Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Eye-tracktive: Measuring Attention to Body Parts when Judging Human Motions 

      Ennis, Cathy; Hoyet, Ludovic; O'Sullivan, Carol (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      Virtual humans are often endowed with human-like characteristics to make them more appealing and engaging. Motion capture is a reliable way to represent natural motion on such characters, thereby allowing a wide range of ...
    • Individual Time Stepping for SPH Fluids 

      He, Liangliang; Ban, Xiaojuan; Liu, Xu; Wang, Xiaokun (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      We present a novel adaptive stepping scheme for SPH fluids, in which particles have their own time-steps determined from local conditions, e.g. Courant condition. These individual time-steps are constrained for global ...
    • Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation 

      Cetinaslan, Ozan; Orvalho, Verónica; Lewis, John (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
      The blendshape approach is a widely used technique to generate realistic facial animation. However, creating blendshape facial animations using traditional weight editing tools requires either memorizing the function of a ...