Collections in this community

Recent Submissions

  • Are Points the Better Graphics Primitives? 

    Gross, Markus (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Since the early days of graphics the computer based representation of three-dimensional geometry has been one of the core research fields. Today, various sophisticated geometric modelling techniques including NURBS or ...
  • Why Games Will Be the Preeminent Art Form of the 21stCentury 

    Hecker, Chris (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Computer games share many artistic and technical characteristics with films of the early 1900s. Games' artistic evolution is hampered by the lack of artistic respect from society at large, and the lack of technical standards ...
  • Rendering: Input and Output 

    Rushmeier, H. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Rendering is the process of creating an image from numerical input data. In the past few years our ideas about methods for acquiring the input data and the form of the output have expanded. The availability of inexpensive ...
  • CP3: Robust, Output-sensitive Display of Convex Polyhedra in Scanline Mode 

    Barkan, Ella; Gordon, Dan (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    A new technique is developed for displaying disjoint convex polyhedra. The method has the following properties: It is output-sensitive, displays the objects in scanline mode, and it is naturally robust. There is no complex ...
  • Interactive Display of Global Illumination Solutions for Non-diffuse Environments - A Survey 

    Heidrich, Wolfgang (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In recent years there has been a lot of work on interactively displaying global illumination solutions for non-diffuse environments. This is an extremely active field of research, in which a lot of different approaches ...
  • Visual Perception in Realistic Image Synthesis 

    McNamara, Ann (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Realism is often a primary goal in computer graphics imagery, and we strive to create images that are perceptually indistinguishable from an actual scene. Rendering systems can now closely approximate the physical distribution ...
  • Haptic Device Control - Will it Fit Standardized Input Models? 

    Arnold, D. B.; Day, A. M.; Jennings, V.; Courtenay, A.; Duce, D. A. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Over recent years a wide variety of interaction devices involving haptic feedback have been brought to the market, but they vary widely in terms of input measures recorded. These range from one dimensional input on a haptic ...
  • Rendering Natural Waters 

    Premoze, Simon; Ashikhmin, Michael (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Creating and rendering realistic water is one of the most daunting tasks in computer graphics. Realistic rendering of water requires that the sunlight and skylight illumination are correct, the water surface is modeled ...
  • Guided Exploration with Dynamic Potential Fields: the Cubical Path System 

    Beckhaus, Steffi; Ritter, Felix; Strothotte, Thomas (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Exploring unknown models or scenes is a highly interactive and dynamic process. Systems for automatic presentation of models or scenes either require cinematographic rules, direct human interaction, framesets, or pre-calculation ...
  • Control of Feature-point-driven Facial Animation Using a Hypothetical Face 

    Su, Ming-Shing; Ko, Ming-Tat; Cheng, Kuo-Young (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    A new approach to the generation of a feature-point-driven facial animation is presented. In the proposed approach, a hypothetical face is used to control the animation of a face model. The hypothetical face is constructed ...
  • Visibility Driven Rasterization 

    Meissner, M.; Bartz, D.; Gunther, R.; Strasser, W. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    We present a new visibility driven rasterization scheme that significantly increases the rendering performance of modern graphic subsystems. Instead of rasterizing, texturing, lighting, and depth-testing each individual ...
  • Editorial 

    Duke, David; Scopigno, Roberto (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
  • Rendering Silhouettes with Virtual Lights 

    Martin, Domingo; Torres, Juan Carlos (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    We present a new method for obtaining non-photorealistic images. These images have two main visual components: silhouettes and non-realistic colouring. Silhouettes are lines that define the form of an object. They are used ...
  • Eurographics 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
  • Recent Advances in Volume Visualization 

    Brodlie, Ken; Wood, Jason (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In the past few years, there have been key advances in the three main approaches to the visualization of volumetric data: isosurfacing, slicing and volume rendering, which together make up the field of volume visualization.In ...
  • A Novel Approach for Delaunay 3D Reconstruction with a Comparative Analysis in the Light of Applications 

    Nonato, L.; Minghim, R.; Oliveira, M. C. F.; Tavares, G. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    This paper presents a novel algorithm for volumetric reconstruction of objects from planar sections using Delaunay triangulation, which solves the main problems posed to models defined by reconstruction, particularly from ...
  • Adaptive Representation of Specular Light 

    Briere, Normand; Poulin, Pierre (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    Caustics produce beautiful and intriguing illumination patterns. However, their complex behavior makes them difficult to simulate accurately in all but the simplest configurations. To capture their appearance, we present ...
  • Constrained Fairing for Meshes 

    Liu, Xinguo; Bao, Hujun; Heng, PhengAnn; Wong, TienTsin; Peng, Qunsheng (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In this paper, we present a novel fairing algorithm for the removal of noise from uniform triangular meshes without shrinkage and serious distortion. The key feature of this algorithm is to keep all triangle centers invariant ...
  • Triangle Strip Compression 

    Isenburg, Martin (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    In this paper we introduce a simple and efficient scheme for encoding the connectivity and the stripification of a triangle mesh. Since generating a good set of triangle strips is a hard problem, it is desirable to do this ...
  • Smoothing Normal Vectors on Discrete Surfaces While Preserving Slope Discontinuities 

    Thurmer, Grit (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 2001)
    A new method is proposed which smoothes normal vectors over a discrete surface, preserving slope discontinuities and small details. Assume an estimate of the normal vector at each surface point is known and these estimates ...

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