Fast Edge-based Geodesic Poisson Disk Remeshing
Tom Uhlmann, Libor Váša, and Guido Brunnett
3D Architectural Modeling: Efficient RANSAC for n-gonal Primitive Fitting
Ahsan Abdullah, Reema Bajwa, Syed Rizwan Gilani, Zuha Agha, Saeed Boor Boor, Murtaza Taj, and Sohaib Ahmed Khan
4D Mesh Reconstruction from Time-Varying Voxelized Geometry through ARAP Tracking
Ludovic Blache, Mathieu Desbrun, Celine Loscos, and Laurent Lucas
Quadratic Encoding for Hand Pose Reconstruction from Multi-Touch Input
Se-Joon Chung, Junggon Kim, Shangchen Han, and Nancy S. Pollard
Isogeometric Analysis for Modelling and Design
Andreas Riffnaller-Schiefer, Ursula H. Augsdörfer, and Dieter W. Fellner
Fractured Object Reassembly via Robust Surface Registration
Pavlos Mavridis, Anthousis Andreadis, and Georgios Papaioannou
Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation
Ozan Cetinaslan, Verónica Orvalho, and John Lewis
Capture and Physics
Interactive HDR Environment Map Capturing on Mobile Devices
Peter Kán
Content-Aware Projection for Tiny Planets
Matthew Brown
Eye-tracktive: Measuring Attention to Body Parts when Judging Human Motions
Cathy Ennis, Ludovic Hoyet, and Carol O'Sullivan
Individual Time Stepping for SPH Fluids
Liangliang He, Xiaojuan Ban, Xu Liu, and Xiaokun Wang
Target Temperature Driven Dynamic Flame Animation
Qiaodong Cui, Zhaohui Wu, Chang Xing, Zhong Zhou, and Wei Wu
An Interactive Editing System for Visual Appearances of Fire and Explosions
Yoshinori Dobashi, Yuhei Shibukawa, Munehiro Tada, Syuhei Sato, Kei Iwasaki, and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto
Rendering and /static/icons
Pixel Merge Unit
Rahul Sathe and Tomas Akenine-Möller
High-Quality Shadows for Streaming Terrain Rendering
Matthäus G. Chajdas, Florian Reichl, Christian Dick, and Rüdiger Westermann
Adaptive LightSlice for Virtual Ray Lights
Roald Frederickx, Pieterjan Bartels, and Philip Dutré
Interactive Pixel-Accurate Rendering of LR-Splines and T-Splines
Jon M. Hjelmervik and Franz G. Fuchs
Improving k-buffer Methods via Occupancy Maps
Andreas A. Vasilakis and Georgios Papaioannou
Separation of Manga Line Drawings and Screentones
Kota Ito, Yusuke Matsui, Toshihiko Yamasaki, and Kiyoharu Aizawa
Generation of Folded Terrains from Simple Vector Maps
Elie Michel, Arnaud Emilien, and Marie-Paule Cani

Recent Submissions

  • Generation of Folded Terrains from Simple Vector Maps 

    Michel, Elie; Emilien, Arnaud; Cani, Marie-Paule (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    While several terrain generation methods focused on plausible watersheds, the fact that most mountains should not be isolated but rather be part of wider scale mountain ranges was seldom considered. In this work, we present ...
  • Separation of Manga Line Drawings and Screentones 

    Ito, Kota; Matsui, Yusuke; Yamasaki, Toshihiko; Aizawa, Kiyoharu (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Screentones are unique expressions of Japanese comics (manga), which enrich their visual expression. However, such screentones have a very different visual nature from that of line drawing areas; this prevents us from ...
  • Improving k-buffer Methods via Occupancy Maps 

    Vasilakis, Andreas A.; Papaioannou, Georgios (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    In this work, we investigate an efficient approach to treat fragment racing when computing k-nearest fragments. Based on the observation that knowing the depth position of the k-th fragment we can optimally find the k-closest ...
  • Adaptive LightSlice for Virtual Ray Lights 

    Frederickx, Roald; Bartels, Pieterjan; Dutré, Philip (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We speed up the rendering of participating media with Virtual Ray Lights (VRLs) by clustering them in a preprocessing step. A subset of representative VRLs is then sampled from the clustering, which is used for the final ...
  • Interactive Pixel-Accurate Rendering of LR-Splines and T-Splines 

    Hjelmervik, Jon M.; Fuchs, Franz G. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Flexible surface types on irregular grids, such as T-splines and LR-splines, are gaining popularity in science and industry due to the possibility for local grid refinement. We present a novel rendering algorithm for those ...
  • High-Quality Shadows for Streaming Terrain Rendering 

    Chajdas, Matthäus G.; Reichl, Florian; Dick, Christian; Westermann, Rüdiger (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Rendering of large, detailed 3D terrains on commodity hardware has become possible through the use of raycasting, data caching and prefetching. Adding dynamic shadows as they appear during a day-night cycle remais a challenge ...
  • Pixel Merge Unit 

