Now showing items 1-20 of 48

    • Write Like You: Synthesizing Your Cursive Online Chinese Handwriting via Metric-based Meta Learning 

      Tang, Shusen; Lian, Zhouhui (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      In this paper, we propose a novel Sequence-to-Sequence model based on metric-based meta learning for the arbitrary style transfer of online Chinese handwritings. Unlike most existing methods that treat Chinese handwritings ...
    • Restricted Power Diagrams on the GPU 

      Basselin, Justine; Alonso, Laurent; Ray, Nicolas; Sokolov, Dmitry; Lefebvre, Sylvain; Lévy, Bruno (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We propose a method to simultaneously decompose a 3D object into power diagram cells and to integrate given functions in each of the obtained simple regions.We offer a novel, highly parallel algorithm that lends itself to ...
    • Neural Acceleration of Scattering-Aware Color 3D Printing 

      Rittig, Tobias; Sumin, Denis; Babaei, Vahid; Didyk, Piotr; Voloboy, Alexey; Wilkie, Alexander; Bickel, Bernd; Myszkowski, Karol; Weyrich, Tim; Krivánek, Jaroslav (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      With the wider availability of full-color 3D printers, color-accurate 3D-print preparation has received increased attention. A key challenge lies in the inherent translucency of commonly used print materials that blurs out ...
    • Learning and Exploring Motor Skills with Spacetime Bounds 

      Ma, Li-Ke; Yang, Zeshi; Tong, Xin; Guo, Baining; Yin, KangKang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Equipping characters with diverse motor skills is the current bottleneck of physics-based character animation. We propose a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) framework that enables physics-based characters to learn and ...
    • STALP: Style Transfer with Auxiliary Limited Pairing 

      Futschik, David; Kucera, Michal; Lukác, Mike; Wang, Zhaowen; Shechtman, Eli; Sýkora, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We present an approach to example-based stylization of images that uses a single pair of a source image and its stylized counterpart. We demonstrate how to train an image translation network that can perform real-time ...
    • Geometric Construction of Auxetic Metamaterials 

      Bonneau, Georges-Pierre; Hahmann, Stefanie; Marku, Johana (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      This paper is devoted to a category of metamaterials called auxetics, identified by their negative Poisson's ratio. Our work consists in exploring geometrical strategies to generate irregular auxetic structures. More ...
    • Automatic Surface Segmentation for Seamless Fabrication Using 4-axis Milling Machines 

      Nuvoli, Stefano; Tola, Alessandro; Muntoni, Alessandro; Pietroni, Nico; Gobbetti, Enrico; Scateni, Riccardo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We introduce a novel geometry-processing pipeline to guide the fabrication of complex shapes from a single block of material using 4-axis CNC milling machines. This setup extends classical 3-axis CNC machining with an extra ...
    • Fast Updates for Least-Squares Rotational Alignment 

      Zhang, Jiayi Eris; Jacobson, Alec; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Across computer graphics, vision, robotics and simulation, many applications rely on determining the 3D rotation that aligns two objects or sets of points. The standard solution is to use singular value decomposition (SVD), ...
    • Interactive Photo Editing on Smartphones via Intrinsic Decomposition 

      Shekhar, Sumit; Reimann, Max; Mayer, Maximilian; Semmo, Amir; Pasewaldt, Sebastian; Döllner, Jürgen; Trapp, Matthias (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Intrinsic decomposition refers to the problem of estimating scene characteristics, such as albedo and shading, when one view or multiple views of a scene are provided. The inverse problem setting, where multiple unknowns ...
    • Perceptual Quality of BRDF Approximations: Dataset and Metrics 

      Lavoué, Guillaume; Bonneel, Nicolas; Farrugia, Jean-Philippe; Soler, Cyril (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Functions (BRDFs) are pivotal to the perceived realism in image synthesis. While measured BRDF datasets are available, reflectance functions are most of the time approximated by ...
    • Learning Multiple-Scattering Solutions for Sphere-Tracing of Volumetric Subsurface Effects 

      Leonard, Ludwic; Höhlein, Kevin; Westermann, Rüdiger (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Accurate subsurface scattering solutions require the integration of optical material properties along many complicated light paths. We present a method that learns a simple geometric approximation of random paths in a ...
    • Two-step Temporal Interpolation Network Using Forward Advection for Efficient Smoke Simulation 

      Oh, Young Jin; Lee, In-Kwon (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      In this paper, we propose a two-step temporal interpolation network using forward advection to generate smoke simulation efficiently. By converting a low frame rate smoke simulation computed with a large time step into a ...
    • Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training 

      Zhou, Xilong; Kalantari, Nima Khademi (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach for estimating the spatially-varying BRDFs (SVBRDF) from a single image. Most existing deep learning techniques use pixel-wise loss functions which limits the flexibility ...
    • Higher Dimensional Graphics: Conceiving Worlds in Four Spatial Dimensions and Beyond 

      Cavallo, Marco (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      While the interpretation of high-dimensional datasets has become a necessity in most industries, the spatial visualization of higher-dimensional geometry has mostly remained a niche research topic for mathematicians and ...
    • Semantics-Guided Latent Space Exploration for Shape Generation 

      Jahan, Tansin; Guan, Yanran; Kaick, Oliver van (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We introduce an approach to incorporate user guidance into shape generation approaches based on deep networks. Generative networks such as autoencoders and generative adversarial networks are trained to encode shapes into ...
    • Real-Time Frequency Adjustment of Images and Videos 

      Germano, Rafael L.; Oliveira, Manuel M.; Gastal, Eduardo S. L. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We present a technique for real-time adjustment of spatial frequencies in images and videos. Our method allows for both decreasing and increasing of frequencies, and is orthogonal to image resizing. Thus, it can be used ...
    • Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation 

      Schelling, Michael; Hermosilla, Pedro; Vázquez, Pere-Pau; Ropinski, Timo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Optimal viewpoint prediction is an essential task in many computer graphics applications. Unfortunately, common viewpoint qualities suffer from two major drawbacks: dependency on clean surface meshes, which are not always ...
    • Curve Complexity Heuristic KD-trees for Neighborhood-based Exploration of 3D Curves 

      Lu, Yucheng; Cheng, Luyu; Isenberg, Tobias; Fu, Chi-Wing; Chen, Guoning; Liu, Hui; Deussen, Oliver; Wang, Yunhai (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We introduce the curve complexity heuristic (CCH), a KD-tree construction strategy for 3D curves, which enables interactive exploration of neighborhoods in dense and large line datasets. It can be applied to searches of ...
    • LoBSTr: Real-time Lower-body Pose Prediction from Sparse Upper-body Tracking Signals 

      Yang, Dongseok; Kim, Doyeon; Lee, Sung-Hee (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      With the popularization of games and VR/AR devices, there is a growing need for capturing human motion with a sparse set of tracking data. In this paper, we introduce a deep neural network (DNN) based method for real-time ...
    • Patch Erosion for Deformable Lapped Textures on 3D Fluids 

      Gagnon, Jonathan; Guzmán, Julián E.; Mould, David; Paquette, Eric (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We propose an approach to synthesise a texture on an animated fluid free surface using a distortion metric combined with a feature map. Our approach is applied as a post-process to a fluid simulation. We advect deformable ...