Now showing items 861-880 of 2886

    • Constructive Hypervolume Textures 

      Schmitt, B.; Pasko, A.; Adzhiev, V.; Schlick, C. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      The concept of solid texturing is extended in two directions: constructive modeling of space partitions for texturing and modeling of multidimensional textured objects called hypervolumes. A hypervolume is considered as a ...
    • Parametric Motion Blending through Wavelet Analysis 

      Ahmed, Amr; Mokhtarian, Farzin; Hilton, Adrian (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper shows how multiresolution blending can be employed with time-warping for realistic parametric motion generation from pre-stored motion data. The goal is to allow the animator to define the desired motion using ...
    • Towards Rapid Reconstruction for Animated Ray Tracing 

      Lext, Jonas; Akenine-Möller, Tomas (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This article discusses methods for avoiding that the reconstruction of the acceleration data structure becomes a bottleneck in animated or interactive ray tracing. Situations in which this could occur include trying to ...
    • Volumetric Model Repair for Virtual Reality Applications 

      Kolb, Andreas; John, Lars (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Repairing Virtual Reality (VR) models is a challenge for productive applications. This paper describes a fast implementation of Nooruddin and Turk’s ray-stabbing method 14 based on standard graphics hardware. Raystabbing ...
    • A Microfacet Based Coupled Specular-Matte BRDF Model with Importance Sampling 

      Kelemen, Csaba; Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper presents a BRDF model based on the analysis of the photon collisions with the microfacets of the surface. The new model is not only physically plausible, i.e. symmetric and energy conserving, but provides other ...
    • Gaze-Contingent Level Of Detail Rendering 

      Murphy, Hunter; Duchowski, Andrew T. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      The contributions of this paper are the development and evaluation of a nonisotropic model-based Level Of Detail (LOD) rendering technique for gaze-contingent viewing of multiresolution meshes. A high resolution portion ...
    • Collision Detection for Continuously Deforming Bodies 

      Larsson, Thomas; Akenine-Möller, Tomas (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Fast and accurate collision detection between geometric bodies is essential in application areas like virtual reality, animation, simulation, games and robotics. In this work, we address the collision detection problem in ...
    • Managing Gigabyte Virtual EnvironmentWalkthrough 

      Shou, Lidan; Chionh, Jason; Huang, Zhiyong; Ruan, Yixin; Tan, Kian-Lee (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In this paper, we study the problem of interactive walkthrough of a large virtual environment (VE) where the data representing 3D virtual objects can not reside completely in the main memory. We tap into the wealth of ...
    • Game Based Interfaces 

      Diener, Holger; Schumacher, Hagen (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Complex menu and dialog structures prevent users from working intuitively with standard applications. In this paper, a new kind of user interface is suggested based on concepts of computer games. Defining a new structure ...
    • An Improved Spacetime Ray Tracing System for the Visualization of Relativistic Effects 

      Li, Jiang; Shum, Heung-Yeung; Peng, Qunsheng (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Traditional ray tracing methods are based on Newton’s classical mechanics. They cannot reproduce the visual phenomena of high-speed motion. In this paper, we develop an improved spacetime ray tracing system, which provides ...
    • N-Adic Subdivision Schemes for Local Mesh Deformation 

      Salomon, Gabriel; Leclerq, Antoine; Akkouche, Samir; Galin, E. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      This paper presents an interpolating subdivision scheme based on an N-adic decomposition of the parameter space. This approach enables us to locally deform the surface according to a modification of the normals at the ...
    • Space-Time Hierarchical Radiosity with Clustering and Higher-OrderWavelets 

      Damez, Cyrille; Holzschuch, Nicolas; Sillion, Francois X. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      We address in this paper the issue of computing global illumination solutions for animation sequences. The principal difficulties lie in the computational complexity of global illumination, emphasized by the movement of ...
    • Animation of Facial Expressions by Physical Modeling 

      Zhang, Yu; Prakash, Edmond C.; Sung, Eric (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In this paper, we propose a physically-based 3D dynamic facial model based on anatomical knowledge for realistic facial expression animation. The facial model incorporates a physically-based approximation to facial skin ...
    • Interactive 3D Modeling in the Inception Phase of Architectural Design 

      de Vries, B.; Jessurun, A.J.; van Wijk, J.J. (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      In architectural design 3D modeling in the inception phase is up to now not supported in CAD. Moreover 3D modeling is still far from intuitive with the common interface techniques. This paper introduces a 3D modeling tool ...
    • Rendering: Input and Output 

      Rushmeier, Holly (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Rendering is the process of creating an image from numerical input data. In the past few years our ideas about methods for acquiring the input data and the form of the output have expanded. The availability of inexpensive ...
    • Are Points the Better Graphics Primitives? 

      Gross, Markus (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Since the early days of graphics the computer based representation of three-dimensional geometry has been one of the core research fields. Today, various sophisticated geometric modelling techniques including NURBS or ...
    • Why Games Will Be the Preeminent Art Form of the 21st Century 

      Hecker, Chris (Eurographics Association, 2001)
      Computer games share many artistic and technical characteristics with films of the early 1900s. Games' artistic evolution is hampered by the lack of artistic respect from society at large, and the lack of technical standards ...
    • Interactive 3D Rendering and Visualization in Networked Environments 

      Martin, Ioana M.; Klosowski, James T.; Horn, William P. (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Efficient delivery of 3D graphics over networks is becoming increasingly important for a number of applications, ranging from industrial design and manufacturing to entertainment. As companiesmake the transition from a ...
    • Dealing with Shape Complexity for Internet Access and Graphic Applications 

      Rossignac, Jarek (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      Standard representations of 3D models are so verbose that only very simple models can be accessed over common communication links for immediate viewing. This situation is not likely to improve, since the need for more ...
    • The modelling of growing natural forms 

      Jones, Huw; Kaandorp, Jaap (Eurographics Association, 2000)
      The tutorial introduces a variety of ways of modelling branching biological structures. Methods for generating plant like images, such as Diffusion Limited Aggregation and Iterated Function Systems are briefly discussed. ...