Now showing items 21-40 of 114

    • Efficient and Consistent Algorithms for Determining the Containment of Points in Polygons and Polyhedra 

      Chen, Min; Townsend, Teeter (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Algorithms are presented for the determination of whether a given point E<sup>2</sup> in is interior to, exterior to or on an arbitrary polygonal boundary and for the determination of whether a point in E <sup>3</sup> is ...
    • HIRASP: A Hierarchical Interactive Rastergraphics System Based on Pattern Graphs and Pattern Expressions 

      Teunissen, Wim J.M.; van den Bos, Jan (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      To exploit the full capabilities of raster graphics, two and three dimensional drawing primitives should play a preponderant role in the specification of a graphics standard. In addition there should be facilities for ...
    • Generative Scene Modelling 

      Beyer, Thomas; Friedell, Mark (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      We describe a new theory of scene modelling that includes generative processes as integral components of scene descriptions. A single, uniform treatment of generative processes replaces the variety of ad hoc mechanisms ...
    • An Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygons 

      Kaufman, Arie (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A three-dimensional (3D) scan-conversion algorithm, that scanconverts 3D planar polygons into their discrete voxel-map representation within a Cubic Frame Buffer (CFB), is presented. The algorithm, which is a variation of ...
    • Parallel Graphical Output from Dialogue Cells 

      Ten Hagen, P.J.W.; Schouten, H.J. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A system that accepts and processes graphical output from parallel processes using a single workstation, and its use in a User Interface Management System called Dialogue Cells, is described. It allows for a programmer to ...
    • Shape Approximation by a Fractal Model 

      Levy-Vehel, J.; Gagalowicz, A. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The use of fractals to synthesize complex objects is of current interest in the computer graphics community. A powerful way to compute fractals is the use of IFS (iterated function system) which is a set of contractions ...
    • The Reconstruction of Neurone Morphology from Thin Optical Sections - Graphical Aspects 

      Brown, A. D.; Wheal, H. V.; Stockley, E. W. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The aims of the project are two-fold: firstly, to create an accurate three-dimensional model of a neurone from the mammalian nervous system, which can be used to obtain quantitative geometric and topological data on the ...
    • Real-Time Scan-Line In-Fill 

      Allerton, D. J.; Evemy, J. D.; Zaluska, E. J. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A novel algorithm is described to perform in-fill of wire-frame polygons, typically for application in visual systems for flight simulation. Post-processing is performed on an image formed in a conventional raster-scan ...
    • An Interactive Graphic Simulator for the Teaching of Fibrendoscopic Techniques 

      Gillies, Duncan; Williams, Christopher (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A simulator has been designed and implemented for teaching the skills required for fibrendoscopic investigation of the colon. The student using the simulator manipulates a dummy endoscope control head in which the rotary ...
    • A VLSI System Architecture for High-Speed Radiative Transfer 3D Image Synthesis 

      Bu, Jichun; Deprettere, Ed F. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      In this paper we present a VLSI system architecture for high-speed synthesis of 3D images composed of diffusely reflective surfaces. The system consists of two loosely coupled sub-systems. The first sub-system computes the ...
    • Active-Ray Tracing for 3D Medical Imaging 

      Trousset, Yves; Schmitt, Francis (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Large quantities of three-dimensional (3D) information are produced by 3D medical imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, in the form of digital volumes (DV). We propose a new approach to help a human observer to visualize ...
    • Interactive Generation of Fractal Objects 

      Kaandorp, J. A. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      In this paper a description is given of the development of data structures by which a large class of fractal objects can be represented using production rules, together with an algorithm to generate these objects. These ...
    • Extended Octtrees, between CSG Trees and Boundary Representations 

      Navazo, Isabel; Fontdecaba, Josep; Brunet, Pere (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Besides the most widely used models in the Geometric Modeling Systems, Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and Boundary Representations (BR), Octtrees have appeared as an alternative representation scheme which is particularly ...
    • Extraction and Organization of Form Features into a Structured Boundary Model 

      Falcidieno, Bianca; Giannini, Franca (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A method is presented for the automatic identification and extraction of feature information from the solid model of an object. The procedure consists of recognizing shape features, extracting those features as solid volumes ...
    • Experiences in Implementing Postscript 

      Goswell, Crispin A. A. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes an implementation of POSTSCRIPT for previewing use on workstations with high resolution bitmapped displays. It discusses implementation of storage management, area fill and line drawing, imaging, fonts ...
    • A New Algorithm of Space Tracing Using a CSG Model 

      Bouatouch, Kadi; Madani, M.O.; Priol, Thierry; Arnaldi, Bruno (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes a new algorithm of space tracing. Scenes are modeled by a CSG tree. Space is subdivided regularly into 3D regions called boxes. With each box is associated a subtree which is the restriction of the ...
    • Parallel Polygon Rendering with Precomputed Surface Patches 

      Theoharis, Theoharis; Page, Ian (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      We describe an algorithm for rendering a restricted class of trapeziums, and hence arbitrary polygons, in parallel on an NxN SIMD array processor. The algorithm achieves good performance by precomputing “surface patches” ...
    • GOCS - The GKS-oriented Communication System 

      Egelhaaf, Chr.; Schuermann, G. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      We present a system which offers a distributed GKS in an open network. The GKS kernel and the workstations are located on different hosts. There is no restriction to the full level 2b functionality of GKS due to the ...
    • A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing 

      Amanatides, John; Woo, Andrew (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A fast and simple voxel traversal algorithm through a 3D space partition is introduced. Going from one voxel to its neighbour requires only two floating point comparisons and one floating point addition. Also, multiple ray ...
    • Conformal Texture Mapping 

      Fiume, E.; Fournier, A.; Canale, V. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A new class of geometric mappings is introduced to computer graphics, and the utility of this class is illustrated by applying it to texture mapping. When mapping a texture onto a surface such as a polygon, the entire ...