Canterbury, United Kingdom

Recent Submissions

  • Ubiquitous Virtual Reality: Accessing Shared Virtual Environments through Videoconferencing Technology 

    Pfeiffer, Thies; Weber, Matthias; Jung, Bernhard (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents an alternative to existing methods for remotely accessing Virtual Reality (VR) systems. Common solutions are based on specialised software and/or hardware capable of rendering 3D content, which not only ...
  • VRECKO: Virtual Reality Framework 

    Flasar, Jan; Pokluda, Ludek; O lej ek, Radek; Kolcárek, Pavel; Sochor, Jirí (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    In this paper, we present a framework for experimenting with virtual environments. The architecture of the system VRECKO is designed for the rapid prototyping of techniques for human-computer interaction. The architecture ...
  • Freehand 3D Curve Recognition and Oversketching 

    Han, Li; Amicis, Raffaele De; Conti, Giuseppe (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    In the CAD/CAS field, the increasing domination of spline-based graphic objects has driven a great attention to methods focusing on the management of free-form curves. Based on the quick brainstorm illustration and stepwise ...
  • Click and Brush: A Novel Way of Finding Correlations and Relationships in Visualizations 

    Wright, Michael A. E.; Roberts, Jonathan C. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Brushing is a commonly used interaction technique that allows users to select items or an area of the visualization as the user moves the mouse. Brushing is often used with multiple views, where any co-related information ...
  • Real-time Simulation of Crowds Using Voronoi Diagrams 

    Champagne, J.; Tang, W. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    In this paper, we present a novel approach for real-time simulation of crowds. Our method is to compute generalised 2D Voronoi diagrams on environment maps for the locations of agents in the crowds. The Voronoi diagrams ...
  • skML a Markup Language for Distributed Collaborative Visualization 

    Duce, D. A.; Sagar, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper describes a reference model and a markup language for representing processing and dataflow in distributed collaborative visualization applications. The language, skML, enables processing to be represented at ...
  • Augmented Reality Scenarios for Guitar Learning 

    Liarokapis, F. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    In this paper, an experimental self-teaching system capable of superimposing audio-visual information to support the process of learning to play the guitar is proposed. Different learning scenarios have been carefully ...
  • The Data Surface Interaction Paradigm 

    Lindell, Rikard; Larsson, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents, in contrasts to the desktop metaphor, a content centric data surface interaction paradigm for graphical user interfaces applied to music creativity improvisation. Issues taken into account were navigation ...
  • Simulation and Visualization of a large scale Real Time Multi-Robot system 

    Al-Hudhud, G.; Ayesh, A.; Istance, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper describes the software implementation and the visualization aspects of an interaction-communication protocol within a large scalable multi-robot system. It investigates the current communication protocols within ...
  • Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for Astrophysics 

    Walker, Rick; Kenny, Peter; Miao, Jingqi (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Scientific visualization still presents a number of challenges. Effective visualization straddles several problem domains - the data structures needed to support visualization of large data sets, rendering techniques for ...
  • Arachnid Simulation: Scaling Arbitrary Surfaces 

    Cenydd, L. ap; Teahan, W. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    There has been little research done into the realistic simulation of creatures with the ability to crawl across arbitrary surfaces, clamber up walls and walk across ceilings. Realistic simulation of such feats would be of ...
  • Fast Simulation of Facial Tissue Deformations Using Mass-Spring Chain Algorithm 

    Duysak, A.; Zhang, J. J. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    We propose a method to develop a unique head model to be used in craniofacial surgery simulations. This method considers the shape of the head and skull structure and provides a polygonal model, which includes different ...
  • Cost Prediction Maps for Global Illumination 

    Gillibrand, Richard; Debattista, Kurt; Chalmers, Alan (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    There is a growing demand from the media industry, including computer games, virtual reality and simulation, for increasing realism in real-time for their computer generated images. Despite considerable advances in processing ...
  • Towards Realism in Facial Image Prototyping: Results of a Wavelet MRF Method 

    Tiddeman, Bernard; Stirrat, Michael; Perrett, David (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    The ability to combine multiple images to produce a composite that is representative of the set has applications in psychology research, medical imaging and entertainment. Current techniques using a combination of image ...
  • Simulating the Cumulative Effects of Multiple Impacts using 'Fracture Maps' 

    Clifton, T. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Abstract Much research has been carried out within the computer graphics community to simulate the effects of collisions between deformable and rigid bodies, but little has been proposed to take into account the effects ...
  • Perlin Noise and 2D Second-Order Tensor Field Visualization 

    Liu, J.; Perrin, J.; Turner, M.; Hewitt, W. T. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    There has been much research in the use of texture for visulization the vector field data, whereas there has only been a few papers concerned specifically with tensor field data. This set is more complex and embeds more ...
  • Perceptual Level of Detail for Efficient Ray Tracing of Complex Scenes 

    Yang, X.; Chalmers, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Rendering complex scenes in real time remains one of the major challenges in computer graphics. Recent research in perceptual rendering algorithms and level of detail techniques have shown that, by exploiting knowledge of ...
  • Integrating Abstract and Physical Molecular Model Interaction 

    Thorne, Dave; Pettifer, Steve; Attwood, Terri (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Historically, bioinformaticians have carried out protein analysis in one of two ways: by concentrating on either the physical structural representation of the subject data or a more abstract sequential representation. This ...
  • Perceptually-Oriented Interest Management In Large-Scale Networked Virtual Environments 

    Dunwell, I.; Whelan, J. C. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    Amongst the most significant challenges in developing large-scale multi-user virtual environments is the efficient filtering of data to each user - a process commonly described as "interest management". This work-in-progress ...
  • Virtual Sculpting Using Implicit Surfaces with Scattered Data Interpolation 

    Zhang, K.; Noble, R. A.; McDermott, R. J.; Wilson, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
    This paper presents a virtual sculpting system that shows an approach to the interactive deformation of soft objects. The soft objects are represented by implicit surfaces which are visualized using a constrained particle ...

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