Recent Submissions

  • Virtual Actors’ Behaviour for 3D Interactive Storytelling 

    Cavazza, Marc; Charles, Fred; Mead, Steven J.; Strachan, Alexander I. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In this paper, we describe a method for implementing intelligent behaviour for artificial actors in the context of interactive storytelling. We have developed a fully implemented prototype based on the Unreal™ game engine ...
  • 3dml: A Language for 3D Interaction Techniques 

    Figueroa, Pablo; Green, Mark; Hoover, H. James (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    We present 3dml, a markup language for 3D interaction techniques and virtual environment applications that involve non-traditional devices. 3dml has two main purposes: readability and rapid development. Designers can read ...
  • Mayhem in Online Game and Virtual Environment Development 

    Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho Duarte; Crowcroft, Jon; Slater, Mel (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    We present Mayhem, which is a prototype of a Massive Online Role Playing Game (MORPG), where novel research in the field of Virtual Environments (VEs) is combined with the requirements of online games. This results in a ...
  • Complexity Reduction of Catmull-Clark/Loop Subdivision Surfaces 

    Steenberg, Eskil (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    By applying a filter this algorithm can reduce the number of polygons generated by subdividing a mesh dynamically. This algorithm is designed especially for real-time engines where the geometrical complexity is critical. ...
  • Individualising Human Animation Models 

    Ju, Xiangyang; Siebert, J. Paul (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Realistic human body animation requires accurate body geometry, realistic textures and believable behaviours. Existing human animation models provide excellent tools to control articulated motion and body surface deformations ...
  • Animating cuts with on-the-fly re-meshing 

    Ganovelli, Fabio; O’Sullivan, C. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    The problem of defining a model for deformable objects which allows the user to perform cuts is still open. Generally speaking, the reason is that such a task affects the connectivity and the topology of the mesh, while ...
  • Real-Time Procedural Animation of Trees 

    Barron, Jeremy T.; Sorge, Brian P.; Davis, Timothy A. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Creating models of living flora, such as trees and grass, has been a challenge in computer graphics for many years. Animating these objects to move realistically in reaction to natural phenomena, such as wind and rain, ...
  • Data driven motion transitions for interactive games 

    Mizuguchi, Mark; Buchanan, John; Calvert, Tom (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In 3D video games that employ human characters, a series of animations is required to display a character’s motion. The current approach is to use stored animation sequences, either motion captured or hand animated, and ...
  • Metaprogramming for the Generation of Nonparametric Curves 

    Boyer, Vincent (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    One of the most important functions of paintboxes is drawing curves. These primitives have been programmed and the user can never add a new program which computes the discrete points of a given function. Using metaprogramming ...
  • A Visualization System for the Clinical Evaluation of Cerebral Aneurysms from MRA Data 

    Perrin, James S.; Lacey, A.; Laitt, R.; Jackson, A.; John, Nigel W. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    This paper details a work-in-progress application under development as part of a clinical visualization project. The software has been designed to meet the specific needs of interventional neuro-radiologists evaluating the ...
  • Redirected Walking 

    Razzaque, Sharif; Kohn, Zachariah; Whitton, Mary C. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Redirected Walking, a new interactive locomotion technique for virtual environments (VEs), captures the benefits of real walking while extending the possible size of the VE. Real walking, although natural and producing a ...
  • Improvement of the printing model in multi-colored and multi-woodblock virtual printing 

    Mizuno, Shinji; Ushida, Akihide; Okada, Minoru; Toriwaki, Jun-ichiro; Yamamoto, Shinji (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In this paper, we propose a physically based model for the printing process in the virtual woodblock printing for improvement of printing quality. Virtual printing is a simulation of real printing using “woodblocks”, “a ...
  • Artist Driven Expressive Graphics 

    Mason, Kaye; Carpendale, Sheelagh (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Current methods in non-photorealistic graphics can place a heavy emphasis on the algorithm, as opposed to the artist. In this paper, we analyse these trends, and present a conceptual framework for putting control back in ...
  • Fractal approximation of surfaces based on projected IFS attractors 

    Guerin, Eric; Tosan, Eric; Baskurt, Atilla (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    A method for approximating smooth or rough surfaces defined in R3 is introduced. A fractal model called projected IFS model allows the extension of the iteration space to a barycentric space Rn2 by enriching the classical ...
  • Warped Textures for UV Mapping Encoding 

    Sorkine, Olga; Cohen-Or, Daniel (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    This paper introduces an implicit representation of the u; v texture mapping. Instead of using the traditional explicit u; v mapping coordinates, a non-distorted piecewise embedding of the triangular mesh is created, on ...
  • Improved Rendering with Dégradé 

    Boyer, Vincent; Sobczyk, Dominique; Bourdin, Jean-Jacques (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In most paintboxes drawing (and filling) the picture and render the picture are two different steps and tools. Dégradé presents an efficient filling rendering tool: an efficient collection of effect filling. In Dégradé the ...
  • Local Versus Global Triangulations 

    Linsen, Lars; Prautzsch, Hartmut (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Free form surfaces are commonly represented by triangular or quadrilateral meshes. Often these meshes are obtained from unorganized point sets sampled from some object’s surface. We show that local rather than global ...
  • Scalable Impressionist Rendering 

    Atencia, A.; Bourdin, Jean-Jacques; Boyer, V.; Pissard, T.; Sobczyk, D. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    The painted impressionist technique produces scale based effects: the far range vision is almost realistic while the close vision is blurred. In NPR, Impressionist Renderers are mainly based on a medium range vision. A ...
  • CORBA Visualization Platform 

    Benoist, Thierry; Hewitt, W. T.; John, Nigel W. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
  • Simplification of implicit skeletal models 

    Lucas, Laurent; Prevost, Stephanie (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In this paper, we describe a hierarchical representation of unions of balls (UoB) applied to volume graphics. We present an algorithm that generates stable implicit volumes at different levels of resolution in the form of ...

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