Now showing items 841-860 of 2886

    • Artist Driven Expressive Graphics 

      Mason, Kaye; Carpendale, Sheelagh (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Current methods in non-photorealistic graphics can place a heavy emphasis on the algorithm, as opposed to the artist. In this paper, we analyse these trends, and present a conceptual framework for putting control back in ...
    • Fractal approximation of surfaces based on projected IFS attractors 

      Guerin, Eric; Tosan, Eric; Baskurt, Atilla (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      A method for approximating smooth or rough surfaces defined in R3 is introduced. A fractal model called projected IFS model allows the extension of the iteration space to a barycentric space Rn2 by enriching the classical ...
    • Warped Textures for UV Mapping Encoding 

      Sorkine, Olga; Cohen-Or, Daniel (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper introduces an implicit representation of the u; v texture mapping. Instead of using the traditional explicit u; v mapping coordinates, a non-distorted piecewise embedding of the triangular mesh is created, on ...
    • Improved Rendering with Dégradé 

      Boyer, Vincent; Sobczyk, Dominique; Bourdin, Jean-Jacques (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In most paintboxes drawing (and filling) the picture and render the picture are two different steps and tools. Dégradé presents an efficient filling rendering tool: an efficient collection of effect filling. In Dégradé the ...
    • Local Versus Global Triangulations 

      Linsen, Lars; Prautzsch, Hartmut (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Free form surfaces are commonly represented by triangular or quadrilateral meshes. Often these meshes are obtained from unorganized point sets sampled from some object’s surface. We show that local rather than global ...
    • Scalable Impressionist Rendering 

      Atencia, A.; Bourdin, Jean-Jacques; Boyer, V.; Pissard, T.; Sobczyk, D. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      The painted impressionist technique produces scale based effects: the far range vision is almost realistic while the close vision is blurred. In NPR, Impressionist Renderers are mainly based on a medium range vision. A ...
    • CORBA Visualization Platform 

      Benoist, Thierry; Hewitt, W. T.; John, Nigel W. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
    • Simplification of implicit skeletal models 

      Lucas, Laurent; Prevost, Stephanie (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In this paper, we describe a hierarchical representation of unions of balls (UoB) applied to volume graphics. We present an algorithm that generates stable implicit volumes at different levels of resolution in the form of ...
    • Post-rendering Composition for 3D Scenes 

      Grimm, Cindy (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In traditional art a painter displays a 3D scene on a 2D image plane in a manner that is aesthetically pleasing. The arrangement of objects and colors is called composition and is the subject of many art books and classes. ...
    • Proxy Simulations for Efficient Dynamics 

      Chenney, Stephen; Arikan, Okan; Forsyth, D. A. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Proxy simulations reduce the cost of simulation in large virtual worlds, such as those used in training simulations or computer games. A proxy takes the place of an accurate simulation for objects that are out of view, ...
    • Free-Form Deformation of Solid Models in CSR 

      Hui, K. C.; Lai, C.F. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Existing free-form deformation (FFD) techniques deform an object by deforming the space enclosing the object. Points on the object are thus deformed relative to the undeformed space (or world space). The deformed object ...
    • An On-line Occlusio-Culling Algorithm for FastWalkthrough in Urban Areas 

      Wang, Yusu; Agarwal, Pankaj K.; Har-Peled, Sariel (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      We describe a fast algorithm to speed up rendering of scenes for walkthroughs in urban environments. Our occlusion culling algorithm takes advantage of temporal coherence in image space. As such, occlusion calculation is ...
    • Automatic Animated Face Modeling Using Multiview Video 

      Wu, Fu-Che; Murphy, Chien-Chang Ho; Ouhyoung, Ming (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      An image-based 3-D modeling system is presented in this paper. Our modeling system consists of three main stages: camera calibration, depth estimation and 3-D geometry reconstruction. All of these steps are executed ...
    • Adaptive Progressive Vertex Tracing for Interactive Reflections 

      Ullmann, Thomas; Schmidt, Alexander; Beier, Daniel; Bruderlin, Beat (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper presents an approach for real-time rendering of physically accurate reflection effects in virtual environments. We apply a hybrid rendering of an OpenGL-generated scene, blended with correct reflection characteristics ...
    • Approximated View Reconstruction Using Precomputed ID-Bitfields 

      Meruvia Pastor, Oscar E.; Strothotte, Thomas (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      A technique is presented to construct arbitrary views of a model by using previously computed views. The technique is simple to implement, completely general for polygonal models and can be used within object hierarchies ...
    • A Simple Validity Condition for B-Spline Hyperpatches 

      Conde Rodriguez, Francisco de Asis; Torres Cantero, Juan Carlos (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      The use of hyperpatches as a method for solid modelling has a problem: the validity of the model is not guaranteed. The problem of ensuring the validity of hyperpatch representations of solids is discussed in this work, ...
    • Approximated Phong Shading by using the Euler Method 

      Hast, Anders; Barrera, Tony; Bengtsson, Ewert (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      After almost three decades and several improvements, Gouraud shading is still more often used for interactive computer graphics than Phong shading. One of the main reasons for this is of course that Phong shading is ...
    • Piecewise Constant Conic Sections for Accelerated Volume Density Rendering 

      Hougs, Roland B.; Day, A. M. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In order to accelerate the rendering of volumetric shadows, we propose a new technique which builds sets of conic volumes to approximate the shape of shadows in a participating medium. The novelty of our approach is notably ...
    • HYPER MASK – Projecting a Virtual Face onto a Moving Real Object 

      Morishima, Shigeo; Yotsukura, T.; Nielsen, F.; Binsted, K.; Pinhanez, C. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      HYPERMASK is a system which projects an animated face onto a physical mask, worn by an actor. As the mask moves within a prescribed area, its position and orientation are detected by a camera, and the projected image changes ...
    • Deformable Terrain Generation for Real-time Strategy Game 

      Davison, Christopher; Tang, Wen (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In this paper, we present a system that has the ability to deform terrain for Real-time Strategy Game with general PC hardware specifications. Various effects could be simulated in real-time such as raising and lowering ...