Now showing items 701-720 of 2886

    • Information Visualization using Transparent Shape Impostors 

      Seipel, Stefan (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Transparency is a graphical effect used in visualizations to present co-located graphical glyphs. Accomplishing a visually convincing transparency effect requires complex calculations of light absorption and refraction in ...
    • On the characterization of avatars in Distributed Virtual Worlds 

      Morillo, Pedro; Fernandez, Marcos; Orduna, Juan Manuel (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Current Distributed Virtual Environment (DVE) systems run simulations based on a server-network architecture, where the population of avatars should be properly assigned to the servers in the DVE. This goal, called ...
    • Skeleton Subspace Deformation with Displacement Map 

      Liu, Feng; Liang, Ronghua; Ye, Dahai (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Skeleton Subspace Deformation (SSD) is a novel Free Form Deformation technology (FFD), and plays an important role in character animation, interactive game and other fields. In this paper, we present a new layered algorithm ...
    • Evolutionary Design of BRDFs 

      Meyer-Spradow, Jennis; Loviscach, Joern (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      The look of a non-transparent material is determined by its bidirectional reflection distribution function (BRDF). To design 3-D objects for example for games or animation films thus includes to design BRDFs. However, as ...
    • Parallel Visibility Test and Occlusion Culling in Avango Virtual Environment Framework 

      Klimenko, Stanislav; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Real-time visibility test is an attractive feature for Virtual Environment (VE) applications where large datasets should be interactively explored. In such scenes most of the objects are usually occluded by other ones, and ...
    • Real-Time Simulation of Flexible Materials in Avango Virtual Environment Framework 

      Klimenko, Stanislav; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      his paper describes a system for real-time simulation of linear elastic deformations of volumetric objects in Virtual Environments, implemented in Avango VE Framework 1. The approach makes use of the methods of Finite and ...
    • Crosstalk reduction in passive stereo-projection systems 

      Klimenko, Stanislav; Frolov, Pavel; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We describe a scheme for reduction of depolarization artefacts in passive stereo-projection systems. These problems appear due to non-perfectness of stereo-projection equipment: depolarization of the light due to reflection ...
    • PREFACE 

      Unknown author (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • 3D Model Search Engine Based on Lightfield Descriptors 

      Shen, Yu-Te; Chen, Ding-Yun; Tian, Xiao-Pei; Ouhyoung, Ming (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      With the development of modern 3D modelling and digitizing tools, more and more models have been created recently, which leads to the necessity of the technique of 3D model retrieval system. Our 3D model search engine has ...
    • Curve Synthesis from Learned Refinement Models 

      Simhon, Saul; Dudek, Gregory (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a method for generating refined 2D illustrations from hand drawn outlines consisting of only curve strokes. The system controllably synthesizes novel illustrations by augmenting the hand drawn curves’ shape, ...
    • 3deSoundBox – a Scalable, Platform-Independent 3D Sound System for Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications 

      Stampfl, Philipp (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Sound is one of the most important components in animations, presentations and especially immersive environments. Many aspects are recognized more intuitively when sound supports vision and it is easier to follow a story ...
    • A New 3D Spring for Deformable Object Animation 

      Jeong, Il-Kwon; Lee, Inho (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      A new3D spring for deformable object animation is proposed. Currently mass-spring system is most widely used in a deformable object animation as well as cloth animation. In order to perform a realistic cloth animation using ...
    • Fast Marching farthest point sampling 

      Moenning, Carsten; Dodgson, Neil A. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We introduce the Fast Marching farthest point sampling (FastFPS) approach for the progressive sampling of planar domains and curved manifolds in triangulated, point cloud or implicit form. By using Fast Marching methods2, ...
    • Large XML Document Manager and Visualizer 

      Merienne, J. P.; Jacquemin, C. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This work presents an interactive Graphical User Interface used to display and manipulate collection of large XML documents. It relies on a geometrical model that combines hierarchical and sequential representations. In ...
    • Polygon-Polygon Collision Detection in 2D 

      Jiménez Delgado, Juan J.; Segura Sánchez, Rafael J.; Feito Higueruela, Francisco R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Collision detection between moving objects is an open question which raises major problems concerning its algorithmic complexity. In this paper we present a polygon collision detection algorithm which uses polygon decomposition ...
    • Predictive fixed-frame rate tessellation of NURBS surfaces 

      Sanchez, H.; Moreno, A.; Garcia-Alonso, A. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this work we propose a predictive fixed-frame rate scheme that shows how to control the visualization frame rate using uniform dynamic tessellation. Similar to previous works5; 6, tessellation quality criteria is based ...
    • A Spatial Representation for Ray-Scene Intersection Test Improvement in Complex Scenes 

      Revelles, J.; Aguilera, N.; Aguado, J.; Lastra, M.; Garcia, R.; Montes, R. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a spatial representation based on a hierarchical structure using the well-known spatial indexing structure called octree. There are very useful spatial representations for scenes whose objects can be distributed ...
    • Ashli – Advanced Shading Language Interface 

      Preetham, Arcot J.; Bleiweiss, Avi (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      The support for IEEE floating point computation and the exposure of shading functionality in a standardize API form have made graphics hardware a viable workflow solution to an artist involved in digital content creation ...
    • Persepolis: Recovering history with a handheld camera 

      Sainz, M.; Susin, A.; Cervantes, A.; Bagherzadeh, N. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this paper we present new improvements to our novel pipeline for image based modeling of objects using a camcorder. Our system takes an uncalibrated sequence of images recorded around a scene, it automatically recovers ...
    • Virtual Modelling 

      Kiss, Szilárd; Nijholt, Anton; Zwiers, Job (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We concentrate our efforts on building virtual modelling environments where the content creator uses controls (widgets) as an interactive adjustment modality for the properties of the edited objects. Besides the advantage ...