Now showing items 1-20 of 114

    • 3D Models in Computer-Assisted Chemistry 

      Roch, Michel; Cretegny, Isabelle; Weber, Jacques (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Novel and efficient algorithms have been developed in order to display on a raster scan device some basic 3D models used in computer-assisted chemistry. They allow, among other things, the construction and manipulation of ...
    • 6th EUROGRAPHICS UK Conference 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • ACM SIGGRAPH 86, Dallas, Texas, 18-22 August 

      Robinson, K. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • Active-Ray Tracing for 3D Medical Imaging 

      Trousset, Yves; Schmitt, Francis (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Large quantities of three-dimensional (3D) information are produced by 3D medical imaging techniques such as CT and MRI, in the form of digital volumes (DV). We propose a new approach to help a human observer to visualize ...
    • ADA? and NIL: Two Concurrent Languages for GKS 

      Milanese, V. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The Graphical Kernel System (GKS) has become an international standard in graphics programming and attempts are now being made to integrate it with multiprocessing, possibly in distributed systems. It is therefore necessary ...
    • An Algorithm for 3D Scan-Conversion of Polygons 

      Kaufman, Arie (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      A three-dimensional (3D) scan-conversion algorithm, that scanconverts 3D planar polygons into their discrete voxel-map representation within a Cubic Frame Buffer (CFB), is presented. The algorithm, which is a variation of ...
    • Annual General Meeting of the Spanish Chapter of EUROGRAPHICS 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • An Approach to the Formal Specification of Configurable Models of Graphics Systems 

      Arnold, D.B.; Duce, D.A.; Reynolds, G.J (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper describes a general framework for the formal specification of modular graphics systems. The approach is illustrated by an example taken from the Graphical Kernel System (GKS) and uses the Z specification notation.
    • Arbitrary Rotation of Raster Images with SIMD Machine Architectures 

      Arabnia, H.R.; Oliver, M.A. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
      An algorithm for the rotation of a raster image by an arbitrary angle is described. The image data structure is closely related to runlength code. The algorithm has been designed to exploit SIMD parallel architectures. It ...
    • An Automatic Interpolation Method of Grayvalued Images Utilizing Density Contour Lines 

      Agui, Takeshi; Saito, Minoru; Nakajima, Masayuki; Arai, Yukihiro (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      This paper presents an automatic method of interpolation or inbetweening for gray valued images, which have been difficult to be processed automatically. The method consists of three parts. The first i s the extraction of ...
    • Bezier Patches with Local Shape Control Parameters 

      Schmitt, Francis J. M.; Du, Wen-Hui (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      In this paper, we introduce three types of shape control parmeters (tension, bias, and continuity) into the modelling of free-form surfaces composed of bicubic Bernstein-Bezier patches. This is an extension to surfaces of ...
    • Book Reviews 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
      Book reviewed in this article:Author:EncarncaTao, J.L. Title: CAD-Handbuch, Auswahl d Einsatz von CAD-Systemen (CAD manual, selection and introduction of CAD systems)Author. EncarncaTo, J., Schuster, R. and Voge, E. (eds.) ...
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • Calendar of Events 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • Call for participation 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)

      Brodlie, Ken; Henderson, Lofton; Mumford, Anne (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1987)
    • The Clockworks: An Object-Oriented Computer Animation System 

      Breen, David E.; Getto, Phillip H.; Apodaca, Anthony A.; Schmidt, Daniel G.; Sarachan, Brion D. (Eurographics Association, 1987)
      The Clockworks is an object-oriented computer animation system developed at RPl's Center for Interactive Computer Graphics (CICG). The Clockworks has the ability to model and graphically simulate complex 3-D engineering ...

      - (Eurographics Association, 1987)