Automatic Lighting Design from Photographic Rules
Jérémy Wambecke, Romain Vergne, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, and Joëlle Thollot
Contact Visualization
Jean-Eudes Marvie, Gael Sourimant, and A. Dufay
Introducing Basic Principles of Haptic Cinematography and Editing
Philippe Guillotel, Fabien Danieau, Julien Fleureau, and Ines Rouxel
Automated Cinematography with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Quentin Galvane, Julien Fleureau, Francois-Louis Tariolle, and Philippe Guillotel
Analysing Cinematography with Embedded Constrained Patterns
Hui-Yin Wu and Marc Christie

Recent Submissions

  • Automated Cinematography with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 

    Galvane, Quentin; Fleureau, Julien; Tariolle, Francois-Louis; Guillotel, Philippe (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    The rise of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and their increasing use in the cinema industry calls for the creation of dedicated tools. Though there is a range of techniques to automatically control drones for a variety of ...
  • Analysing Cinematography with Embedded Constrained Patterns 

    Wu, Hui-Yin; Christie, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Cinematography carries messages on the plot, emotion, or more general feeling of the film. Yet cinematographic devices are often overlooked in existing approaches to film analysis. In this paper, we present Embedded ...
  • Introducing Basic Principles of Haptic Cinematography and Editing 

    Guillotel, Philippe; Danieau, Fabien; Fleureau, Julien; Rouxel, Ines (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Adding the sense of touch to hearing and seeing would be necessary for a true immersive experience. This is the promise of the growing "4D-cinema" based on motion platforms and others sensory effects (water spray, wind, ...
  • Contact Visualization 

    Marvie, Jean-Eudes; Sourimant, Gael; Dufay, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    We present in this paper a production-oriented technique designed to visualize contact in real-time between 3D objects. The motivation of this work is to provide integrated tools in the production workflow that help artists ...
  • Automatic Lighting Design from Photographic Rules 

    Wambecke, Jérémy; Vergne, Romain; Bonneau, Georges-Pierre; Thollot, Joëlle (The Eurographics Association, 2016)
    Lighting design is crucial in 3D scenes modeling for its ability to provide cues to understand the objects shape. However a lot of time, skills, trials and errors are required to obtain a desired result. Existing automatic ...
  • WICED 2016: Frontmatter 

    Rémi Ronfard; Marc Christie; Quentin Galvane; Arnav Jhala (Eurographics Association, 2016)