajectories of characters and is usually performed using crowd steering algorithms. The question of choosing the right algorithm with the right parameter values ...
    • Interactive Editing of Discrete Chebyshev Nets 

      Li, Rui-Zeng; Guo, Jia-Peng; Wang, Qi; Chai, Shuangming; Liu, Ligang; Fu, Xiao-Ming (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      We propose an interactive method to edit a discrete Chebyshev net, which is a quad mesh with edges of the same length. To ensure that the edited mesh is always a discrete Chebyshev net, the maximum difference of all edge ...
    • Learning a Self-supervised Tone Mapping Operator via Feature Contrast Masking Loss 

      Wang, Chao; Chen, Bin; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Myszkowski, Karol; Serrano, Ana (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      High Dynamic Range (HDR) content is becoming ubiquitous due to the rapid development of capture technologies. Nevertheless, the dynamic range of common display devices is still limited, therefore tone mapping (TM) remains ...
    • Shape Transformers: Topology-Independent 3D Shape Models Using Transformers 

      Chandran, Prashanth; Zoss, Gaspard; Gross, Markus; Gotardo, Paulo; Bradley, Derek (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Parametric 3D shape models are heavily utilized in computer graphics and vision applications to provide priors on the observed variability of an object's geometry (e.g., for faces). Original models were linear and operated ...
    • Semantic Segmentation in Art Paintings 

      Cohen, Nadav; Newman, Yael; Shamir, Ariel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Semantic segmentation is a difficult task even when trained in a supervised manner on photographs. In this paper, we tackle the problem of semantic segmentation of artistic paintings, an even more challenging task because ...
    • Vectorizing Line Drawings of Arbitrary Thickness via Boundary-based Topology Reconstruction 

      Zhang, Zibo; Liu, Xueting; Li, Chengze; Wu, Huisi; Wen, Zhenkun (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Vectorization is a commonly used technique for converting raster images to vector format and has long been a research focus in computer graphics and vision. While a number of attempts have been made to extract the topology ...
    • OutCast: Outdoor Single-image Relighting with Cast Shadows 

      Griffiths, David; Ritschel, Tobias; Philip, Julien (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      We propose a relighting method for outdoor images. Our method mainly focuses on predicting cast shadows in arbitrary novel lighting directions from a single image while also accounting for shading and global effects such ...
    • Meshlets and How to Shade Them: A Study on Texture-Space Shading 

      Neff, Thomas; Mueller, Joerg H.; Steinberger, Markus; Schmalstieg, Dieter (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Commonly used image-space layouts of shading points, such as used in deferred shading, are strictly view-dependent, which restricts efficient caching and temporal amortization. In contrast, texture-space layouts can represent ...
    • Closed Space-filling Curves with Controlled Orientation for 3D Printing 

      Bedel, Adrien; Coudert-Osmont, Yoann; Martínez, Jonàs; Nishat, Rahnuma Islam; Whitesides, Sue; Lefebvre, Sylvain (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      We explore the optimization of closed space-filling curves under orientation objectives. By solidifying material along the closed curve, solid layers of 3D prints can be manufactured in a single continuous extrusion motion. ...
    • Dressi: A Hardware-Agnostic Differentiable Renderer with Reactive Shader Packing and Soft Rasterization 

      Takimoto, Yusuke; Sato, Hiroyuki; Takehara, Hikari; Uragaki, Keishiro; Tawara, Takehiro; Liang, Xiao; Oku, Kentaro; Kishimoto, Wataru; Zheng, Bo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2022)
      Differentiable rendering (DR) enables various computer graphics and computer vision applications through gradient-based optimization with derivatives of the rendering equation. Most rasterization-based approaches are built ...