Realistic Visualization of Accessories within Interactive Simulation Systems for Garment Prototyping
Knuth, Martin
Item/paper (currently) not available via TIB Hannover.
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In virtual garment prototyping, designers create a garment design by using Computer Aided
Design (CAD). In difference to traditional CAD the word "aided" in this case refers to the
computer replicating real world behavior of garments. This allows the designer to interact
naturally with his design. The designer has a wide range of expressions within his work.
This is done by defining details on a garment which are not limited to the type of cloth used.
The way how cloth patterns are sewn together and the style and usage of details of the cloth’s
surface, like appliqués, have a strong impact on the visual appearance of a garment to a large
degree. Therefore, virtual and real garments usually have a lot of such surface details.
Interactive virtual garment prototyping itself is an interdisciplinary field. Several prob-
lems have to be solved to create an efficiently usable real-time virtual prototyping system for
garment manufacturers. Such a system can be roughly separated into three sub-components.
The first component deals with acquisition of material and other data needed to let a sim-
ulation mimic plausible real world behavior of the garment. The second component is the
garment simulation process itself. Finally, the third component is centered on the visualiza-
tion of the simulation results. Therefore, the overall process spans several scientific areas
which have to take into account the needs of each other in order to get an overall interactive
system. In my work I especially target the third section, which deals with the visualization.
On the scientific side, the developments in the last years have shown great improvements
on both speed and reliability of simulation and rendering approaches suitable for the virtual
prototyping of garments. However, with the currently existing approaches there are still
many problems to be solved, especially if interactive simulation and visualization need to
work together and many object and surface details come into play. This is the case when
using a virtual prototyping in a productive environment.
The currently available approaches try to handle most of the surface details as part of the
simulation. This generates a lot of data early in the pipeline which needs to be transferred
and processed, requiring a lot of processing time and easily stalls the pipeline defined by the
simulation and visualization system. Additionally, real world garment examples are already
complicated in their cloth arrangement alone. This requires additional computational power.
Therefore, the interactive garment simulation tends to lose its capability to allow interactive
handling of the garment.
In my work I present a solution, which solves this problem by moving the handling of
design details from the simulation stage entirely to a completely GPU based rendering stage.
This way, the behavior of the garment and its visual appearance are separated. There-
fore, the simulation part can fully concentrate on simulating the fabric behavior, while the
visualization handles the placing of surface details lighting, materials and self-shadowing.
Thus, a much higher degree of surface complexity can be achieved within an interactive
virtual prototyping system as can be done with the current existing approaches.