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dc.contributor.authorGuthe, Michaelen_US
dc.contributor.authorBorodin, Pavelen_US
dc.contributor.authorBalázs, Ákosen_US
dc.contributor.authorKlein, Reinharden_US
dc.contributor.editorAlexander Keller and Henrik Wann Jensenen_US
dc.description.abstractDespite recent advances in finding efficient LOD-representations for gigantic 3D objects, rendering of complex, gigabyte-sized models and environments is still a challenging task, especially under real-time constraints and high demands on the visual accuracy. The two general approaches are using either a polygon- or a point-based representation for the simplified geometry. With the polygon-based approaches high frame rates can be achieved by sacrificing the exact appearance and thus the image quality. Point-based approaches on the other hand preserve higher image quality at the cost of higher primitive counts and therefore lower frame rates. In this paper we present a new hybrid point-polygon LOD algorithm for real-time rendering of complex models and environments including shadows. While rendering different LODs, we preserve the appearance of an object by using a novel error measure for simplification which allows us to steer the LOD generation in such a way that the geometric as well as the appearance deviation is bounded in image space. Additionally, to enhance the perception of the models shadows should be used. We present a novel LOD selection and prefetching method for real-time rendering of hard shadows. In contrast to the only currently available method for out-of-core shadow generation, our approach entirely runs on a single CPU system.en_US
dc.publisherThe Eurographics Associationen_US
dc.titleReal-time appearance preserving out-of-core rendering with shadowsen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationEurographics Workshop on Renderingen_US

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