Recent Submissions

  • Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics 

    Zachmann, Gabriel; Langetepe, Elmar (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    This tutorial aims at presenting a wide range of geometric data structures, algorithms and techniques from computational geometry to computer graphics practitioners. To achieve this goal we introduce several data structures, ...
  • View-Dependent Rendering for Polygonal Datasets 

    El- Sana, Jihad; De Floriani, Leila; Puppo, Enrico; Shamir, Arik (Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Programmable Graphics Hardware for Interactive Visualization 

    Ertl, Thomas; Weiskopf, Daniel; Kraus, Martin; Engel, Klaus; Weiler, Manfred; Hopf, Matthias; Röttger, Stefan; Rezk-Salama, Christof (Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • More than RGB: Spectral Trends in Color Reproduction 

    Bell, Ian E.; Baranoski, Gladimir V. G. (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Early rendering algorithms relied exclusively on three-dimensional spaces for color computation, such as RGB and CIE XYZ. Recent rendering advances use full spectral information for illuminants and surfaces, resulting in ...
  • Modeling and Rendering of Synthetic Plants 

    Deussen, Oliver (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Plant geometries: → important for many indoor and outdoor scenes → hard to generate and to manipulate → tricky to convert → today: seldomly used → tomorrow: standard of most animation systems
  • Tutorial on Inhabited Virtual Heritage 

    Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Chalmers, Alan; Fua, Pascal; Thalmann, Daniel (Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Point Based Computer Graphics 

    Gross, Markus; Pfister, Hanspeter; Zwicker, Matthias; Pauly, Mark; Stamminger, Marc; Alexa, Marc (Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Facial Modeling and Animation 

    Haber, Jörg; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Terzopoulos, Demetri; Vetter, Thomas; Blanz, Volker; Kähler, Kolja (Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Cloth Animation and Rendering 

    Hauth, Michael; Etzmuss, Olaf; Eberhardt, Bernd; Klein, Reinhard; Sarlette, Ralf; Sattler, Mirko; Daubert, Katja; Kautz, Jan (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    The area of physically-based modeling is situated in the intersection of computer science, mathematics, and physics. The animation of cloth is a particularly interesting application of physically-based modeling, because ...
  • 3D Data Acquisition 

    Scopigno,Roberto; Andujar, Carlos; Goesele,Michael; Lensch, Hendrik P. A. (Eurographics Association, 2002)
    3D scanners and image acquisition systems are rapidly becoming more affordable and allow to build highly accurate models of real 3D objects in a cost- and time-effective manner. This tutorial will present the potential of ...