    Sathe, Rahul; Akenine-Möller, Tomas (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Multi-sample anti-aliasing is a popular technique for reducing geometric aliasing (jagged edges) and is supported in all modern graphics processors. With multi-sampling anti-aliasing, visibility and depth are sampled more ...
  • An Interactive Editing System for Visual Appearances of Fire and Explosions 

    Dobashi, Yoshinori; Shibukawa, Yuhei; Tada, Munehiro; Sato, Syuhei; Iwasaki, Kei; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Synthetic volumetric fire and explosions are important visual effects used in many applications such as computer games and movies. For these applications, artists are often requested to achieve the desired visual appearance ...
  • Target Temperature Driven Dynamic Flame Animation 

    Cui, Qiaodong; Wu, Zhaohui; Xing, Chang; Zhou, Zhong; Wu, Wei (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Fire/flame plays an important role in virtual environment. Controlling the flame behavior in an intuitive yet precise manner remains a challenging open problem. In this paper, a target temperature driven simulation method ...
  • Individual Time Stepping for SPH Fluids 

    He, Liangliang; Ban, Xiaojuan; Liu, Xu; Wang, Xiaokun (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present a novel adaptive stepping scheme for SPH fluids, in which particles have their own time-steps determined from local conditions, e.g. Courant condition. These individual time-steps are constrained for global ...
  • Eye-tracktive: Measuring Attention to Body Parts when Judging Human Motions 

    Ennis, Cathy; Hoyet, Ludovic; O'Sullivan, Carol (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Virtual humans are often endowed with human-like characteristics to make them more appealing and engaging. Motion capture is a reliable way to represent natural motion on such characters, thereby allowing a wide range of ...
  • Interactive HDR Environment Map Capturing on Mobile Devices 

    Kán, Peter (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Real world illumination, captured by digitizing devices, is beneficial to solve many problems in computer graphics. Therefore, practical methods for capturing this illumination are of high interest. In this paper, we present ...
  • Sketch-Based Controllers for Blendshape Facial Animation 

    Cetinaslan, Ozan; Orvalho, Verónica; Lewis, John (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    The blendshape approach is a widely used technique to generate realistic facial animation. However, creating blendshape facial animations using traditional weight editing tools requires either memorizing the function of a ...
  • Content-Aware Projection for Tiny Planets 

    Brown, Matthew (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Tiny Planets visualise the world looking down at the ground, with physically unrealisable projections that curve the ground plane to look like small worlds. Whilst certain geometries, such as Stereographic, are known to ...
  • Fractured Object Reassembly via Robust Surface Registration 

    Mavridis, Pavlos; Andreadis, Anthousis; Papaioannou, Georgios (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    The reassembly of fractured 3D objects from their parts is an important problem in cultural heritage and other domains.We approach reassembly from a geometric matching perspective and propose a pipeline for the automatic ...
  • Quadratic Encoding for Hand Pose Reconstruction from Multi-Touch Input 

    Chung, Se-Joon; Kim, Junggon; Han, Shangchen; Pollard, Nancy S. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    One of the most compelling challenges in virtual reality today is to allow users to carry out virtual manipulation tasks using their hands. Multi-touch devices are an interesting interface for this task, as they are widely ...
  • Isogeometric Analysis for Modelling and Design 

    Riffnaller-Schiefer, Andreas; Augsdörfer, Ursula H.; Fellner, Dieter W. (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present an isogeometric design and analysis approach based on NURBS-compatible subdivision surfaces. The approach enables the description of watertight free-form surfaces of arbitrary degree, including conic sections ...
  • 4D Mesh Reconstruction from Time-Varying Voxelized Geometry through ARAP Tracking 

    Blache, Ludovic; Desbrun, Mathieu; Loscos, Celine; Lucas, Laurent (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present a method to derive a time-evolving triangle mesh representation from a sequence of binary volumetric data representing an arbitrary motion. Multi-view reconstruction studios use a multiple camera set to turn an ...
  • 3D Architectural Modeling: Efficient RANSAC for n-gonal Primitive Fitting 

    Abdullah, Ahsan; Bajwa, Reema; Gilani, Syed Rizwan; Agha, Zuha; Boor, Saeed Boor; Taj, Murtaza; Khan, Sohaib Ahmed (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    We present a modeling approach to automatically fit 3D primitives to point clouds in order to generate a CAD like model. For detailed modeling we propose a new n-gonal 3D primitive and a novel RANSAC based fitting approach. ...
  • Fast Edge-based Geodesic Poisson Disk Remeshing 

    Uhlmann, Tom; Váša, Libor; Brunnett, Guido (The Eurographics Association, 2015)
    Triangular meshes of high complexity are common when created by a 3D scanner device and must be reduced for further processing. The geodesic Poisson disk remeshing [FZ08] is a method that generates a simplified mesh with ...

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